Bowling, Lewis 1959-

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BOWLING, Lewis 1959-


Born July 28, 1959, in Oxford, NC; son of O. L., Jr. (a farmer) and Mary (a business owner) Bowling; children: Damien. Education: Louisburg College, A.A.; Appalachian State University, B.S.; U.S. Sports Academy, master's degree.


Home—1735 Bowling Rd., Stem, NC 27581. E-mail—[email protected].


North Carolina Central University, Durham, NC, teacher of physical education, 1996—. Aerobics and Fitness Association of America, personal trainer certification examiner, 1999—.


(With others) Lifetime Physical Fitness, Kendall-Hunt Press (Dubuque, IA), 1999.

Granville County: Images of America, Arcadia Publishing (Charleston, SC), 2002.

Resistance Training: The Total Approach, Carolina Academic Press (Durham, NC), 2003.

Granville County Revisited, Arcadia Publishing (Charleston, SC), 2003.

Fitness columnist for Durham Herald Sun.


Research on exercise physiology and on exercise and sport history.


Lewis Bowling told CA: "To say I love to read is quite an understatement. I'm not sure what I would do without that faithful companion, a book. To think that just possibly I can write words that other people enjoy reading is very rewarding to me.

"Primarily I write about physical fitness. My resistance training book contains extensive details on different exercises, listing exercises with barbells, dumbbells, cables, bands, stability balls, medicine balls, plyometrics, and body weight movements. Also an entire chapter is devoted to weight training to improve sports performance. Research abstracts are included, such as one on the effects of creatine. A chapter on the history of resistance exercise, going back to the ancient Greeks, is also included. My goal in this book was to cover all aspects of weight training and to make the book somewhat unique. I made myself familiar with other books on the same topic, and I believe I succeeded in my goal.

"Two of my other books deal with the history of the county in which I grew up, Granville County, North Carolina. My goal was to make residents of Granville more aware and appreciative of their local history. Knowing your roots and being aware of people and events that preceded you and made what you have possible helps individuals to invest in their hometowns or counties. They better appreciate what they have at present and feel a sense of ownership, which usually translates into more active participation in the community."

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