National Geographic Society

views updated Jun 11 2018

National Geographic Society

1145 17th Street NW
Washington, D.C. 20036-4688
(202) 857-7000
Fax: (202) 828-6679
Web site:

Non-Profit Organization
Incorporated: 1888
Employees: 1,200
Sales: $500 million (1998)
NAIC: 511120 Periodical Publishers; 511130 Book Publishers; 512110 Video Production

Founded as a club of distinguished gentlemen devoted to promoting the study of geography, the National Geographic Society is the largest educational society in the world and the publisher of one of the worlds most widely circulated magazines, National Geographic, as well as National Geographic Traveler and National Geographic Adventure. The company is also involved in book publishing, education, public service projects, and television production, but its flagship magazine remains its crowning achievement. Thanks in large part to the efforts of three generations of the Grosvenor family, National Geographic has become a staple of American mass culture. The Societys trustees in recent years have included such notables as Supreme Court Chief Justice Warren Burger, Lady Bird Johnson, Air Force General Curtis LeMay, astronaut Frank Borman, and businessman J. Willard Marriott, Jr. Having embraced new media and new techniques in publishing, the Society has brought the far corners of the world to the doorsteps of millions of Americans. Frank Luther Mott, an eminent journalism historian, observed that National Geographic has compiled a fabulous record of success, especially since the magazine is founded on an editorial conviction that rates the intelligence of the popular audience fairly high.

Eminent Origins in the 1880s

The National Geographic Society was founded in January 1888 in Washington, D.C., by a group of eminent citizens who wanted to promote geographic research and the popular distribution of the results of such research. The charter members of the Society included Alexander Graham Bell; Bells father-in-law, lawyer Gardiner Greene Hubbard; explorers John Wesley Powell and A.W. Greeley; and scholar George Kennan, uncle of future ambassador to the Soviet Union George F. Kennan. Hub-bard was one of Bells early financial backers and had served as the first president of the Bell Telephone Company, the forerunner of AT&T. He was elected to serve as the Societys first president.

The first issue of National Geographic appeared shortly after the Societys founding and was published intermittently until January 1896, when monthly publication began. The early magazine bore little resemblance to the readable, eye-catching National Geographic of later years. Its articles were written in a dry, academic style and bore titles such as Geographic Methods in Geologic Investigation and The Classification of Geographic Forms by Genesis, and there were no illustrations. It is not surprising, then, that circulation remained limited, with less than 1,000 subscribers and negligible newsstand sales.

Gardiner Greene Hubbard died in 1897 and was succeeded as president by his famous son-in-law. When Alexander Graham Bell took the helm, he found the National Geographic Society in a precarious financial state, largely because its magazine had failed to provide a strong revenue base. He soon realized that National Geographic needed two things: a change in editorial policy that would make it a popular scientific magazine rather than a scholarly journal, and a full-time editor who would manifest the changes he sought. Bell hoped to fill both needs in 1899 when he wrote to his friend, historian Edwin Grosvenor of Amherst College, to ask if either of Grosvenors sons might be interested in assuming editorship. Gilbert H. Grosvenor, then a 23-year-old prep school teacher in New Jersey, accepted.

Having grown up in Istanbul while his father researched his two-volume history of the Turkish capital, Gilbert Grosvenor had become fascinated with foreign lands and peoples at an early agebut he later confessed that he was also drawn to the job by his desire to be near Bells daughter Elsie, whom he later married.

Grosvenor proved to be the catalyst behind the immensely successful popularization of the magazine. After studying such classic examples of travel writing as Darwins Voyage of the Beagle and Charles Danas Two Years Before the Mast, Grosvenor concluded that National Geographic articles could be made more readable without sacrificing their educational value. Grosvenor then mandated some stylistic changes for the magazine, including eliminating academic jargon, keeping sentences short and punchy, and replacing scholarly formality and detachment with engaging first-person narrative.

Grosvenor also introduced photographs into the magazine, a step that would gain National Geographic more recognition than its newly accessible style. He knew well the impact that photographs would have; his fathers history of Istanbul, published in 1895, was the first scholarly book published in the United States to make extensive use of photoengravings. Though some critics considered it vulgar to run photos in an academic work, the book sold well. Gilbert Grosvenor encountered much opposition from more conservative trustees of the National Geographic Society when the changes that he wished to make became known. He had, however, the firm backing of Alexander Graham Bell, which afforded him the time to prove the editorial merits of his innovations. Skyrocketing circulation (by 1906 the magazine could boast of 11,000 regular subscribers) confirmed his abilities.

Opposition from within the Societys board softened, too. In one incident in December 1904, Grosvenor faced a challenge when the next months issue was about to go to press with 11 pages blank for want of copy. In that days mail, however, he found an unsolicited packet containing the first photographs ever taken of the Tibetan capital of Lhasa. Awed by the photos and desperate for material, he used them to fill the blank pages. He later wrote that he expected to be fired for running an 11-page pictorial spread, but several days after the issue appeared, he was elected a trustee of the Society. Grosvenor ran National Geographics first color photos in 1910. The magazine remains a pioneer in the journalistic use of photography.

Alexander Graham Bell retired as president of the National Geographic Society in 1903, although he remained a contributor to the magazine and an influential member of the organization until his death in 1922. He was succeeded by a series of short-term chief executives: W.J. McGee served briefly, followed by Grove Karl Gilbert. Willis Moore served from 1905 to 1909. Henry Gannett, a charter member and chief geographer of the U.S. Geological Survey, succeeded Moore and served until his death in 1914. Gannett was succeeded by O.H. Tittman, who resigned in 1919. He was followed by John E. Pillsbury, who served less than a year before his death in December 1919. In 1920 the entire National Geographic Society and its expanding operations became Gilbert Grosvenors responsibility when he succeeded John Pillsbury as president. Grosvenor remained editor of the magazine, which continued the readable, relatively upbeat style that he had created.

In these early years the Society began its sponsorship of high-profile exploratory, archaeological, and naturalistic expeditions. In 1906 it contributed $1,000 to the Arctic expedition led by Commander Robert E. Peary, with whom the Society had a longstanding professional relationship. In 1909 Peary became the first to reach the North Pole, and the National Geographic Society has basked in this triumph ever since. Another of its early successes was Yale archaeologist Hiram Binghams 1912 expedition to Peru, during which the Inca capital of Macchu Picchu was excavated.

As president of the Society, Grosvenor continued its sponsorship of extraordinary expeditions. The Society provided financial support for Commander Richard E. Byrds various Arctic and Antarctic voyages between 1925 and 1930, during which he became the first person to fly to the North and South Poles. Byrd was aided by a special compass designed by Albert Bumstead, the Societys chief cartographer, which used the sun for navigation, since magnetic compasses would not work at the poles. In 1935 the Society and the U.S. Army Air Corps co-sponsored Explorer 77, a helium balloon that set an altitude record for an occupied balloon that stood until the dawn of the Space Age. In 1939 the Society and the Smithsonian Institution co-sponsored an expedition to southern Mexico during which archaeologist Matthew Sterling uncovered a Mayan stela, an inscribed tablet, that was the oldest known human artifact from the New World.

