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2. Attorneys

Legal Education and Admission to the Bar

When the American Bar Association (ABA) was founded a little more than one hundred years ago, its first priority was to set standards for legal education. Its Section on Legal Education and Admission to the Bar immediately set out to accredit law schools and monitor the quality of the legal education each school provided. The purpose was to guard against widely varying levels of preparedness and education and, thus, professionalism, among attorneys.

What has become a near-universal requirement for becoming a lawyer is possession of a diploma from an ABA-accredited law school, which allows a law school graduate to take the bar examination in any state. Few states permit graduates of non-ABA accredited law schools to sit for their own bar exams, though California allows individuals who have not attended law school but have diligently and in good faith studied law for at least four years to sit for its bar exam. New York, Vermont, Washington, and Wyoming also have conditions under which individuals who have not graduated from law school may sit for the bar exam. But by and large a law degree is necessary to take the bar exam, and in most cases it must be from an ABA-accredited school.

Many states allow reciprocity to attorneys already admitted to the bar in other states, while some place various restrictions upon attorneys admitted outside their jurisdictions, such as requiring attorneys admitted elsewhere to have actively been in practice for a certain number of years before s/he can be admitted without an examination. In general, reciprocity is permitted in two ways: accepting the Multistate Bar Examination (MBE) score; or admitting on motion. States that do not permit attorneys from other jurisdictions to be admitted without examination require them to take a special or abbreviated exam. These states have a large number of attorneys and maintain that the requirement of the bar exam limits the numbers of attorneys coming into the state.

A very recent change in bar exam testing is the addition of a new test called the Multistate Performance Test (MPT). This test is designed to test reading, logical thinking, research and writing skills. As of the publication date over half the states have adopted the new MPT.

Many states have responded to the lack of practical skills among some members of the bar by requiring every attorney to take a required number of continuing legal education courses each year. Mandatory Continuing Legal Education (MCLE) generally focuses on areas of the law that are undergoing rapid, dramatic changes or on areas that strengthen practical skills. Though only about two-thirds of the states have MCLE requirements to date, the trend is clearly to require such ongoing education and MCLE is likely to be a universal requirement in the future.

Table 2: Attorneys
State/Code SectionEducationAgeExamReciprocityMCLEAdmitting BodyResidency
Note: ABA = American Bar Association; AALS = American Association of Law Schools; MBE = Multistate Bar Examination; MCLE = Mandatory Continuing Legal Education; MEE = Multistate Essay Exam; MPRE = Multistate Professional Responsibility Examination
S.Ct. Rule for Mandatory C.L.E. 1, etseq.; 34-3-1, et seq.; S.Ct. Rules governing admission to bar
Law school: graduation after at least 3 yrs. of 30 wks. each from ABA or AALS approved school or graduation after 4 yrs. of 30 wks. each from Birmingham School of Law, Jones Law Inst. or Miles College School of Law; Undergraduate: graduation from any accredited college or university19MBE, including MPRE Scaled Score 75, MPT, and essay exam; multistate score from another jurisdiction accepted for 20 mos. if equal or better than national median; 3 daysProfessors who have taught for 3 yrs. at accredited Alabama law schools and who are admitted in another state may apply for admission without exam; may be admitted without exam if actively practiced 5 out of 6 years and passed exam of reciprocal state12 hrs. each calendar yearBoard of Bar ExaminersNone
08.08.010, etseq. Alaska Bar Rules
Law school: ABA or AALS accredited law school or graduate of non-accredited school who has practiced in another jurisdiction for at least 5 yrs; one may register as law clerk to qualify as applicant without completing law school by presenting proof of bachelors degree and completion of first year of law school; must have regular full-time employment with Alaska judge or attorney, tutor, and meet other specified study requirements18MBE and essay on Alaska law and Alaska practicum; MPT, MPRE administered separately also required; MBE scores from other jurisdictions not transferable; 3 daysMay be admitted without exam if practiced 5 out of 7 years and passed exam in reciprocal stateNoBoard of GovernorsNone required
Sup. Ct. Rules 31-80
Law school: ABA accredited or actively practiced 5 of last 7 yrs. in another state21MBE and essays on Arizona law; MPRE Scaled Score 85 and essay; 2 daysExam required by all applicants. Appearing Ad hoc permitted Rule 33(c)15 hrs. per year, 3 must concern legal ethicsSupreme CourtNone
State/Code SectionEducationAgeExamReciprocityMCLEAdmitting BodyResidency
16-22-201, et seq.; Ark. Rule for CLE 3; Rules Governing Adm. to Bar
Law school: approved by ABA21 unless graduate of accredited, recognized, or Class A law schoolMBE and essay MPRE unlimited number; MPT; 3 daysExam required by all applicantsResident: 12 hrs. annually; Nonresident: must comply to requirements of their state and file annual certificate of completionCourts of state; Board of Law ExaminersNone
Bus. & Prof. §§6060, et seq.; §§6070, et seq.
