Beheim, Lorenz

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Humanist; b. Nürnberg, Germany, c. 1457; d. Bamberg, Germany, April 11, 1521. He studied theology, first in Ingolstadt and then at the University of Leipzig, where he obtained the degree of magister artium. He moved to Italy in 1480, where he obtained a doctorate in Canon Law. For 22 years he was in the service of Cardinal Rodrigo Borgia, the future Pope alexander vi, and had contact also with his son Cesare borgia. He held various posts in the Curia, and in 1505 he joined the chapter of St. Stephan in Bamberg. During his stay in Rome he transcribed, in a collection of Roman epigraphs, the inscriptions under the frescoes of Pinturicchio (d. 1513) that commemorate the main events of the pontificate of Alexander VI, thus preserving descriptions of masterpieces that have since been destroyed.

Bibliography: Allgemeine deutsche Biographie (Leipzig 18751910) 2:276. f. gregorovius, History of the City of Rome in the Middle Ages, tr. a. hamilton, 8 v. in 13 (London 18941902). k. pilz, Neue deutsche Biographie (Berlin 1953) 1:794. e. reicke, "Der Bamberger Kanonikus L. Behaim, Pirckheimers Freund," in Forschungen zur Geschichte Bayerns 14(1906) 140. h. rosenfeld, Lexikon für Theologie und Kirche (Freiburg 195765) 2:124.

[m. monaco]

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