German Academic Exchange Service

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German Academic Exchange Service

Leo Baeck Institute - DAAD Fellowship (Doctorate/Fellowship)
DAAD Study Scholarship Awards (Graduate/Scholarship)
DAAD Undergraduate Scholarship Program (Undergraduate/Scholarship)
Faculty Research Visit Grant (Doctorate/Grant)
German Studies Research Grant (Undergraduate/Grant)
Intensive Language Course Grants (Doctorate/Grant)
InternXchange (Undergraduate/Internship)
Learn German in Germany (Doctorate/Grant)
Study Scholarships for Artists or Musicians (Graduate/Scholarship)
University Summer Course Grants (Undergraduate/Grant)

871 United Nations Plz.
New York, NY 10017
Ph: (212)758-3223

Fax: (212)755-5780
E-mail: [email protected]

Leo Baeck Institute - DAAD Fellowship (Doctorate/Fellowship)

Purpose: To provide financial assistance to students for dissertation research work and to academics for writing a scholarly essay or book. Focus: German studies. Qualif.: Applicants must be U.S. citizens and PhD candidates or recent PhDs (degree awarded within the last two years). Criteria: Selection of applicants will be based on the application and other supporting documents.

Funds Avail.: $2000. To Apply: Applicants must submit the following: completed application form, curriculum vitae, a full description of the research project; for doctoral students, send official transcripts for graduate and undergraduate work, evidence of enrollment in a Ph.D program, one letter of recommendation by their doctoral advisor and one by another scholar familiar with their work; for Ph.Ds, evidence of their degree (transcripts not required) and; two letters of recommendation from two colleagues familiar with their research. Deadline: November 15.

DAAD Study Scholarship Awards (Graduate/Scholarship)

Purpose: To provide the opportunity to study in Germany, or complete a Master's degree course and obtain a degree from a German higher education institution. Focus: Dentistry, Medicine, Pharmacy, Veterinary medicine. Qualif.: Applicants must be graduating seniors (fourth or final year of undergraduate studies) or those with undergraduate degree in all academic fields; must be enrolled full-time at any North American University; citizens of US or Canada but foreigners should have studied at any accredited US or Canadian university for two years; requested to have a study project to make a stay in Germany essential. Criteria: Preference will be given to applicants who have been invited by a faculty member at a German university to study at a particular university department.

Funds Avail.: No specific amount. To Apply: Applicant must submit the application form with the supplemental form (for music, fine arts, dance only), CV/Resume, study proposal, two letter of recommendation, evidence of contact with German Institution, DAAD Language evaluation form and transcript of record. Deadline: November 15.

DAAD Undergraduate Scholarship Program (Undergraduate/Scholarship)

Purpose: To support undergraduate US and Canadian students interested in studying, doing research, or completing an internship in Germany. Focus: General studies. Qualif.: Applicant must currently be a second or third year student. Students are eligible with outstanding academic records and personal integrity, as evinced by both their grades and letters of recommendation; must be a U.S. or Canadian citizen or permanent residents; has interest in contemporary German and European affairs; full-time students in an undergraduate degree-granting program at an accredited North American college or university; younger than 32 before the grant starts. Criteria: Preference will be given to students whose projects or programs are based at an organized by a German university.

Funds Avail.: No specific amount. To Apply: Applicants must submit: the DAAD language evaluation form with signature, supplemental documents and materials, 3 copies; resume; Project Proposal (approximately 3 pages); recommendation letter from major professors; any of: Acceptance into Study Abroad Program, Exchange Program, letter by mentor or invitation from a German university; transcripts; Language Evaluation Certificate. Application and other supporting document must be sent to: German Academic Exchange Service/DAAD New York, 871 United Nations Plaza, New York, NY 10017-USA. Deadline: January 31.

Faculty Research Visit Grant (Doctorate/Grant)

Purpose: To pursue research at universities, libraries, archives, institutes or laboratories in Germany. Focus: General studies. Qualif.: Applicants must be Scholars at American or Canadian universities or research institutions holding a Ph.D. (or equivalent) and have been working in research or teaching full time for at least two years after receipt of the doctorate; U.S. or Canadian citizens (German nationals must have been working in a U.S. or Canadian institution for six consecutive years); should possess adequate knowledge of the German language; applicants may not hold a DAAD grant and a grant from another German or German-American organization concurrently for the same project and previous grantees can only be qualified after three years. Criteria: Scholarship decisions are made by an independent academic selection committee based on an outstanding academic record and potential, an evaluation of the validity and feasibility of the proposed project, and of the necessity to carry it out in Germany.

Funds Avail.: 2,240 Euros. To Apply: Applicant must submit a completed DAAD application form entitled “Research Visit for Faculty”; curriculum vitae not to exceed five pages, complete list of publications; a detailed description of the research project, up to five pages in length which includes a literature review and information on significance methodology, availability or quality of data, and the need for carrying out research in Germany; letter(s) of invitation from the German institution(s) where the applicant plans to undertake research activities; request an itinerary and an approximate time table if more than one institution will be visited. Deadline: January 15 and August 1.

German Studies Research Grant (Undergraduate/Grant)

Purpose: To encourage research and promote the study of cultural, political, historical, economic, and social aspects of modern and contemporary German affairs from an inter and multidisciplinary perspective. Focus: German studies. Qualif.: Applicant must be a undergraduates with at least junior standing pursuing a German Studies track or minor may be nominated for the grant by their department and/or program chair; must be citizens of the U.S. enrolled full time at the university that nominates them; must be younger than 32 at the start of the grant period. Criteria: Selection of applicant will be based on the application and other supporting documents.