Law school: Graduate from law school accredited by examination committee full-time for 3 yrs. or part time for 4 yrs. or proof applicant has otherwise diligently and in good faith studied law for at least 4 yrs; students at unaccredited law school must take preliminary bar exam at end of first year of law school; undergraduate: 2 yrs. or apparent intellectual ability equivalent to 2 yrs. of college work18MBE, essay, and MPRE Scaled Score 79, 3 day examMust: (1) meet age and moral character requirements; (2) be admitted before highest court in sister state or foreign country; (3) have actively engaged in practice of law 4 of last 6 yrs.; (4) may have to take attorney exam25 hrs. every 36 months, of which 4 hrs. must be legal ethics, 1 must concern substance abuse, 1 must concern elimination of bias.Supreme CourtNone
CRCP Rules 201, 260; 12-5-101
Law school: Class A: First professional degree from ABA-approved law school; Class B: ABA-approved or state-approved or common law English speaking nation, if portion of legal education from foreign jurisdiction, must graduate from ABA-approved school or, if graduate of state accredited school, then applicant must be admitted in state and have practiced law 5 of 7 yrs. Class A: MPRE; Class B: MBE and additional subjects, MPRE Scaled Score 85; MPT; 2 daysClass A applicant: admitted in another jurisdiction and actively practiced for 5 of last 7 yrs. or scored 152 (scaled) on MBE within last 2 yrs.; Class B applicant: all others, must take written exam, MBE, MPRE, essay45 units every 3 yrs., 7 units must be ethicsSupreme Court 
State/Code SectionEducationAgeExamReciprocityMCLEAdmitting BodyResidency
Rules of Prac. for Sup. Ct. Gen. Provisions §§ 2 et seq., §§12, et seq.
Law school: graduate of school accredited by committee or Master of Laws from accredited school; must have passed professional responsibility exam or course182 day exam, MBE, and essay; MBE scores not transferable; no limit to number of times; MPRE Scaled Score 80 or C or better in an ethics course(1) Passed course or exam in professional responsibility; (2) Licensed to practice in a reciprocal state or territory of U.S. or in D.C. and (A) Practiced at least 5 of 7 yrs. preceding application to Conn. Bar and is in good standing, or (B) If ever failed Conn. BAr, practiced at least 5 of 7 yrs. preceding application in reciprocal state and is in good standing, providing 5 yrs. of practice occurred subsequent to last time applicant failed the Conn. Bar.NoneSuperior CourtMust show intent to practice in state
Sup. Ct. Rules 52, 70; Rules for Mandatory CLE 4; Board of Bar Examiners Rules 13
Law school: baccalaureate law degree or equivalent from ABA approved law school; Undergraduate: baccalaureate degree or equivalent or pass exam determined by board21MBE and essay; Rule 52 (6), MPRE Scaled Score 85; MPT; 2½ daysNone; exam required of all applicants24 hrs. every 2 yrs.; 4 must be legal ethicsSupreme Court on recommendation of board of 12 examiners5 mos. clerk-ship in Delaware required for admission
State/Code SectionEducationAgeExamReciprocityMCLEAdmitting BodyResidency
D.C. Ct. App. Rule 46
Law school: ABA approved law school or if not, 26 semester hrs. at accredited school MBE, essay, and MPRE Scaled Score 75; MBE score from other jurisdictions may be transferred; MPT; 2 days(1) Active member in good standing of other jurisdiction for five years immediately preceding the application to DC, or (2) J.D. or LL.B. from accredited school, admitted to any state or territory with at least 133 scaled score on MBE, and passed MPRE; must apply within 25 mos. of MBENoneD.C. Court of Appeals 
Rules Re Fla. Bar 6-10.3; Rules of S.Ct. relating to admission to the bar Art. III, VI
Law school: graduate of ABA approved law school; Undergraduate: bachelor degree from regionally accredited school18MBE, essay, and MPRE Scaled Score 80; MBE scores not transferable; 2 day examNone; exam required of all applicants30 credit hrs. every 3 yrs., 5 in ethics, professionalism, or substance abuseSupreme Court 