Company Perspectives:

The National Geographic Society today is propelled by new concerns: the alarming lack of geographic knowledge among our nations young people and the pressing need to protect the planets natural resources. As our mission grows in urgency and scope, the Society continues to develop new and exciting vehicles for broadening our reach and enhancing our legendary ability to bring the world to our millions of members.

National Geographic reached the mass readership that its founders had sought, with a circulation of 500,000 at the end of World War I, and the Society continued to expand its activities. In 1922, after receiving a request for geographical information from the National Education Association, the Society launched a weekly publication designed for classroom use, Geographic School Bulletins. During World War II, the Society opened its photographic and cartographic archives to the United States military. Its vast library of photographs of foreign countries provided intelligence about infrastructure in enemy-held territory and also helped unveil camouflage when compared with the militarys own reconnaissance photographs. The Societys maps of distant lands, which it had been accumulating since creating its own cartographic department in 1916, also proved valuable. After the war, the Society received a grateful letter from Fleet Admiral Chester Nimitz, one of the wars heroes, who reported that a National Geographic map of the South Pacific saved him considerable difficulty in 1942 when the crew members of the B-17 in which he was flying used it to get back on course after losing their bearings in a storm near Guadalcanal. Further, President Franklin Roosevelt asked the Society for a map, and was so impressed with the encased set that was given him that he later asked for and received a similar set to give to Prime Minister Winston Churchill. Churchill was so pleased with his maps that after the war, when the Society asked him to return the original set for a new and updated set in order to place the originals in the Societys museum, Churchill politely refused.

The Space Age

After the war, with so much of the Earths land mass already explored and mapped, the Society turned part of its attention to the last remaining frontier: outer space. It co-sponsored with the California Institute of Technology the ambitious Sky Survey, which would produce the Sky Atlas, the first comprehensive photographic map of the heavens. Work on the Sky Survey began in 1949 and was completed in 1956, using the 48-inch Big Schmidt telescope at Palomar Observatory in California.

Almost concurrently, the Society also began its long and successful association with marine explorer Jacques-Yves Cousteau. The Society sponsored a number of Cousteau expeditions in the 1950s, including the 1956 dive during which he took photographs of the Romanche Trench in the Atlantic Ocean, the deepest point at which photographs had ever been taken. During another National Geographic-sponsored expedition in the mid-1950s, Cousteau shot footage for his Oscar-winning documentary The Silent World.

Gilbert Grosvenor retired in 1954 after 34 years as president of the National Geographic Society and 55 years as editor of National Geographic. He then became chairman of the Society and was succeeded in his former positions by his old friend and longtime assistant editor, John Oliver La Gorce. La Gorce served for three years, then retired and became vice-chairman of the Society. He was succeeded by Grosvenors son, Melville Bell Grosvenor. Although his father remained the unquestioned sage of the board of directors, the title of CEO was given to the younger Grosvenor.

As editor of National Geographic, Melville Bell Grosvenor expanded the magazines use of color photography and put a color photo on the cover for the first time. As CEO of the National Geographic Society, he expanded the Societys book publishing operations and also led it into the increasingly ubiquitous medium of television. Film shot by National Geographic photographers had appeared on television since 1955, but always on network programs. Then, in 1958, Grosvenor and longtime staffer Luis Marden decided to produce the Societys own television programs. Three years later, the Society formed its documentary film department. The first Society-produced television special, Americans on Everest, aired on CBS in 1965.

Gilbert H. Grosvenor died in 1966, and the next year his son retired and became chairman of the Society. In 1970, Gilbert M. Grosvenor, Melvilles son, assumed the leadership position at National Geographic. He had joined the staff straight from Yale after winning the National Press Photographers Award for coverage of President Eisenhowers tour of Asia in 1951. Before long, Grosvenor became the center of controversy by enacting a subtle shift in National Geographic s editorial policy, easing it away from the uniformly upbeat tone and avoidance of sensitive topics that his father and grandfather had maintained. Under Gilbert M. Grosvenor, the magazine ran major stories on racial turmoil in South Africa, communism in Cuba, and social conditions in Harlem. Although the board of trustees publicly endorsed Grosvenors editorship, some directors of the Society were scandalized, and conservative media critics accused National Geographic of contracting a bad case of radical chic. Grosvenor became president of the Society in 1980, leaving the post of editor to his longtime assistant Wilbur Garrett.

Grosvenor took charge of an organization that was, in some ways, the envy of the publishing industry. In 1980 National Geographic boasted 10.7 million subscribers and a circulation of well over 30 million. That year, the Society announced a profit of $3 million on revenues of $217 million, yet the Society continued to refer to its annual profit as a surplus and its subscribers as members, genteel terms used by nonprofit organizations. The Society retained its not-for-profit status and accompanying tax exemptions even though it published one of the bestselling magazines in the world and ran successful book publishing and television production operations. When the Society erected a new headquarters building in Washington, D.C., in 1981 at a cost of $30 million, it paid in cash.

The 1980s would not prove entirely kind to the Society, however. It fielded much criticism for a 1981 cover in which two Egyptian pyramids were digitally manipulated to appear closer together, a technique it promptly abandoned. Circulation figures and advertising revenues from National Geographic remained flat throughout most of the decade. Slowdowns in the economy and increased competition from other popular science magazines presented the greatest threat of decrease in readership since the Great Depression. The Societys television operations received a boost in 1985 when it signed an agreement with cable station WTBS to produce a weekly documentary series, National Geographic Explorer.

Gilbert Grosvenor had always focused on emerging technologies that could affect the Societys long-term future. In 1981 he speculated openly about the possibility of putting National Geographic and publishing books on video. In 1990 the Society published a multimedia software package called GTV in collaboration with Lucasfilm and Apple Computer. GTV was designed for use in middle schools and provided interactive lessons in U.S. history. Moreover, the Society was publishing its own catalog of merchandise and exploring the possibility of cooperative ventures, particularly with the catalog and retail firm The Nature Company, hoping to use merchandising as a new source of revenues.

New Horizons at the End of the Century

By the mid-1990s, the Society had sold more than four million home videos. Its for-profit subsidiary, National Geographic Ventures, was producing educational materials in a variety of formats, including a Disney Channel television program called Really Wild Animals. The group was planning to air the National Geographic Channel on cable and satellite in cooperation with NBC. It also ran the Societys web site and online store, and had established theaters and exhibits at national parks.

One plan to issue National Geographics entire back catalog on CD-ROM drew criticism from authors rights groups, however, since no additional royalties were to be paid to writers and photographers for reuse of the work. The set, released on 30 CD-ROMs, retailed for $199.

Upon the retirement of Gilbert M. Grosvenor, Reg Murphy, formerly editor or publisher of the Baltimore Sun, San Francisco Examiner, and Atlanta Constitution, moved up to president and CEO of the Society in May 1996. Also during this time, in January 1994, Bill Allen became only the eighth editor in National Geographic magazines history.

The Society began placing National Geographic on newsstands in 1998, breaking a century of its members only tradition. The group had actually tested some issues at the newsstand previously, and had recorded good sales figures in foreign retail outlets. Single-copy sales were expected to account for only a small fraction of total sales. The flagships sister publication, National Geographic Traveler, introduced in 1984, had been sold at newsstands for seven years.

