How To Right A Parole Letter


A parole letter is a type of letter that is written by a person who is currently incarcerated or by his or her closest supporters. The purpose of a parole letter is to attest to the current character of an offender in hopes of being released early by a parole board.

A parole letter will include a history of conduct during incarceration as well as plans for the future. It will be read by a parole board who has the authority to grant or deny parole so it should be written with care.

Making It Professional

A parole letter is an official way to communicate with a parole board. It should include the date that it was written, the address of the parole board and the salutation. Here is an example of how to begin a letter:

(Current Date)

(Address of Parole Board)

“Dear Parole Board,”

Identify Yourself

The first paragraph should identify who is writing the letter. If it is the offender, they should state who they are, why they are writing, their hearing date and identification number. As an example:

“My name is John Doe. I am writing this letter to support my application for parole. I am scheduled for a hearing date on June 5, 2018 and my ID is 54321.”

Describe The Crime And Involvement

The second paragraph should describe the crime and the role that the offender played in taking part in it. It should have a good amount of detail so that the parole board sees that the offender is taking responsibility for the offense.

As an example, an offender would write “I stabbed the victim” instead of writing “the victim was stabbed.” If the victim was stabbed seven times, an offender should write “I stabbed the victim seven times.”

In addition, this is not an area to complain about the sentence or role that an attorney played. If alcohol or drugs were a part of the reason why an offender committed the crime, they should just state that they were drunk or high and avoid placing the blame on these substances.

Express Remorse For The Crime

The third paragraph should include an expression of remorse for committing the crime and hurting another party. An offender should express their true feelings regarding the pain they have caused for the victim and their loved ones.

Steps Taken To Reform

The fourth paragraph should describe the steps taken by an offender to reform themselves. These should be specific items such as earning a degree, working with a mentor or finding spiritual guidance. An offender can explain their situation when they first started their sentence and the progression of the steps that they took to better themselves.

Future Plans

In the fifth paragraph, specific steps should be listed as to how the offender will live once they are released. These could include having a support system, a job, a place to live and other positive aspects that help keep them crime free.

Writing A Conclusion

In the last paragraph, it should restate why granting parole would be a good idea — “If granted parole, I will take positive steps to rebuild my life with the tools I have learned and the support system I have in place.”

“Thank you for your consideration,”