15-19-30, et seq.; State Bar Rules & (2-101) Regs R.8-104; Rules Governing Adm. to Prac. of Law part B §4
Law school: Graduate of ABA approved school. Undergraduate: degree from accredited school or passed CLEP test MBE, essay, MPRE Scaled Score 75; MBE scores not transferable; can take prior to graduation; MPT as of 1/1/99; 2 day examNone; exam required of all applicants; may be admitted without exam from states admitting GA attorneys without exam, must have practiced 5 of 7 yrs. immediately preceding application12 hrs. minimum per year, including 1 hr. of professionalismBoard of Bar Examiners appointed by the Supreme Court 
State/Code SectionEducationAgeExamReciprocityMCLEAdmitting BodyResidency
Sup. Ct. Rules 1
Law school: graduate of ABA approved school or unaccredited and 5 of last 6 yrs. practice; LL.M. not satisfactory substitute for J.D. or LL.B. MPT; MBE, essay, including legal ethics; MBE scores not transferable; MPRE Scaled Score 85; 2 day examExam required of all. Full-time faculty of U. of Hawaii Law School who meet citizenship and education requirements and admitted in another jurisdiction admitted for 3 yrs.; after 3 yrs. may be given permanent licenseNoneSupreme CourtNone
3-408, 3-101
Law school: graduate of ABA approved school; attorney applicants must be admitted to highest court of another state and practiced 5 of last 7 yrs.Age of majorityMPT; MBE, essay; attorney applicants licensed for more than 5 yrs. need not take MBE, MPRE Scaled Score 85; 2½ daysApplicants may transfer previous MBE score from another jurisdiction if taken within 25 mos. of date of exam. Attnys licensed in WA and OR may be eligible for rec. in ID. All others must take exam. MBE portion not required of practiced 5 of 7 yrs. preceding application.30 credit hrs. every 3 yrs., 2 in ethics or professional responsibilityBoard of Commissioners of State Bar 
ILCS S. Ct. Rule 701, et seq.
Law school: First law degree from ABA approved school; Undergraduate: must be graduate of 4 yr. high school or prep school and successfully completed at least 90 semester hrs. at college or university approved by Board of Law Examiners; in lieu of college or preliminary work, Board may accept satisfactory completion of program or curriculum of particular college or university21Professional responsibility and academic exam; MPRE Scaled Score 80, MBE, 2 day exam, MPT, essay, and MBEPracticed in another jurisdiction 5 of last 7 yrs.; passed MPRE20 credit hours every 2 yearsBoard of Admissions appointed by Supreme Court 
State/Code SectionEducationAgeExamReciprocityMCLEAdmitting BodyResidency
Rules for Admission to the Bar & the Discipline of Attys. Rule 1 et seq.
Law school: graduation from ABA approved school or approved list of Indiana Supreme Court or agency thereof; Indiana Supreme Court reserves the right to disapprove any school regardless of ABA approval; 2 hrs. in law school of legal ethics or professional responsibility21MPRE Scaled Score 80, 2 day exam: MPT, essay and MBE1 yr. conditional admission to members in good standing of another bar who are 21, residents of Indiana, of good moral character, and practiced for 5 of last 7 yrs.; may be received for 5 one-year periods after which admission shall be permanentNo less than 6 hrs. each calendar year and no less than 36 hrs. each 3-year educational period; 3 hrs. in professional responsibility each 3 yrs.; no more than 12 hrs. applied in non-legal subject matterSupreme Court 
602.10101, et seq. ; Rules for Admission to the Bar 31.1 et seq., Continuing Legal Education for Lawyers 41.3
Law school: LL.B. or J.D. from reputable law school IA essay test; MBE; MPRE Scaled Score 80 good for 3 yrs.; MPT, 2½ day exam, essay, MBEMember of any other U.S. bar who is resident may be admitted without exam if practiced 5 of last 7 yrs. with bona fide intent to practice in IowaMinimum 15 hrs. during each calendar year and 2 ethics credits during every 2- year periodSupreme CourtRule 31.7 (Admission to Bar) Must Show a bona fide inten- tion to practice in Iowa
State/Code SectionEducationAgeExamReciprocityMCLEAdmitting BodyResidency
Supreme Ct. Rule 701 et seq.