National Geographic Adventure, the Societys answer to Outside magazine, the leader in the burgeoning adventure travel category, debuted in April 1999. Initially a quarterly, Adventure was expected to be produced monthly by 2001. John Rasmus was the first editor at Adventure; he had previously held that position at Outside and Mens Journal.

As the National Geographic Society entered the 21st century, it boasted three magazines, programs for television and home video, an expanded web site, and two freestanding retail stores in Washington, D.C. Under development were new cable and international television channels and a new magazine. The Society was also seeking partners to capitalize upon the National Geographic brand name via toys, software, and other consumer goods. The Societys magazines were selling record levels of advertising and new foreign language versions surpassed expectations abroad. The Society commemorated the millennium with a seven-part series on global issues.

Principal Subsidiaries

National Geographic Ventures.

Further Reading

Adams, Mark, Geographic Shifts, Mediaweek, June 26, 1995, p. 18.

Behr, Peter, Geographic: The Wealth of Knowledge, Washington Post, December 7, 1981.

Conaway, James, The Geographics Founding Family, Washington Post, December 19, 1984.

Granatstein, Lisa, Looking for Adventure, Mediaweek, July 20, 1998, pp. 1718.

Gremillion, Jeff, and Lisa Granatstein, 2000: A Space Odyssey, Mediaweek, February 2, 1998, p. 14.

Grosvenor, Gilbert H., The National Geographic Society and Its Magazine, Washington, D.C.: National Geographic Society, 1957.

Hays, Constance L., Seeing Green in a Yellow Border, New York Times, August 3, 1997, Sec. 3.

Kerwin, Ann Marie, Two New Titles Join Ranks of Adventure Travel Books, Advertising Age, March 8, 1999, p. 22.

Ringle, Ken, Around the World in 25 Years, Washington Post, February 4, 1990.

Sawyer, Kathy, Change at the Geographic, Washington Post, July 17, 1977.

Trueheart, Charles, Garrett, Grosvenor and the Great Divide, Washington Post, May 7, 1990.

Douglas Sun

updated by Frederick C. Ingram

National Geographic Society

views updated May 23 2018

National Geographic Society

1145 17th Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20036
(202) 857-7000
Fax: (202) 828-6679

Non-Profit Organization
Incorporated: 1888
Employees: 1,950
Sales: $446.9 million

Founded as a club of distinguished gentlemen devoted to promoting the study of geography, the National Geographic Society is currently the largest educational society in the world and the publisher of one of the worlds most widely circulated magazines, National Geographic. The company is also involved in book publishing, education, public service projects, and the production of a popular series of television documentaries, but its magazine remains its crowning achievement. Thanks in large part to the efforts of three generations of the Grosvenor family, National Geographic has become a staple of American mass culture, so well known that allusions to it are found in such diverse sources as Elizabeth Bishops poem In the Waiting Room and MTVs animated television show Beavis and Butt-head.

The National Geographic Society was founded in January 1888 in Washington, D.C. by a group of eminent citizens who wanted to promote geographic research and the popular distribution of the results of such research. The charter members of the Society included Alexander Graham Bell; Bells father-in-law, lawyer Gardiner Greene Hubbard; explorers John Wesley Powell and A. W. Greeley; and scholar George Kennan, uncle of future ambassador to the Soviet Union George F. Kennan. Hubbard was one of Bells early financial backers and had served as the first president of the Bell Telephone Company, the forerunner of AT&T. He was elected to serve as the Societys first president.

The first issue of National Geographic appeared shortly after the Societys founding and was published intermittently until January 1896, when monthly publication began. The early magazine bears little resemblance to the readable, eye-catching National Geographic of today. Its articles were written in a dry, academic style and bore titles such as Geographic Methods in Geologic Investigation and The Classification of Geographic Forms by Genesis, and there were no illustrations. It is not surprising, then, that circulation remained limited, with less than 1,000 subscribers and negligible newsstand sales.

Gardiner Greene Hubbard died in 1897 and was succeeded as president by his famous son-in-law. When Alexander Graham Bell took the helm, he found the National Geographic Society in a precarious financial state, largely because its magazine had failed to provide a strong revenue base. He soon realized that National Geographic needed two things: a change in editorial policy that would make it a popular scientific magazine rather than a scholarly journal, and a full-time editor who would manifest the changes he sought. Bell hoped to fill both needs in 1899 when he wrote to his friend, historian Edwin Grosvenor of Amherst College, to ask if either of Grosvenors sons might be interested in assuming editorship. Gilbert H. Grosvenor, then a 23-year-old prep school teacher in New Jersey, accepted.

Having grown up in Istanbul while his father researched his two-volume history of the Turkish capital, Gilbert Grosvenor had become fascinated with foreign lands and peoples at an early agebut he later confessed that he was also drawn to the job by his desire to be near Bells daughter Elsie, whom he later married.

Grosvenor proved to be the catalyst behind the immensely successful popularization of the magazine. After studying such classic examples of travel writing as Darwins Voyage of the Beagle and Charles Danas Two Years Before the Mast, Grosvenor concluded that National Geographic articles could be made more readable without sacrificing their educational value. Grosvenor mandated stylistic changes for the magazine: Eliminate academic jargon, keep sentences short and punchy, and replace scholarly formality and detachment with engaging first-person narrative.

Grosvenor also introduced photographs into the magazine, a step that would gain National Geographic more recognition than its newly accessible style. He knew well the impact that photographs would have; his fathers history of Istanbul, published in 1895, was the first scholarly book published in the United States to make extensive use of photoengravings. Though some critics considered it vulgar to run photos in an academic work, the book sold well. Similarly, Gilbert Grosvenor encountered much opposition from more conservative trustees of the National Geographic Society when the changes that he wished to make became known. He had, however, the firm backing of Alexander Graham Bell, which afforded him the time to prove the editorial merits of his innovations. Skyrocketing circulation (by 1906, the magazine could boast of 11,000 regular subscribers) would confirm his abilities.

Opposition from within the Societys board would soften, too. In December 1904 Grosvenor grew alarmed when the next months issue was about to go to press with eleven pages blank for want of copy. In that days mail, however, he found an unsolicited packet containing the first photographs ever taken of the Tibetan capital of Lhasa. Awed by the photos and desperate for material, he used them to fill the blank pages. He later wrote that he expected to be fired for running an eleven-page pictorial spread, but several days after the issue appeared, he was elected a trustee of the Society. Grosvenor ran National Geographics first color photos in 1910. The magazine remains a pioneer in the journalistic use of photography.

Alexander Graham Bell retired as president of the National Geographic Society in 1903, although he remained a contributor to the magazine and an influential member of the organization until his death in 1922. He was succeeded by a series of short-term chief executives: W. J. McGee served briefly, followed by Grove Karl Gilbert. Willis Moore served from 1905 to 1909. Henry Gannett, a charter member and chief geographer of the U.S. Geological Survey, succeeded Moore and served until his death in 1914. Gannett was succeeded by O. H. Tittman, who resigned in 1919. He was followed by John E. Pillsbury, who served less than a year before his death in December 1919. In 1920 the entire National Geographic Society and its expanding operations became Gilbert Grosvenors responsibility when he succeeded John Pillsbury as president. Grosvenor remained editor of the magazine, which continued the readable, relatively upbeat, house style that he had created.

