Will Defensive Driving Reduce Your Insurance Rates? If So, By How Much?


If you have been driving for a while, you have probably heard of the term “defensive driving.” This philosophy comes into play every time that you are behind the wheel. It means that you not only follow traffic rules but that you are also cautious of other drivers and yield to them to avoid unsafe situations. In addition, you don’t drive over the speed limit and you take precautions to drive slower if road conditions are compromised in any way. By doing so, you are involved in fewer accidents than other drivers who may be more aggressive when they drive.

Defensive Driving Programs

In some areas, defensive driving courses are available that cover aspects of driving safe as well as what you should do in certain situations. By taking one of these private or state-sponsored programs, you may learn topics such as what to do after an accident, driving laws that are lesser-known or how to properly yield. These courses are offered a few nights a week or online.

One thing that all of these courses have in common is that they must cover specific regulations, procedures and protocols. Driving schools that are in the business to make a profit, must renew their license every year from the motor vehicle bureau in their state.

Why Take A Defensive Driving Course?

In some cases, you might be required to take defensive driving classes due to a reckless driving or DUI conviction. However, if you are like many other individuals who have taken these courses, you do it to become more knowledgeable and increase your skills.

Another reason why you might want to take a defensive driving course would be to lower the amount you pay for auto insurance. If you take these type of courses, you may get a discount on the monthly auto insurance premium that you pay. Some policy providers will ggive you a discount if you have stayed accident-free for a specified number of years.

Discounts Vary

The discount that you may receive for taking a defensive driving class will vary between providers. Some insurance companies may only offer you a discount if you have been convicted of a driving offense that is serious. If you have been with an insurance provider for an extended period of time, it may not be worth switching to another insurance company.

The best way to discover if a company offers a discount is to call them or visit their website.