Law school: degree from ABA accredited law school; Undergraduate: bachelors degree from accredited college Essay questions on local law, MBE, MPRE; MBE scores may be transferred from another jurisdiction if within 13 mos. of current exam and if applicant passed entire bar exam of other jurisdiction in one sitting, MPRE-80 Scaled ScoreExam required of all. Temporary license granted if: (1) attorney passed written bar exam in some other jurisdiction more than 5 yrs. ago; (2) has or intends to become Kansas resident to accept employment other than practice of law; (3) will perform legal services only for single employer; (4) of good moral characterAt least 12 hrs. per year (at least 2 hrs. in professional responsibility) except: (1) during first year of practice; (2) retired or inactive; (3) federal and state judges; (4) others exempted for good causeSupreme Court 
Supreme Ct. Rules 2.070; 3.661; 3.665[1]; 3.666
Law school: graduate of ABA or AALS approved law school; if not ABA or AALS then must (1) hold JD from law school in US accredited in jurisdiction of existence and rqrs. 3 yr. course of study, (2) actively practiced law for 3 of 5 yrs., and (3) meets all other KY rqrments. SCR 3.014 MBE and essays; written exam may cover 14 topics; must receive 75% or more; may take exam 3 times; must first pass MPRE before can sit for MBE; MPRE-75 Scaled ScoreCitizen of U.S. admitted in D.C. or state and has practiced 5 of last 7 yrs. provided qualifications were equal or higher than those required for admission in Kentucky; an applicant who has received a 132 or above on the multistate exam in the last 3 yrs. needs only to take the essay portion12.5 hrs./ yr.; at least 2 hrs. of legal ethics or professional responsibility. SCR 3.661The year is not a calendar yearfor the purposes of MCLE hour a year will begin 7/1 and end the following 6/30Supreme Court 
State/Code SectionEducationAgeExamReciprocityMCLEAdmitting BodyResidency
LRS 37:211 et seq.; Supreme Ct. Rules30, et seq.; CLE Rule 1, et seq.; Supreme Ct. Rules requirements for admission to the bar 17, rules for lawyer disciplinary enforcement 19
Law school: ABA approved law school18MBE not used, but all applicants must pass MPRE Scaled Score 80, essay; mayonly take each subject examination twice; 3 day examNone; exam required of all applicants12.5 hrs. per year, including not less than 1 ethics, and not less than 1 hr.professional responsibility. 11 hrs.; 1hr. in professional responsibilitySupreme Court appoints the Committee on Bar Admission 
Tit. 4 §§801, et seq. Maine Bar Admission Rules, Rule 10
Law school: ABA accredited; Undergraduate: at least 2 yrs. at accredited school if successfully completed 2/3 of ABA law school requirements plus 1 year in attorneys office in the state MBE and essays; MPRE Scaled Score 75 and general examination; essay; 2 day exam; MPTNone; exam required of all applicants11 hrs.; 1 hr. in professional responsibilitySupreme Court creates Board of Bar Examiners 
Bus. Occ. §§10-101, et seq.; Bd. of Law Examiners Rule 4, et seq. Rules Governing Admission to the Bar Rule 4
Law school: J.D. or equivalent at school recognized by Board of Law Examiners; Undergraduate: adequate academic work to enter ABA approved school18 to be admitted to bar but not to take examMBE, essay test; MPRE not required; must pass legal professionalism course offered by Bar AssociationIf practiced a total of 10 yrs. or at least 5 of the 10 years preceding application and proof of good, moral character and intent to practice or teach and passes an examinationNoneCourt of Appeals and State Board of Law Examiners 
Ch. 221 §§37, et seq.; Supreme Judicial Court Rule 3:01, et seq.
Law school: ABA approved or authorized foreign law school; Undergraduate: bachelors degree State law and MBE; must pass MPRE Scaled Score 85, 2 day: Essay and MBEAdmitted elsewhere and satisfactory moral character and legal abilityNoneSupreme Judicial Ct. appoints board of Bar Examiners 
State/Code SectionEducationAgeExamReciprocityMCLEAdmitting BodyResidency
600.901, 600.934, 600.937, 600.946; Rules Concerning the State Bar 17 §1 Rules for the Board of Law Examiners Rule 1
Law school: reputable and qualified law school in U.S. or its territories; Undergraduate: at least 2 yrs. of study18MBE, out-of-state MBE scores accepted if within preceding 3 yrs. and person meets all other requirements for admission and other state grants reciprocal right to elect to use score on MBE administered in Michigan; essays; MPRE Scaled Score 75Practiced or taught 3 of last 5 yrs. and a graduate of ABA law schoolNone.Supreme Court or any circuit courtResident of one of states or D.C.
481.01, et seq.; S. Ct. Admis. Rules 2, et seq.