In these early years the Society began its sponsorship of high-profile exploratory, archaeological, and naturalistic expeditions. In 1906 it contributed $1,000 to the Arctic expedition led by Commander Robert E. Peary, with whom the Society had a longstanding professional relationship. In 1909 Peary became the first human being to reach the North Pole, and the National Geographic Society has basked in this triumph ever since. Another of its early successes was Yale archaeologist Hiram Binghams 1912 expedition to Peru, during which the Inca capital of Macchu Picchu was excavated.

As president of the Society, Grosvenor continued its sponsorship of high-profile expeditions. The Society provided financial support for Commander Richard E. Byrds various Arctic and Antarctic voyages between 1925 and 1930, during which he became the first human to fly to the North and South Poles. Byrd was aided by a special compass designed by Albert Bumstead, the Societys chief cartographer, which used the sun for navigation, since magnetic compasses would not work at the poles. In 1935 it co-sponsored with the U.S. Army Air Corps Explorer //, a helium balloon that set an altitude record for an occupied balloon that stood until the dawn of the Space Age. In 1939 the National Geographic Society and the Smithsonian Institution co-sponsored an expedition to southern Mexico during which archaeologist Matthew Sterling uncovered a Mayan stela, an inscribed tablet, that was the oldest known human artifact from the New World.

National Geographic reached the mass readership that its founders had sought, with a circulation of 500,000 at the end of World War I, and the Society continued to expand its activities. In 1922, after receiving a request for geographical information from the National Education Association, the Society launched a weekly publication designed for classroom use, Geographic School Bulletins. During World War II, the Society opened its photographic and cartographic archives to the United States military. Its vast library of photographs of foreign countries provided intelligence about infrastructure in enemy-held territory and also helped unveil camouflage when compared with the militarys own reconnaissance photographs. The Societys maps of distant lands, which it had been accumulating since creating its own cartographic department in 1916, also proved valuable. After the war, the Society received a grateful letter from Fleet Admiral Chester Nimitz, one of the wars heroes, who reported that a National Geographic map of the South Pacific saved him considerable difficulty in 1942 when the crew members of the B-17 in which he was flying used it to get back on course after losing their bearings in a storm near Guadalcanal. Further, President Franklin Roosevelt asked the Society for a map, and was so impressed with the encased set that was given him that he later asked for and received a similar set to give to Prime Minister Winston Churchill. Churchill was so pleased with his maps that after the war, when the Society asked him to return the original set for a new and updated set in order to place the originals in the Societys museum, Churchill politely refused.

After the war, with so much of the Earths landmass already explored and mapped, the Society turned part of its attention to the last remaining frontier: outer space. It co-sponsored with the California Institute of Technology the ambitious Sky Survey, which would produce the Sky Atlas, the first comprehensive photographic map of the heavens. Work on the Sky Survey began in 1949 and was completed in 1956, using the 48-inch Big Schmidt telescope at Palomar Observatory in California.

Almost concurrently, the National Geographic Society also began its long and successful association with marine explorer Jacques-Yves Cousteau. The Society sponsored a number of Cousteau expeditions in the 1950s, including the 1956 dive during which he took photographs of the Romanche Trench in the Atlantic Ocean, the deepest point at which photographs had ever been taken. During another National Geographic-sponsored expedition in the mid-1950s, Cousteau shot footage for his Oscar-winning documentary The Silent World.

Gilbert Grosvenor retired in 1954 after 34 years as president of the National Geographic Society and 55 years as editor of National Geographic. He then became chairman of the Society and was succeeded in his former positions by his old friend and longtime assistant editor, John Oliver La Gorce. La Gorce served for three years, then retired and became vice-chairman of the Society. He was succeeded by Grosvenors son, Melville Bell Grosvenor. Although his father remained the unquestioned sage of the board of directors, the title of chief executive officer was given to the younger Grosvenor.

As editor of National Geographic, Melville Bell Grosvenor expanded the magazines use of color photography and put a color photo on the cover for the first time. As CEO of the National Geographic Society, he expanded the Societys book publishing operations and also led it into the increasingly ubiquitous medium of television. Film shot by National Geographic photographer had appeared on television since 1955, but always on network programs. Then, in 1958, Grosvenor and longtime staffer Luis Marden decided to produce the Societys own television programs. Three years later, the Society formed its documentary film department. The first Society-produced television special, Americans on Everest, aired on CBS in 1965.

Gilbert H. Grosvenor died in 1966, and the next year his son retired and became chairman of the Society. In 1970, Gilbert M. Grosvenor, Melvilles son, assumed the leadership position at National Geographic. He had joined the staff straight from Yale after winning the National Press Photographers Award for coverage of President Eisenhowers tour of Asia in 1951. Before long, Grosvenor became the center of controversy by enacting a subtle shift in National Geographic editorial policy, easing it away from the uniformly upbeat tone and avoidance of sensitive topics that his father and grandfather had maintained. Under Gilbert M. Grosvenor, the magazine ran major stories on racial turmoil in South Africa, communism in Cuba and social conditions in Harlem. Although the board of trustees publicly endorsed Grosvenors editorship, some directors of the Society were scandalized, and conservative media critics accused National Geographic of contracting a bad case of radical chic. Grosvenor became president of the Society in 1980, leaving the post of editor to his longtime assistant Wilbur Garrett.

Grosvenor took charge of an organization that was, in some ways, the envy of the publishing industry. In 1980 National Geographic boasted 10.7 million subscribers and a circulation of well over 30 million. That year, the Society announced a profit of $3 million on revenues of $217 million, yet the Society continued to refer to its annual profit as a surplus and its subscribers as members, genteel terms used by non-profit organizations. The Society retained its not-for-profit status and accompanying tax exemptions even though it published one of the best-selling magazines in the world and ran successful book publishing and television production operations. And when the Society erected a new headquarters building in Washington, D.C., in 1981 at a cost of $30 million, it paid in cash.

The 1980s would not prove entirely kind to the Society, however. Circulation figures and advertising revenues from National Geographic remained flat throughout most of the decade. Slowdowns in the economy and increased competition from other popular science magazines presented the greatest threat of decrease in readership since the Great Depression. The Societys television operations received a boost in 1985 when it signed an agreement with cable station WTBS to produce a weekly documentary series, National Geographic Explorer.

Gilbert Grosvenor had always focused on emerging technologies that could affect the Societys long-term future. In 1981 he speculated openly about the possibility of putting National Geographic and publishing books on video discs. In 1990 the Society published a multimedia software package called GTV in collaboration with Lucasfilm and Apple Computer. GTV was designed for use in middle schools and provided interactive lessons in American history.

The Society represents the established order of the United Statesit was founded by eminent men, and in more recent years its trustees have included such notables as Supreme Court Chief Justice Warren Burger, Lady Bird Johnson, Air Force General Curtis LeMay, astronaut Frank Borman, and businessman J. Willard Marriott, Jr. It has gained a reputation for conservatism and cautiousness, yet its hallmark has always been discovery of the unknown, and it has embraced new media and new techniques in publishing. It has brought the far corners of the world to the doorsteps of millions of Americans. As Frank Luther Mott, the eminent journalism historian, once wrote, National Geographic compiled a fabulous record of success, especially since the magazine is founded on an editorial conviction that rates the intelligence of the popular audience fairly high.