Funds Avail.: $1,500-$2,500. To Apply: Applicant must submit a completed DAAD application form, resume, detailed description of the research project or the pre dissertation proposal, including a research plan and itinerary, budget statement, list of German language and German Studies courses taken, two letters of recommendation, including one from the professor supervising the German Studies curriculum or the research project, DAAD language evaluation form signed by a German Department faculty member, official transcript of records. Deadline: May 1 and November 1.

Intensive Language Course Grants (Doctorate/Grant)

Purpose: To enhance language proficiency in Germany. Focus: German studies. Qualif.: Applicants must be a student currently enrolled full-time in a graduate program in all fields of study except English, German, or any other modern language or literature; must have completed three semesters of college German or have achieved an equivalent level of language proficiency; foreign nationals other than U.S. and Canada must be full-time graduate at a U.S. or Canadian university for at least one academic year; must have completed three semesters of college German or equivalent level of language proficiency; no previous grantee for the past three years; must be no older than 32. Criteria: Applicants will be assessed based on academic record and statements of projected academic and professional future.

Funds Avail.: 2,650 Euros. To Apply: A complete DAAD application form; a detailed statement (in English) of approximately 500 words explaining why the applicant wants to attend the intensive language course; resume; a recommendation letter from a professor in the applicant's major field of study; complete transcript of records; DAAD language evaluation form (Sprachzeugnis); list of German language courses taken. Application must be sent to: DAAD New York office. Deadline: January 31.

InternXchange (Undergraduate/Internship)

Purpose: To place strong emphasis on intercultural exchange and the transmission of cultural values; to provide outstanding young journalism students the opportunity to immerse themselves in the society, culture, values, and political attitudes in Germany. Focus: Journalism. Qualif.: Applicants should be journalism or majoring journalism-related field student in the U.S.; undergraduate, graduate, and graduating seniors; must have German language proficiency at least equal to the advanced intermediate level; has interest in Germany and Germany affairs. Criteria: A total of 40 applicants will be invited to a selection interview in New York City. A selection committee of American and German experts will then select up to 20 participants/scholarship recipients.

Funds Avail.: 600 Euros. To Apply: Applicant must Complete the online form with signature with two copies; submit resume in English, statement of motivation in English, two pages, double spaced, one-page journalistic writing sample or broadcast transcript, two letters of recommendation from professors in major field of study, official academic transcripts, DAAD German Language Evaluation Certificate Deadline: February 15. Contact: Laura Montgomery at [email protected].

Learn German in Germany (Doctorate/Grant)

Purpose: TO encourage DAAD faculty members to attend intensive language courses at Goethe-Instituts in Germany. Focus: German studies. Qualif.: Applicants must be faculty members in all academic fields except modern languages and literatures which is working in research or teaching full-time at a U.S. university or research institution for at least two years after receipt of the doctorate; U.S. citizens; no teaching experience in the fields of English, German or any modern languages or literatures accepted. Criteria: Preference will be given to applicants in the social sciences, the natural sciences, engineering and professional schools, who are in mid-career and are under 46 years of age; must have a basic knowledge of German; should not have previously studied in a German-speaking country for more than two months and/or received a grant to attend a German language course from DAAD or any other organization within the last three years.

Funds Avail.: 1,700 Euros. Number Awarded: 2. To Apply: Submit a completed DAAD application form; curriculum vitae not to exceed five pages; a detailed statement explaining why the applicant wants to attend a Goethe Institute language course in Germany; accomplish the language evaluation (self-test form enclosed with application); must have the list of publications and a list of courses taught during the previous academic year. Deadline: January 31.

Study Scholarships for Artists or Musicians (Graduate/Scholarship)

Purpose: To provide the opportunity to study in Germany, or complete a postgraduate degree course and obtain a degree from a German higher education institution. Focus: Fine arts, Architecture, Music, Dance. Qualif.: Applicants in the fields of Fine Arts, Architecture, Music and Dance, other academic fields are welcome to apply for the regular Study Scholarship; graduating seniors must be full-time at an accredited university for two years; U.S. or Canadian citizens. Criteria: Preference will be given to applicants who have been invited by a faculty member at a German university to study at a particular university department.

Funds Avail.: 750 Euros. To Apply: Applicant must complete the online application form available in the website and must have the following: Supplemental materials, CV/Resume, Study proposal, two letter of recommendation, evidence of contact with German Institution and transcript of records. Deadline: November 1.

University Summer Course Grants (Undergraduate/Grant)

Purpose: To attend a broad range of summer courses at German universities which focus mainly on literary, cultural, political and economic aspects of modern and contemporary Germany. Focus: German studies. Qualif.: Applicant must be a full-time student in a Canadian or US colleges or universities in any field of study; must at least reached Junior standing or third year (10 full-course credits for Canadians) at the time of application; must be younger than 32 at the start of the grant period. Criteria: Applicants will be assessed on the basis of their academic and professional future.

Funds Avail.: 770 Euros. To Apply: Applicant must submit a completed DAAD application form, autobiographical essay in German, a detailed statement (in English) of approximately 500 words explaining why the applicant wants to attend a university summer course, recommendation letter written by a professor in the applicant's major field of study but the recommendation should not be from the same professor who evaluates the language proficiency, complete, official transcripts of all post-secondary studies, DAAD language evaluation form (Sprachzeugnis) signed by any member of German Department at the applicant's institution or by an official of a Goethe Institute, Deadline: January 31.

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