Law school: J.D. or LL.B. from ABA approved school18MBE, MPRE, additional questions; 85 or higher on MPRE; MPT; 2 daysEngaged in law 5 of last 7 years; or may be admitted on motion if engaged in the practice of law for 5 of 7 years preceding admission and a graduate of an ABA approved school and scored at least 145 on MBE; good moral character45 hrs. every 3 yrs.; 3 hrs. on ethics and professional responsibility and 2 hrs. on elimination of bias in the legal professionSupreme CourtMust be resident or designate Clerk of Appellate Courts as agent for service of process or maintain office in state
73-3-2, et seq. Supreme Ct. Rules Governing Admission to the Miss. Bar Rule I, et seq.
Law school: 3 yr. law course of study at ABA approved school; Undergraduate: bachelors degree or 3 yrs. of college work21MBE; MPT; additional subjects; MPRE; 3 daysMust have practiced at least 5 yrs.; in a state that reciprocates with Mississippi; must meet other requirements for admission; may transfer MBE score if attained 20 mos. prior to MS exam12 hrs. per year, at least 1 in ethicsSupreme Court 
State/Code SectionEducationAgeExamReciprocityMCLEAdmitting BodyResidency
Supreme Ct. Rules 8.03, et seq.; 484.010, et seq., Rule 15 Cont. Ed.
Law school: J.D. or LL.B. from ABA approved school; Undergraduate: ¾ of bachelors work18MBE, MPRE Scaled Score 80, essay questions on local law; MBE scores may be transferred from another jurisdiction if taken within last 19 mos., score was at least 128 and applicant passed bar in other state, MPT; 2 daysMember of bar of another state and has practiced or taught for 5 of preceding 10 yrs. and grad. of ABA law school. May transfer MBE if scaled score>133 and if taken 19 mos. preceding the MO exam.15 hrs. per yr., at least 3 in ethics, malpractice prevention, or professionalismSupreme Court 
Rules of Court, Rules of Procedure of the Committee on Character and Fitness of the State Bar of Montana §1, et seq.
Law school: ABA accredited law school approved by Montana Supreme Court21MBE, MPRE scaled score 80, and essay; MBE scores from another jurisdiction admissible if taken within 3yrs. of examination date and scaled score of at least 130; 2 ½ daysCertain attorney applicants may be admitted without examination or by abbreviated examination15hrs./yr., at least 5 in ethicsSupreme CourtMust be resident of state
State/Code SectionEducationAgeExamReciprocityMCLEAdmitting BodyResidency
7-101, et seq., Rules of the Supreme Ct. Admission of Attys. Rule 1, et seq., §23-1216; §23-3406
Law school: LL.B. or J.D. from reputable law school, law school with similar entrance requirements and course of study at U. of Neb. Law School and AALS member; Undergraduate: at least equivalent to 3 yrs. of high school course; Professional degree from ABA law school21MPRE Scaled Score 85; 2 day exam, MBE and essaysAdmission upon showing that admission in another state required equal qualification or; has practiced 5 of last 7 yearsNone; except county attorneys must complete continuing education hours established by the NE County Attorney Standards Advisory Council, not to exceed 36 hours annually; and public defender shall take at least 10 hrs. of continuing education annuallySupreme Court 
S. Ct. Rules 49, 51, 64-66, 72, 77, 98, 210
Law school: Bachelor of Laws or equivalent from ABA approved schoolAge of majorityMBE 4 times, additional exam; MBE scores from other jurisdictions not admissible, MPRE Scaled Score 85 (no limit to number of times); 2 day exam; MPTExam required of all. Law faculty members may be admitted if practiced for at least 5 yrs. and faculty for at least 2 years12 hrs. per year, at least 2 in ethicsSupreme Court 
State/Code SectionEducationAgeExamReciprocityMCLEAdmitting BodyResidency
Sup. Ct. Rules. Rule 42, Rule 53
Law school: graduate of 3-year full-time or 4-year part-time program from ABA approved school or foreign law school of common law country Undergraduate; 3 yrs. of work required for bachelors degree18MBE, additional essay questions; MBE scores from other jurisdictions not admissible; MPT; MPRE Scaled Score 79; Completion of practical skills course within two years of admission to bar; 2 daysCan have admission on motion; special rules for VT and ME12 hrs./yr. at least two hrs. must be in legal ethics, professional responsibility, substance abuse, or attorney-client disputesSupreme Court 
Rules of General Application Rule 1:27
Law school: bachelors degree or equivalent from ABA approved law school18MBE, additional subjects, essay, need scaled score 75 for MPRE or a c or better in professional responsibility law school course; 2 daysIn certain instances teachers at New Jersey law schools may be admitted without examination; may transfer MBE Scaled Score if exam is taken concurrently with the New Jersey local day all applicants must take examNone; newly admitted attorneys must complete skills & methods trainingSupreme Court 
Supreme Ct. Rules; Rules Governing Admission to the Bar, Rule 15-103; Rules Governing the Practice of Law, 18-201
Law school: graduate of law school fully accredited by ABA or graduate from other school who has been engaged in the practice of law 4 of the 6 yrs. preceding application21MBE, MPRE, additional subjects; no provision for transfer of MBE scores from other jurisdictions; essay, MPT, need scaled score 75 on MPRE; 2 daysNone; all applicants must take exam except law faculty at the University of New Mexico may be admitted without exam15 hrs., at least 1 hr. ethics; newly admitted members must take 10 hrs. practice skills and 2 hrs. in professionalism in first 2 yrs. of practiceSupreme Court 
State/Code SectionEducationAgeExamReciprocityMCLEAdmitting BodyResidency
9401 et seq.; 29 Jud. §460 et seq.
