Galindo, Sergio (1926–1993)

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Galindo, Sergio (1926–1993)

Sergio Galindo (b. 2 September 1926; d. 3 January 1993), Mexican writer. Born in Xalapa, Veracruz, Galindo first published a collection of short stories in 1951, La máquina vacía (The Empty Machine), and in the following years produced a sizable corpus of narrative, mainly novels. They include Polvos de arroz (Rice Powder, 1958), Justicia de enero (Justice in January, 1959), El bordo (The Precipice, 1960), and La comparsa (Carnival, 1964). Galindo received the 1986 Premio Xavier Villaurrutía for his novel Otilia Rauda (1986). In his writing, Galindo explores the tensions in middle-class Mexican families and the dynamics of intimate relationships. In contrast to the predominant emphasis on national identity in Mexican literature, such psychological concerns emphasize widely shared human behaviors. In addition to his literary production, from 1957 to 1964 Galindo edited the journal La Palabra y el Hombre (Word and Man) and directed the publishing department of the University of Veracruz, where he inaugurated an influential fiction series. Between 1965 and 1976 Galindo served in a variety of positions for the National Institute of Fine Arts and the Secretariat of Public Education. Since 1975 he has been a member of the Mexican Academy of Language.

See alsoLiterature: Spanish America; Mexico: Since 1910.


John S. Brushwood, "The Novels of Sergio Galindo: Planes of Human Relationship," in Hispania 51 (1968): 812-816, and The Spanish American Novel: A Twentieth-Century Survey (1975), pp. 239-241, 275-277, 316; La Palabra y el Hombre, nueva época no. 59-60 (1986), a special issue in honor of Sergio Galindo.

Additional Bibliography

Anhalt, Nedda G de. Allá donde ves la neblina: Un acerca-miento a la obra de Sergio Galindo. Xalapa: Universidad Veracruzana, 2003.

Martínez Morales, José Luis, and Sergio Pitol. Miradas a la obra de Sergio Galindo. Xalapa: Instituto de Investigaciones Lingüístico-Literarias, Universidad Veracruzana, 1996.

                                   Danny J. Anderson

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