Is Trump Being Impeached?

It’s a question on everyone’s mind – Is Trump being impeached? 

The answer isn’t as simple as one may think.  Some activist groups and Senators have been calling for Trump’s impeachment since his inauguration.  They have had several reasons to drag the real estate tycoon turned leader of the free world – and he just keeps giving them more. Between the Twitter rants he’s indulged in and the variety of evidence piling up, it may seem pretty clear that Trump is being impeached.

But impeaching Trump, or any President, isn’t something that just happens overnight. 

Whether or not Trump is being impeached has been part of news articles since his initial scandal with Russia. Back then, it seemed that the rumors about Trump being impeached were just a ploy from democrats to rally a base with a hard election coming up.  However, recent events have made it seem that Trump getting impeached could actually happen.  But what would that take?

How could Donald Trump be impeached?

The process of impeachment was written in the Constitution of the United States in the event that a President committed a crime, bribery or an act of treason.  Contrary to popular belief, the impeachment of Trump would not necessarily remove him from office.  Impeachment is only part of the process of removing a President from office. It takes a large vote and quite a bit of proof that a President committed a crime for the impeachment to turn into removal.

That being said, after his talks with Ukraine about Biden, his opponent in the 2020 election, the rumors about Trump being impeached could finally come true.  House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi has also decided that enough is enough and called for Trump’s impeachment.  Since the impeachment process starts in the House of Representatives, this is a big deal. To impeach Trump, the House of Representatives must build a case against him that proves he committed the crimes they are accusing him of.  Once they gather enough evidence, the process is in full swing.

Will Trump Be Impeached?

After the House gathers sufficient evidence that Trump did something wrong by trying to bribe leaders of other countries, the House will vote on the impeachment.  It’s likely that Trump’s impeachment will get past the House vote as only a majority is required.  Then – the Senate will determine whether or not Trump is being impeached.

After passing the House vote, Trump’s impeachment will go to trial in the Senate. This trial will decide if Trump will be removed from office and convicted.  Impeachment is usually haulted here, because a two-thirds majority is needed to remove him from office. The likelihood of Trump being impeached and removed from office is slim to none, since it’s never happened in American history.

As the votes mount up, it’s unclear if Trump is being impeached or not.  Some news sources have started to claim he could be the very first President officially removed from office after an impeachment trial. Even though the impeachment proceedings have already started, there is no guarantee that the administration will provide the documents needed to prove wrongdoing.

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