Jersild, Jørgen

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Jersild, Jørgen

Jersild, Jørgen, Danish composer and teacher; b. Copenhagen, Sept. 17, 1913. He received training in composition and theory from Schierbeck and in piano from Stoffregen in Copenhagen, and then continued his studies with Roussel in Paris (1936) and studied musicology at the Univ. of Copenhagen (M.A., 1940). After working in the music dept. of the Danish Radio in Copenhagen (1939–43), he became a teacher at the Copenhagen Cons, in 1943; later he was a prof, of theory there (1953–75). Among his pedagogical books were Ear Training (1966), Advanced Rhythmical Studies (1980), and Analytisk Harmonilaere (1989). He also publ, a study of Romantic harmony à la the music of César Franck (1970). His compositions are cast in a thoroughly cosmopolitan style while retaining essential Danish qualities.


dramatic:Lunefulde Luanda (Capricious Lucinda), ballet (1954); Alice in Wonderland, musical fairy tale (1958); Gertrude, film music (1964); music for plays. ORCH.: The Birthday Concert (1945; rev. 1962); Pastoral for Strings (1946); Little Suite for Strings (1950); Harp Concerto (1971-72; Alde-burgh, June 9, 1972). CHAMBER: Music Making in the Forest, serenade for Wind Quintet (1947); Pezzo Elegiaco for Harp (1968); Fantasia e Canto Affettuoso for Harp, Flute, Clarinet, and Cello (1969); Fantasia for Harp (1977); String Quartet (1980); Für Gefühlvolle Spieler for 2 Harps (1982); Lento for 4 Cellos and Double Bass (1985); 10 Impromptus for Violin and Guitar (1987). keyboard: piano:Trois pieces en concert (1945); Duo Concertante for Piano, 3- and 4-Hands (1956); 30 Polyrhythmic Études (1976); 15 Piano Pieces for Julie (1985); Fantasia (1989); Jeu polyrythmique, 3 études (1990); 2 Impromptus (1993). organ:Fantasia (1985). VOCAL: Numerous choruses, including 3 Madrigali (1958), 3 Danish Love Songs (1968), 3 Romantic Choral Songs (1971), 3 Latin Madrigals (1987), and II Cantico della Creature (1991); pieces for Solo Voice and Piano.

—Nicolas Slonimsky/Laura Kuhn/Dennis McIntire

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