Further Reading

Behr, Peter, Geographic: The Wealth of Knowledge, Washington Post, December 7, 1981.

Conaway, James, The Geographics Founding Family, Washington Post, December 19, 1984.

Grosvenor, Gilbert H, The National Geographic Society and Its Magazine, Washington, D.C.: National Geographic Society, 1957.

Ringle, Ken, Around the World in 25 Years, Washington Post, February 4, 1990.

Sawyer, Kathy, Change at the Geographic, Washington Post, July 17, 1977.

Trueheart, Charles, Garrett, Grosvenor and the Great Divide, Washington Post, May 7, 1990.

Douglas Sun

National Geographic Society

views updated May 29 2018

National Geographic Society

1145 17th Street NW
Washington, D.C. 20036-4688
Telephone: (202) 857-7000
Toll Free: (800) 647-5463
Fax: (202) 775-6141
Web site:

Nonprofit Organization
Employees: 1,400
Sales: $100 million (2005 est.)
NAIC: 511120 Periodical Publishers

Founded as a club of distinguished gentlemen devoted to promoting the study of geography, the National Geographic Society ranks among the largest nonprofit and educational organizations in the world. It is the publisher of one of the world's most widely circulated magazines, National Geographic, as well as National Geographic Traveler and National Geographic Adventure. National Geographic is also involved in book publishing, education, public service projects, and television production, though its flagship magazine remains its crowning achievement. Thanks in large part to the efforts of three generations of the Grosvenor family, National Geographic has become a staple of American mass culture. The Society's trustees have included such notables as Supreme Court Chief Justice Warren Burger, Lady Bird Johnson, Air Force General Curtis LeMay, astronaut Frank Borman, and businessman J. Willard Marriott, Jr. Having embraced new media and new techniques in publishing, the Society brought the far corners of the world to the doorsteps of millions of Americans. Frank Luther Mott, a journalism historian, observed that National Geographic has compiled "a fabulous record of success, especially since the magazine is founded on an editorial conviction that rates the intelligence of the popular audience fairly high." In the 21st century the National Geographic Society sought to build brand loyalty among international and more youthful audiences.


The National Geographic Society was founded in January 1888 in Washington, D.C., by a group of eminent citizens who wanted to promote geographic research and the popular distribution of the results of such research. The charter members of the Society included Alexander Graham Bell; Bell's father-in-law, lawyer Gardiner Greene Hubbard; explorers John Wesley Powell and A. W. Greeley; and scholar George Kennan, uncle of future ambassador to the Soviet Union George F. Kennan. Hubbard was one of Bell's early financial backers and had served as the first president of the Bell Telephone Company, the forerunner of AT&T. He was elected to serve as the Society's first president.

The first issue of National Geographic appeared in October and was sent to 200 charter members. It was published intermittently until January 1896, when monthly publication began. The early magazine bore little resemblance to the readable, eye-catching National Geographic of later years. Its articles were written in a dry, academic style and bore titles such as "Geographic Methods in Geologic Investigation" and "The Classification of Geographic Forms by Genesis," and there were no illustrations. It is not surprising, then, that circulation remained limited, with less than 1,000 subscribers and negligible newsstand sales.

Gardiner Greene Hubbard died in 1897 and was succeeded as president by his famous son-in-law. When Alexander Graham Bell took the helm, he found the National Geographic Society in a precarious financial state, largely because its magazine had failed to provide a strong revenue base. He soon realized that National Geographic needed two things: a change in editorial policy that would make it a popular scientific magazine rather than a scholarly journal, and a full-time editor who would manifest the changes he sought. Bell hoped to fill both needs in 1899 when he wrote to his friend, historian Edwin Grosvenor of Amherst College, to ask if either of Grosvenor's sons might be interested in assuming editorship. Gilbert H. Grosvenor, then a 23-year-old prep school teacher in New Jersey, accepted.

Having grown up in Istanbul while his father researched his two-volume history of the Turkish capital, Gilbert Grosvenor had become fascinated with foreign lands and peoples at an early age, but he later confessed that he was also drawn to the job by his desire to be near Bell's daughter Elsie, whom he later married.

Grosvenor proved to be the catalyst behind the immensely successful popularization of the magazine. After studying such classic examples of travel writing as Darwin's Voyage of the Beagle and Charles Dana's Two Year's Before the Mast, Grosvenor concluded that National Geographic articles could be made more readable without sacrificing their educational value. Grosvenor then mandated some stylistic changes for the magazine, including eliminating academic jargon, keeping sentences short and punchy, and replacing scholarly formality and detachment with engaging first-person narrative.

Grosvenor also introduced photographs into the magazine, a step that would gain National Geographic more recognition than its newly accessible style. He knew well the impact that photographs would have; his father's history of Istanbul, published in 1895, was the first scholarly book published in the United States to make extensive use of photoengravings. Though some critics considered it vulgar to run photos in an academic work, the book sold well. Gilbert Grosvenor encountered much opposition from more conservative trustees of the National Geographic Society when the changes that he wished to make became known. He had, however, the firm backing of Alexander Graham Bell, which afforded him the time to prove the editorial merits of his innovations. Skyrocketing circulation (by 1906 the magazine could boast of 11,000 regular subscribers) confirmed his abilities.

Opposition from within the Society's board softened, too. In one incident in December 1904, Grosvenor faced a challenge when the next month's issue was about to go to press with 11 pages blank for want of copy. In that day's mail, however, he found an unsolicited packet containing the first photographs ever taken of the Tibetan capital of Lhasa. Awed by the photos and desperate for material, he used them to fill the blank pages. He later wrote that he expected to be fired for running an 11-page pictorial spread, but several days after the issue appeared, he was elected a trustee of the Society. Grosvenor ran National Geographic 's first color photos in 1910. The magazine remains a pioneer in the journalistic use of photography.

Alexander Graham Bell retired as president of the National Geographic Society in 1903, although he remained a contributor to the magazine and an influential member of the organization until his death in 1922. He was succeeded by a series of short-term chief executives: W. J. McGee served briefly, followed by Grove Karl Gilbert. Willis Moore served from 1905 to 1909. Henry Gannett, a charter member and chief geographer of the U.S. Geological Survey, succeeded Moore and served until his death in 1914. Gannett was succeeded by O. H. Tittman, who resigned in 1919. He was followed by John E. Pillsbury, who served less than a year before his death in December 1919. In 1920 the entire National Geographic Society and its expanding operations became Gilbert Grosvenor's responsibility when he succeeded John Pillsbury as president. Grosvenor remained editor of the magazine, which continued the readable, relatively upbeat style that he had created.


After more than a century the National Geographic Society today is propelled by new concerns: the alarming lack of geographic knowledge among our nation's young people and the pressing need to protect the planet's natural resources. As our mission grows in urgency and scope, the Society continues to develop new and exciting vehicles for broadening our reach and enhancing our legendary ability to bring the world to our millions of members.

In these early years the Society began its sponsorship of high-profile exploratory, archaeological, and naturalistic expeditions. In 1906 it contributed $1,000 to the Arctic expedition led by Commander Robert E. Peary, with whom the Society had a longstanding professional relationship. In 1909 Peary became the first documented explorer to reach the North Pole. (Years later, in 2000, the National Geographic Society posthumously awarded African-American Matthew Henson its highest honor, the Hubbard Medal, for accompanying Peary on the landmark expedition to the North Pole.) Another of the Society's early successes was Yale archaeologist Hiram Bingham's 1912 expedition to Peru, during which the Inca capital of Macchu Picchu was excavated.

