Benjamin ben Samuel Ha-Levi

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BENJAMIN BEN SAMUEL HA-LEVI (of Coutances; early 11th century), rabbi and liturgical poet. Benjamin lived in Coutances, Normandy. His poems are composed in the style of the old piyyutim and are, at times, of considerable artistic distinction. Benjamin wrote piyyutim for the three pilgrimage festivals, Rosh Ha-Shanah, and the Day of Atonement. Some of his poems are included in the Maḥzor Romania. Benjamin was regarded as a talmudic authority and was often quoted by contemporary talmudic scholars.


Landshuth, Ammudei, 53; Zunz, Lit Poesie, 115ff.; Graetz, Gesch, 6 (18943), 53 (calls him Benjamin b. Samuel of Constance); Gross, Gal Jud, 553; Davidson, Oẓar, 4 (1933), 371; Moses b. Jacob of Coucy, Sefer Mitzvot Gadol (1905), no. 42; Mordekhai, RH, no. 720; Tos. to Ḥag. 12a; Shelomo b. Yiẓḥak (Rashi), Pardes, ed. by Ehrenreich (1923), 229; S. Bernstein, Piyyutim u-Faytanim Ḥadashim me-ha-Tekufah ha-Bizantinit (1947), 44–57; H. Merḥaviah, in: Sefer Ḥayyim Schirmann (1970), 195–212.

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