How to Write a Notice to Vacate


In most cases, a notice to vacate is a document used to end the business relationship between a tenant and a landlord.

When A Landlord Is Writing The Notice

A tenant or the landlord of the tenant can write a notice to vacate. If the landlord authors the letter, it is referred to as “a notice to vacate.” This differs if a tenant authors the letter. In this situation, the letter is referred to as a “notice of intent to vacate.”

In most cases, these contracts are terminated without using these type of notices. Typically, this occurs when a tenant gives an advanced verbal notification to a landlord that they will not be staying on the premises any longer than the last day that the rental agreement expires. For legal reasons, this may not be the best practice to take when a person vacates as it could lead to problems in the future if a grievance occurs.

When A Notice From A Landlord To Tenant Is Used

Typically, it’s customary for a landlord to initiate the process of issuing a notice to vacate. They issue these letters for a number of reasons, which may include the following:

– Lack of payment by a tenant
– The tenant did not comply with specific terms that were listed in a rental agreement
– The end of the lease contract was coming

The internet has a number of templates that can be used when creating a residential lease agreement. Many of these templates include a notice to vacate form that can be utilized when a tenant rental agreement is expiring. If a landlord needs to write a notice to vacate letter for any other reason, it’s best to contact an attorney so that proper rental agreement guidelines are followed. The format for this type of letter includes the following:

– The subject line shows the reason why a notice to vacate is being issued
– The body of the notice to vacate letter states the date when the removal of personal belongings must be completed. It also states that the notice is being served to the tenant within the timeframe that has been stipulated by the lease agreement.

When A Notice From A Tenant To Landlord Is Used

Tenants who have the intention to vacate before their rental term has expired will file a notice of intent to vacate. In the letter, the tenant should follow the same format that is used when a notice is given by a landlord to a tenant. However, in this case, the body of the notice of intent to vacate letter should just describe the intention of the tenant to vacate and list their final day of planned occupancy. If this is due to an early termination of the lease, it should be handled by using a separate document.