As president of the Society, Grosvenor continued its sponsorship of extraordinary expeditions. The Society provided financial support for Commander Richard E. Byrd's various Arctic and Antarctic voyages between 1925 and 1930, during which he became the first person to fly to the North and South Poles. Byrd was aided by a special compass designed by Albert Bumstead, the Society's chief cartographer, which used the sun for navigation, since magnetic compasses would not work at the poles. In 1935 the Society and the U.S. Army Air Corps co-sponsored Explorer II, a helium balloon that set an altitude record for an occupied balloon that stood until the dawn of the Space Age. In 1939 the Society and the Smithsonian Institution co-sponsored an expedition to southern Mexico during which archaeologist Matthew Sterling uncovered a Mayan stela, an inscribed tablet, that was the oldest known human artifact from the New World.

National Geographic reached the mass readership that its founders had sought, with a circulation of 500,000 at the end of World War I, and the Society continued to expand its activities. In 1922, after receiving a request for geographical information from the National Education Association, the Society launched a weekly publication designed for classroom use, Geographic School Bulletins.

During World War II, the Society opened its photographic and cartographic archives to the U.S. military. Its vast library of photographs of foreign countries provided intelligence about infrastructure in enemy-held territory and also helped unveil camouflage when compared with the military's own reconnaissance photographs. The Society's maps of distant lands, which it had been accumulating since creating its own cartographic department in 1916, also proved valuable. After the war, the Society received a grateful letter from Fleet Admiral Chester Nimitz, one of the war's heroes, who reported that a National Geographic map of the South Pacific saved him considerable difficulty in 1942 when the crew members of the B-17 in which he was flying used it to get back on course after losing their bearings in a storm near Guadalcanal. Further, President Franklin Roosevelt asked the Society for a map, and was so impressed with the encased set that was given him that he later asked for and received a similar set to give to Prime Minister Winston Churchill. Churchill was so pleased with his maps that after the war, when the Society asked him to return the original set for a new and updated set in order to place the originals in the Society's museum, Churchill politely refused.


First issue of National Geographic is sent to 200 charter members.
Alexander Graham Bell succeeds his father-in-law as president.
Eleven-page photo spread earns editor Gilbert H. Grosvenor unexpected praise.
Organization supports Peary exhibition to North Pole.
Grosvenor is named president, a position he holds for more than 30 years.
National Geographic circulation reaches 1.2 million.
Organization aids war effort by granting government access to photos and cartographic data.
First undersea article by Jacques-Yves Cousteau is published.
Melville Bell Grosvenor leads the Geographic to its first television special.
Gilbert M. Grosvenor changes tone of National Geographic.
National Geographic Explorer deal boosts television operations.
"Local language" versions of magazine are introduced; National Geographic Television becomes separate, taxable unit.
National Geographic Adventure magazine premieres.
The Society adds a new purpose: to encourage better stewardship of the planet.
Hurricane Katrina special issue reaches newsstands in record time.


After the war, with so much of the Earth's land mass already explored and mapped, the Society turned part of its attention to the last remaining frontier: outer space. It co-sponsored with the California Institute of Technology the ambitious Sky Survey, which would produce the Sky Atlas, the first comprehensive photographic map of the heavens. Work on the Sky Survey began in 1949 and was completed in 1956, using the 48-inch "Big Schmidt" telescope at Palomar Observatory in California.

Almost concurrently, the Society also began its long and successful association with marine explorer Jacques-Yves Cousteau. The Society sponsored a number of Cousteau expeditions in the 1950s, including the 1956 dive during which he took photographs of the Romanche Trench in the Atlantic Ocean, the deepest point at which photographs had ever been taken. During another National Geographic-sponsored expedition in the mid-1950s, Cousteau shot footage for his Oscar-winning documentary The Silent World.

Gilbert Grosvenor retired in 1954 after 34 years as president of the National Geographic Society and 55 years as editor of National Geographic. He then became chairman of the Society and was succeeded in his former positions by his old friend and longtime assistant editor, John Oliver La Gorce. La Gorce served for three years, then retired and became vice-chairman of the Society. He was succeeded by Grosvenor's son, Melville Bell Grosvenor. Although his father remained the unquestioned sage of the board of directors, the title of CEO was given to the younger Grosvenor.

As editor of National Geographic, Melville Bell Grosvenor expanded the magazine's use of color photography, which regularly appeared on the cover beginning in 1959. As CEO of the National Geographic Society, he expanded the Society's book publishing operations and also led it into the increasingly ubiquitous medium of television. Film shot by National Geographic photographers had appeared on television since 1955, but always on network programs. Then, in 1958, Grosvenor and longtime staffer Luis Marden decided to produce the Society's own television programs. Three years later, the Society formed its documentary film department. The first Society-produced television special, "Americans on Everest," aired on CBS in 1965.

Gilbert H. Grosvenor died in 1966, and the next year his son retired and became chairman of the Society. In 1970, Gilbert M. Grosvenor, Melville's son, assumed the leadership position at National Geographic. He had joined the staff straight from Yale after winning the National Press Photographers Award for coverage of President Eisenhower's tour of Asia in 1951. Before long, Grosvenor became the center of controversy by enacting a subtle shift in National Geographic 's editorial policy, easing it away from the uniformly upbeat tone and avoidance of sensitive topics that his father and grandfather had maintained. Under Gilbert M. Grosvenor, the magazine ran major stories on racial turmoil in South Africa, communism in Cuba, and social conditions in Harlem. Although the board of trustees publicly endorsed Grosvenor's editorship, some directors of the Society were scandalized, and conservative media critics accused National Geographic of contracting "a bad case of radical chic." Grosvenor became president of the Society in 1980, leaving the post of editor to his longtime assistant Wilbur Garrett.

Grosvenor took charge of an organization that was, in some ways, the envy of the publishing industry. In 1980 National Geographic boasted 10.7 million subscribers and a circulation of well over 30 million. That year, the Society announced a profit of $3 million on revenues of $217 million, yet the Society continued to refer to its annual profit as a "surplus" and its subscribers as "members," genteel terms used by nonprofit organizations. The Society retained its not-for-profit status and accompanying tax exemptions even though it published one of the bestselling magazines in the world and ran successful book publishing and television production operations. When the Society erected a new headquarters building in Washington, D.C., in 1981 at a cost of $30 million, it paid in cash.

The 1980s would not prove entirely kind to the Society, however. It fielded much criticism for a 1981 cover in which two Egyptian pyramids were digitally manipulated to appear closer together, a technique it promptly abandoned. Circulation figures and advertising revenues from National Geographic remained flat throughout most of the decade. Slowdowns in the economy and increased competition from other popular science magazines presented the greatest threat of decrease in readership since the Great Depression. The Society's television operations received a boost in 1985 when it signed an agreement with cable station WTBS to produce a weekly documentary series, National Geographic Explorer.