Law school: graduation from approved law school or 4 years of study in office of practicing attorney and at least one year in approved law school or approved study of law in foreign country21MBE, additional subjects, must have MPRE of 85, essay, MPT; 2 daysMay be admitted without exam from reciprocal states. Must have practiced 5 of last 7 yrs.During initial two yrs. of practice new attnys complete 16 CLE hrs., 3 in ethics, 6 in skills, and 7 in practice management; experienced attorneys: 24 hours every 2 yrs.New York Court of Appeals 
84-24; Rules Governing Admission to the Practice of Law §.0501, et seq. Rules of the NC State Bar §D.1518
Law school: LL.M., LL.B., J.D., or S.J.D.; degree from law school approved by Council of the North Carolina State Bar or law school approved by ABA at time received degree18MBE, state examination; MBE scores not transferable from another jurisdiction; MPRE Scaled Score 80 reqd within 24 months before or 12 months after sitting for bar exam, essay; 2 day exam, MBE and essayMust be in good standing, practiced or taught for 4 of last 6 yrs., state from which s/he comes must grant reciprocity to N.C.; MPRE score of 8012 hrs. per year, at least 2 on professional responsibility or professionalism or combination and at least once every 3 yrs. an additional hr. of CLE instruction on substance abuse and debilitating mental conditionsGeneral Court of Justice upon recommendation from Board of Law Examiners 
State/Code SectionEducationAgeExamReciprocityMCLEAdmitting BodyResidency
27-11-02; CLE Rule 3; Admission to Practice Rules 1, et seq.
Law school: J.D. or equivalent from law school approved or provisionally approved by ABA18MBE, MPRE Scaled Score of 80 achieved no more than 5 yrs. from date of application, additional subjects; scores from other jurisdictions accepted if taken same year as N.D. exam, essay; 2 day exam, MEE, MPT, MBEonly offered in JulyMeets educational requirements, is admitted to bar in another state, has practiced or taught for at least 5 yrs. and 4 of immediate last 5 yrs., and 45 hrs. of CLE. Non-resident eligible for admission but must designate clerk of court as agent for service of process.45 hrs. in each 3-year periodSupreme Court 
OHIO Supreme Court Rules for Government of Bar of Ohio Rule I, et seq.Law school: degree from ABA approved law school; bachelors degree from accredited institution21MBE, additional subjects; MBE scores from other jurisdictions not accepted; MPRE Scaled Score 85, 2½ day exam: essay, MPT, MBEMust have passed bar and been admitted in another state; engaged in practice of law for last 5 out of 10 yrs.; intend to practice in Ohio and have not failed Ohio bar exam24 hrs. every 2 yrs. of which at least 2 ½ hrs. must relate to legal ethics, 30 minutes substance abuse prevention, 1 hr. professional responsibility, 1 hr. professionalismSupreme Court appoints bar examinersMust be resident of Ohio or intent to establish permanent Ohio residence
State/Code SectionEducationAgeExamReciprocityMCLEAdmitting BodyResidency
Tit. 5 §1, et seq.; Appendix 5; Appendix 1-B, Rule 3
Law school: graduate of law school accredited by ABA or Board of Bar Examiners18Need Scaled Score 75 on MPRE, essay, MBE; may be taken as many times as needed until passed; 2 daysEx-judges of other states and attorneys who have practiced for at least 5 yrs. immediately preceding from states that grant reciprocity to Oklahoma. Applicant may transfer MBE score from concurrent exam only; may be admitted on motion if licensed in a state which allows OK attorneys transfer. Must have practiced 5 of 7 yrs. and be graduate of ABA accredited law school.12 hrs. per calendar yr., 1 hr. must be professional responsibility or legal ethics or legal malpracticeSupreme CourtResident of Oklahoma and citizen of U.S. or intent to be citizen
9.005-9.755; 9.990; Rules for Adm. of Attorneys Rule 1.05 et seq. Min CLE Rule 3
Law school: degree from ABA approved law school18MBE, MPRE Scaled Score 85, additional subjects; MBE scores from other jurisdictions not accepted; essay, MPT; 2 daysLawyers from ID and WA who meet rqrmnts may be admitted to OR bar; attny employed by bus. entity licensed to do bus. in OR and who has been admitted to practice in another state, may be permitted to practice in OR, all others must take exam.45 hrs. over 3-year period including 6 hrs. of legal ethics. New admit-tees: 15 hrs., inc. 10 hrs. of practical skills and 2 hrs. of ethicsOregon State Bar under the direction of the S. Ct. 
