Broadhurst, Kent

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BROADHURST, Kent. American, b. 1940. Genres: Plays/Screenplays. Career: Playwright and screenwriter, 1980-. Actors Theatre of Louisville (ATL), playwright in residence, 1981; director of plays; actor in motion pictures, Television, Broadway, Regional; Portrait painter, photographer, and inventor. Publications: PLAYS: They're Coming to Make It Brighter, 1980; The Eye of the Beholder (one-act), 1981; The Habitual Acceptance of the Near Enough (one-act), 1982; Lemons, 1982; Bound; Gala; Black Iris; Wild Iris (screenplay), 2001. Address: 24 Cornelia St No 20, New York, NY 10014, U.S.A.

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