Gilbert Grosvenor had always focused on emerging technologies that could affect the Society's long-term future. In 1981 he speculated openly about the possibility of putting National Geographic and publishing books on video. In 1990 the Society published a multimedia software package called "GTV" in collaboration with Lucasfilm and Apple Computer. "GTV" was designed for use in middle schools and provided interactive lessons in U.S. history. Moreover, the Society was publishing its own catalog of merchandise and exploring the possibility of cooperative ventures, particularly with the catalog and retail firm The Nature Company, hoping to use merchandising as a new source of revenues.


By the mid-1990s, the Society had sold more than four million home videos. Its for-profit subsidiary, National Geographic Ventures, was producing educational materials in a variety of formats, including a Disney Channel television program called Really Wild Animals. The group was planning to air the National Geographic Channel on cable and satellite in cooperation with NBC. It also ran the Society's web site and online store, and had established theaters and exhibits at national parks.

One plan to issue National Geographic 's entire back catalog on CD-ROM drew criticism from authors' rights groups, however, since no additional royalties were to be paid to writers and photographers for reuse of the work. The set, released on 30 CD-ROMs, retailed for $199.

Upon the retirement of Gilbert M. Grosvenor, Reg Murphy, formerly editor or publisher of the Baltimore Sun, San Francisco Examiner, and Atlanta Constitution, moved up to president and CEO of the Society in May 1996. Also during this time, in January 1994, Bill Allen became only the eighth editor in National Geographic magazine's history.

The Society began placing National Geographic on newsstands in 1998, breaking a century of its "members only" tradition. The group had actually tested some issues at the newsstand previously, and had recorded good sales figures in foreign retail outlets. Single-copy sales were expected to account for only a small fraction of total sales. The flagship's sister publication, National Geographic Traveler, introduced in 1984, had been sold at newsstands for seven years.

National Geographic Adventure, the Society's answer to Outside magazine, the leader in the burgeoning adventure travel category, debuted in April 1999. Initially a quarterly, Adventure was expected to be produced monthly by 2001. John Rasmus was the first editor at Adventure ; he had previously held that position at Outside and Men's Journal.

As the National Geographic Society entered the 21st century, it boasted three magazines, programs for television and home video, an expanded web site, and two freestanding retail stores in Washington, D.C. Under development were new cable and international television channels and a new magazine. The Society was also seeking partners to capitalize upon the National Geographic brand name via toys, software, and other consumer goods. The Society's magazines were selling record levels of advertising and "local language" versions, begun in 1995, surpassed expectations abroad. The Society commemorated the millennium with a seven-part series on global issues.

As the world leaders continued to debate over the state of the global environment into the new millennium, the National Geographic Society added stewardship of the planet to its list of purposes in January 2001. Later in the year the organization added a new grant-making body, National Geographic Conservation Trust, to support conservation activities around the world.

In a different realm, the National Geographic Channel launched in January 2001 to about ten million U.S. homes. The operation had more than 12 million feet or 25,000 hours of material cached in its film and video collection dating back to 1965, according to Electronic Media. National Geographic Television had already engaged a digital asset management company to improve accessibility of material, both internally and for sale to outside users such as ad agencies.

The U.S. Supreme Court refused to hear National Geographic's appeal to overturn an appellate court decision in regard to digitalization of photographs, in October 2001. In a different case, the court had ruled in favor of freelance writers seeking intellectual property rights (Tasini v. the New York Times Company). Although the claim against National Geographic involved just one photographer while the writers' suit was class-action, common to both cases was the issue of compensation for dissemination of previously published information through new technologies.

The National Geographic put a name to a familiar face in March 2002. The organization located the "Afghan Girl," Sharbat Gula, seen on its most recognized magazine cover. While the National Geographic Society's own name recognition was enviable, translating the asset into new arenas was proving challenging. Audience awareness of National Geographic as a network unto itself needed work.

"When we ask viewers, 'Do you watch National Geographic?' they say, 'Oh sure, I watch it all the time on Discovery,'" Steve Schiffman, executive vice-president of marketing for National Geographic Channel told Television Week in 2003. "We get that a lot."

The three-year-old network had 50 million subscribers, but television specials and MSNBC's National Geographic Explorer were more generally known. Reality series Worlds Apart, which followed American families living with indigenous tribes, was one effort to increase network awareness.

Two-thirds owned by Fox, the challenge was to create buzz for the network without diluting the strong brand name. The National Geographic Society mitigated the potential problem through equal say in programming, marketing, and general operation decisions.

Through 2003, National Geographic Television & Film's new programming areas had produced mixed results. Mainstream feature films produced with partners produced tepid box office returns. Large format Imax films, with an inherently longer life span, were more successful endeavors. Programming for children was just getting off the ground.

"The whole point of an institution like Geographic is we want to have a voice," Tim Kelly, president and CEO of NGT&F told Television Business International in 2004. "People under 40 don't watch a lot of documentaries even if we enhance them with a lot of other elements. The entertainment genre is a way to reach those people, still with Geographic stories that are mission oriented."

In May 2004, the National Geographic Society added another dimension to its revenue stream with the introduction of the National Geographic Home Collection of Furniture. Consumer goods and programming revenue funded fieldwork of scientists and explorers, which in turn fed new programming and merchandise ideas.

In its signature National Geographic, 18 percent was devoted to advertising, well below the roughly 50-50 split in the U.S. magazine industry. But core advertiser camera maker Canon had spent $50 million on ads over 23 years, Lucy Aitken reported for Campaign in June 2004.

The society's mix of new media opened the door for the organization, and advertisers, to get their messages across in a variety of Geographic formats. The wholly owned and taxable subsidiary National Geographic Ventures handled content dissemination through means ranging from home video and DVD to international television to digital archives.

National Geographic gained a new editor-in-chief, Chris Johns, in January 2005. He began putting his mark on the title early in his tenure. The first edition completely under his leadership encompassed two Geographic rarities: a single topic and a cover sans photo. Then the magazine, with a normal lead time of about six months, hit the newsstands with an issue on Hurricane Katrina just weeks after the Gulf Coast disaster. "The special issue is meant to convey that the magazine can be nimble and relevant. 'We're tightening our monthly publication schedule constantly and becoming more agile,'" Johns told the New York Times in September 2005.

Meanwhile, the National Geographic Channel seemed to have made significant strides in making itself relevant to the 21st-century audience. In its fifth year, the channel was on top of the heap in terms of ratings growth among all U.S. broadcast and cable networks, according to a January 2006 Adweek article.

On the international front, the launch of a Slovenian edition of the National Geographic was planned for April 2006. Already printed in nearly 30 languages, the magazine was also seeking out a younger audience. The average Eastern European subscriber was about 30 years of age, while in the United States the average readers were about 20 years old, according to the International Herald Tribune. Typically produced under licensing agreements, the Geographic's foreign publishing partners also had begun mixing more local interest articles with American-produced content. The National Geographic Society had in some aspects transitioned from bringing the world to Americans, to bringing Americans to the world.

                                 Douglas Sun

                    Updated, Frederick C. Ingram; Kathleen Peippo


National Geographic Ventures.


Discovery Communications, Inc.; Rand McNally & Company; Time Inc.


Adams, Mark, "Geographic Shifts," Mediaweek, June 26, 1995, p. 18.