State/Code SectionEducationAgeExamReciprocityMCLEAdmitting BodyResidency
Pa. Bar Admis. Rules 103, 203, et seq.; Rules for CLE Rule 105
Law school: LL.B. or J.D.; degree from ABA approved law school; Undergraduate: degree from accredited school or equivalent education MBE, additional subjects; MBE scores from other jurisdictions not accepted; MPRE not required, MPT; 2 daysMember in good standing of bar of reciprocal state; must have practiced or taught 5 of past 7 yrs.; if ever failed Pa. bar, must take exam; All others must take exam.12 hrs. covering substantive law, practice and procedure, ethics and rules of professionalism, professionalism, and substance abuse, every new attny shall attend the Bridge the Gap ProgramSupreme Court 
Sup. Ct. Rules Art. IV, Rule 3, Art. II, Rule 1 et seq.
Law school: graduate of school approved and accredited by ABA and Board of Bar Examiners21MBE, additional subjects; no person may take exam more than 3 times except by court order; MPRE Scaled Scores 80good for 2 yrs.; if failed 5 times (counting other states exams), not allowed to practice in state. 2 day exam: MPT, essay, MBEIf in practice or teaching 5 of last 10 years, applicant must take only essay portion of exam10 hrs. each yr. with 2 hrs. in legal ethicsSupreme court 
State/Code SectionEducationAgeExamReciprocityMCLEAdmitting BodyResidency
SC App. Ct. Rules Rule 402, 408; §40-5-10, et seq.
Law school: graduate of law school approved by ABA or S.C. Supreme Court, or Council of Legal Education. Must have passed a law school course in Bus. Law, Civ. Pro., Commercial Law, Con. Law, Contracts, Crim. Law, Evidence, Leg. Writing, Research, Ethics, Property, Taxation, Torts, Trial Ad., & Dom. Relations21MBE, additional subjects; MBE scores from other jurisdiction accepted only if taken immediately before essay portion of this exam and for this exam only; MPRE Scaled Score of 77; 3 day exam: essay and MBE.Exam required of all applicants14 credit hours every 2 yearsSupreme Court 
16-16-1, et seq.; 16-17-1, et seq.; 16-18-1, et seq.
Law school: graduation from ABA accredited law school18MBE, MPRE Scaled Score of 75accepts previous MPRE score within 25 months, additional subjects; MBE scores from other jurisdictions accepted; may take exam 3 timesNone; exam required of all applicantsNoneSupreme CourtMust be resident, maintain office in state or designate clerk of Supreme Court as agent for service of process
Rules of Sup. Ct. Rule 6, Rule 7 §1.01, et seq.; Rule 21 §3.01, et seq.
Law school: graduate of ABA accredited law or board approved school; Undergraduate: bachelors degree from regionally accredited school18MBE, other subjects; MBE scores from other jurisdictions not accepted; Scaled Score 75 on MPRE; 2 daysMeets educational requirements; admitted in another state; has practiced at least 5 yrs. immediately preceding admission; has passed equivalent exam12 hrs. each calendar year and 3 additional hrs. per year ethics and professionalismState Board of Law Examiners supervised by Supreme CourtCitizen of Tennessee
State/Code SectionEducationAgeExamReciprocityMCLEAdmitting BodyResidency
TEXAS Rules Gov. Adm. to Bar. Rule 1, et seq., State bar rules, Title XIILaw school: graduate of approved law school at time enrolled in law school; or an approved law school18MBE, Scaled Score 85 on MPRE, additional subjects; MBE scores from other jurisdictions not accepted; essay, MPT; 3 daysMust have practiced 5 of 7 preceding years, graduated from ABA law school; valid active license15 hrs. per reporting period, at least 3 hrs. of which is devoted to legal ethics and professional responsibilitySupreme Court 
Utah State BAr Rules Integration and Management, Rule III, et seq.
