John Pelingotto, Bl.

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Franciscan tertiary; b. Urbino, Italy, 1240; d. there, June 1, 1304. Descended from one of the leading families of the area, he led an exemplary life of prayer and penance both inside and outside his family circle. With his father's permission he gave up trade, for which he had been trained, and joining the Third Order of St. Francis c. 1255, he devoted himself entirely to prayer and the service of God. In 1300 he went on pilgrimage to Rome for Pope boniface viii's Jubilee Year, and L. Wadding (Annales Ordinis Minorum 4:3842) relates that people pointed him out as "the holy man from Urbino." After his death, according to his own wish, he was buried in the church of San Francesco in his native city. His cult was approved by benedict xv on Nov. 12, 1918.

Feast: June 2.

Bibliography: Acta Sanctorum June 1:144151. Acta Apostolicae Sedis 10 (1918) 513516, decree approving cult. Acta ordinis Fratrum Minorum 37 (1918) 218221; 38 (1919) 1112, 2831, 4951. Archivum Franciscanum historicum 14 (1921) 27.

[s. olivieri]

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