Aitken, Lucy, "National Geographic Finances Its Mission with Media Profits," Campaign, June 18, 2004.

Behr, Peter, "Geographic: The Wealth of Knowledge," Washington Post, December 7, 1981.

Brown, DeNeen L., "Picture This: Geographic's Africa Cover," Washington Post, August 18, 2005, p. C1.

Conaway, James, "The Geographic's Founding Family," Washington Post, December 19, 1984.

Friedman, Wayne, "National Geo Ready to Spin Brand into Gold," Television Week, October 20, 2003, p.15.

Granatstein, Lisa, "Looking for Adventure," Mediaweek, July 20, 1998, pp. 17-18.

Gremillion, Jeff, and Lisa Granatstein, "2000: A Space Odyssey," Mediaweek, February 2, 1998, p. 14.

Grosvenor, Gilbert H., The National Geographic Society and Its Magazine, Washington, D.C.: National Geographic Society, 1957.

Hays, Constance L., "Seeing Green in a Yellow Border," New York Times, August 3, 1997, Sec. 3.

Kerwin, Ann Marie, "Two New Titles Join Ranks of Adventure Travel Books," Advertising Age, March 8, 1999, p. 22.

"A Legacy Brand Expands: National Geographic Moves Borders to Four Corners of Media," Adweek, January 9, 2006, pp. S6+.

"National Geographic and Fox Cable: An Unlikely Match That Makes Uncommon Sense," Adweek, January 9, 2006, pp. S8+.

"National Geographic Ventures Announces Reorganization of Business Units," Business Wire, February 16, 2005.

"National Pride," Television Buisness International, May 1, 2004.

"NGC President, Role Model, World Series Champion: Laureen Ong Celebrates Five Years at the Reins," Adweek, January 9, 2006, p. S4.

Pfanner, Eric, "National Geographic Travels Far and Speaks in Many Tongues," International Herald Tribune, March 20, 2006.

Quint, Barbara, "A Second Tasini? National Geographic Loses to Freelance Photographers," Information Today, December 2001, p. 52.

Ringle, Ken, "Around the World in 25 Years," Washington Post, February 4, 1990.

Sawyer, Kathy, "Change at the Geographic," Washington Post, July 17, 1977.

Seelye, Katharine Q., "National Geographic, Known As Old and Venerated, Tries Fast and Hard-Hitting," New York Times, September 19, 2005, p. C6.

Trueheart, Charles, "Garrett, Grosvenor and the Great Divide," Washington Post, May 7, 1990.

Whitney, Daisy, "Geographic Opens Vaults," Electronic Media, October 22, 2001, p. 13.

National Geographic Society

views updated May 08 2018


NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY, the world's largest scientific and educational organization, was founded in Washington, D.C., on 13 January 1888 by a group of thirty-three teachers, explorers, cartographers, military officers, financiers, and others. They had met to discuss creating an organization to serve their mutual interests in geography. Two weeks later, on 27 January, the National Geographic Society was officially incorporated and later that year the first issue of National Geographic Magazine was published, with an announcement stating,

The National Geographic Society has been organized to increase and diffuse geographic knowledge, and the publication of a Magazine has been determined upon as one means of accomplishing these purposes. As it is not intended to be simply the organ of the Society, its pages will be open to all persons interested in geography, in the hope that it may become a channel of intercommunication, stimulate geographic investigation and prove an acceptable medium for the publication of results.

The society's first president was Gardiner Greene Hubbard, a lawyer, financier, and philanthropist, who helped fund the experiments of his son-in-law, Alexander Graham Bell. During Hubbard's tenure as president from 1888 to 1897, membership grew to about fourteen hundred, although the society remained financially unsuccessful. Hubbard died in December 1897, and the following month, Bell took the helm as the society's second president. Bell believed that the future of the society depended on the success of the magazine.

For the first decade, the magazine was a studious, scientific journal with a dull brown cover. Bell felt that people would be more inclined to read geography if it was light and entertaining. As a first step, in 1899 he hired Gilbert Hovey Grosvenor to do editing and promote membership. Grosvenor made changes in promotion and marketing, and began rejecting articles that he considered too technical or uninteresting, even when they were approved by the editorial board. He also began to slowly change the magazine's look. He insisted upon short paragraphs, enlarged the page size, and switched to two columns of type on each page. Perhaps the most striking changes were his generous use of photographs, something that was practically nonexistent in serial publications at

the time, and early use of color graphics. All of this provoked a fierce debate among the society's trustees between those who wanted to reach out to a larger audience through the popularization of the magazine and the traditionalists who felt the changes compromised the scientific scholarship. Grosvenor prevailed and won praise when the magazine, and consequently membership, began to grow. In 1905, it more than doubled from 3,400 to 11,000 members.

Grosvenor was guided by what he referred to as the "Seven Principles," which included striving for absolute accuracy, printing only what is of a "kindly nature about any country or people," and avoiding partisan or controversial issues. By the end of World War I, the National Geographic Society had become an American institution. In 1920, the circulation of National Geographic Magazine stood at 750,000.

The increased revenues allowed the society to act on its mission to increase geographic knowledge through supporting research. One of its first major awards was to Robert E. Peary for his unsuccessful attempt to reach the North Pole in 1906; it sponsored his eventual conquest of the pole in 1909. On the heels of Peary's success, the society helped sponsor Hiram Bingham's exploration of the lost Inca capital of Machu Picchu in the Peruvian Andes in 1911. Through the magazine, the society played an instrumental role in the creation of Sequoia National Park in California and Carlsbad National Monument in New Mexico in the early 1920s. Also in the 1920s, the society gave financial support to Admiral Robert E. Byrd in his successful effort to become the first person to fly over the South Pole.

In keeping with their commitment to present only what is of a "kindly nature" about countries or people, some of the articles about Europe during the late 1930s were openly sympathetic to the National Socialist agenda. However, when the United States entered World War II, the society fully backed the Allied powers. It published detailed maps of the European and Pacific theaters, and every issue of National Geographic Magazine contained at least one major article on the war. Its 1944 map of Japan was used for planning air offensives. The society was presented with an almost impossible challenge during the Cold War. Favorable portrayals of communist countries would have been unpatriotic, yet to focus on the evils of such states would have violated editorial policy. For this reason, there was absolutely no coverage of the Soviet Union between 1945 and 1959, and stories about China were rare between 1950 and 1976.

Gilbert H. Grosvenor retired as president of the society and editor of the magazine to become the chairman of the society's board in 1954, a job created for him. His son, Melville Bell Grosvenor, who had already spent thirty-three years with the society, assumed the lead role in 1957. The elder Grosvenor's philosophy remained the guiding light of National Geographic Magazine under Melville. The editorship was then handed down to his son, Gilbert Melville Grosvenor, in 1970. The Grosvenor dynasty at the magazine came to an end in 1980 with the appointment of Wilbur E. Garrett as editor, with Gilbert Melville Grosvenor becoming the society's president.


Abramson, Howard S. National Geographic: Behind America's Lens on the World. New York: Crown, 1987.

Grosvenor, Gilbert. The National Geographic Society and Its Magazine. Washington, D.C.: National Geographic Society, 1957.

Lutz, Catherine A., and Jane L. Collins. Reading National Geographic. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1993.


See alsoScience Journalism and Television .

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