Law school: graduate of ABA accredited law school21MBE, Scaled Score 80 on MPRE, other subjects; MBE scores from other states not accepted; essay, MPT; 2 daysMay accept MBE score from concurrent state only; May admit attnys from other jurisdiction under conditions substantially similar to UT proceedings.27 hrs. during each 2-year period, at least 3 hrs. legal ethicsThe Board of Commissioners by delegation of the Supreme Court (Rule II)U.S. citizen or intends to become one
Tit. 12, App. I, Pt. II; CLE Rules §3; Adm. to Bar §§5, et seq.
Law school: degree from ABA or AALS approved law school, 6 mos. internship with Vt. attorney or study under supervision of Vt. attorney who has been admitted for at least 3 yrs.; Undergraduate: bachelors from 4 yr. accredited college or university18MBE, additional subjects; MBE scores of 137 or greater may be transferred from another jurisdiction; Scaled Score 80 on MPRE, essay; 2 day exam: MBE, essay, and MPTMust have practiced 5 of preceding 10 yrs.; special rules for NH attnys.20 hrs. during each 2-year period, at least 2 hrs. legal ethicsSupreme Court 
54.1-3925, et seq. ; Rules of S. Ct. of Va. 1A:1,et seq.
Law school: graduate of ABA approved law school or 3 yrs. study under conditions prescribed by Board of Bar Examiners. Received Bachelors degree from 4 yr. accredited college or university18MBE, MPRE, other subjects; essays on Virginia law; 2 daysAny lawyer entitled to practice before highest court of any other state or territory for not less than 5 yrs. may be admitted without exam12 hrs. per year, at least 2 hrs. legal ethics or professionalismSupreme Court 
State/Code SectionEducationAgeExamReciprocityMCLEAdmitting BodyResidency
§2.48.030; Admissions to Practice Rules 1, et seq.
Law school: graduate of approved law school or completion of law clerk program; Undergraduate: not specified if law school graduate; if law office study, must have bachelors degree from approved college or university MBE not used; MPRE not required; essay; 2½ day exam: essayExam required for all45 hrs. per 3 yrs., 6 hrs. in legal ethics, professionalis m or professional responsibilityBoard of Governors 
Ch. 30, Art. 2; Admission to Practice of Law Rule 3.0 et seq., State Bar Const. Chp. VII
Law school: graduate of ABA and AALS accredited law school or equivalent;Undergraduate: degree from accredited college or university18MBE, MPRE Scaled Score of 75 within 25 months of successful completion of bar exam, additional subjects; MBE scores from other jurisdictions admitted if passing score within last 13 mos.; 2 day exam: MPT, MEE, MBEApplicants state of bar membership must be reciprocal with W. Va.; must have practiced for preceding 5 yrs. of 724 hrs. every 2 fiscal yrs., at least 3 hrs. in legal ethics; office management, substance abuse, or elimination of bias in the legal professionSupreme Court of Appeals 
State/Code SectionEducationAgeExamReciprocityMCLEAdmitting BodyResidency
40.02, et seq. ; 31.02
Law school: graduate of ABA accredited law schoolAge of majorityMBE, other subjects; MBE scores from other jurisdictions may be transferred; graduates of ABA approved law schools in Wisconsin may be admitted without exam upon production of diploma and certificate showing satisfactory completion of requirements relating to Wisconsin law; MPRE not required; 2 day exam: essay and MBEMust have actively practiced for 3 of last 5 yrs. May be admitted without exam from reciprocal states30 hrs. every 2 yrs. with 3 hrs. in legal ethics and professional responsibilitySupreme Court 
5-2-118; 33-5-100, et seq. Rules for Continuing Legal Education, 3; Admission to the Practice of Law 302
Law school: 3 yrs. in law school approved by state board of examiners or 1 yr. in law school and 2 yrs. in office of judge or member of bar, or 2 yrs. law school and 1 yr. in law office or judgeAdult citizen of U.S.MBE, other subjects; MBE scores from other jurisdictions accepted; MPRE Scaled Score of 75 within past 3 yrs., essay; 1 ½ day exam, MBE, essayAttorneys from other states may be admitted without examination upon showing they are still in good standing in other state and of good moral character, practiced 5 of 7 preceding years for a minimum of 300 hours per year; and have never taken and failed the Wyoming Bar Exam15 hrs. per year, at least one of which concerns legal ethicsSupreme Court 

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