Newspapers, Hebrew

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This article is arranged according to the following outline:

the spread of the hebrew press
main stages of development
In Europe Through the Early 1880s
    ideology of the early press
In Europe Until World War i
In Europe Between the Wars
the duration of the hebrew periodicals
the leading periodicals and newspapers in europe
The First Period: Yearbooks and Periodicals
    in germany
    in austro-hungary
The Second Period: Early Newspapers
    linguistic and ideological development
Hebrew Dailies
The End of the Hebrew Press in Eastern Europe and Russia
the hebrew press in north america
list of hebrew newspapers and periodicals

The term "Hebrew press" has undergone a basic metamorphosis since its early days. Originally, the term covered periodicals of varying frequency (yearbooks, monthlies, and irregular publications), the majority of which were literary and scientific in character, while only a small percentage were devoted to current affairs. News sections were almost nonexistent, and indeed would have been impractical in periodicals appearing infrequently. The first Hebrew newspaper worthy of the name, according to the concept of the time, began to appear in the mid-19th century, giving news of the Jewish and general world and containing literary, scientific, and social columns. Articles on public and current affairs, which were rare in the Hebrew periodicals of the previous 100 years, became increasingly popular in some journals. Thus a differentiation was created between the newspaper and other types of periodicals. The periodicals, too, began to modify their form and gradually devoted more attention to current affairs.

All types of periodicals, therefore, must be included within the term "Hebrew press" in its first century (1750–1856). Following this period, a gradual differentiation set in between scholarly and literary periodicals and purely news media. This development was particularly noticeable in Ereẓ Israel where Hebrew became a living language, and periodicals began to appear, covering every field – literature, art, science, technology – while the daily newspaper grew to resemble its counterpart in European journalism.

the spread of the hebrew press

The Hebrew press began in Western Europe, mainly in Germany, in the second half of the 18th century. It gradually spread to Austria, and Galicia, and, a century after its initiation, appeared in czarist Russia, where there were more Hebrew readers. As the press began to flourish there, it declined in Western Europe. About the same time, a Hebrew press of an essentially Eastern European nature began to appear in Ereẓ Israel. The waves of Jewish emigration to the United States in the second half of the 19th century brought about the establishment of a Hebrew press in that country too (from the 1870s). Smaller centers of the Hebrew press were also established in England, South Africa, and, in later periods, in Latin America. Two factors determined the expansion or decline of the Hebrew press in the Diaspora: the degree of attachment to Hebrew of the Jews of a particular country, and the extent to which they acquired its native tongue. By the late 1930s the Hebrew press had almost disappeared in Eastern Europe. In Soviet Russia its decline had been deliberately encouraged, while in Poland it was brought about by competition from Polish and Yiddish. By contrast, the Hebrew press flourished in Ereẓ Israel: from modest beginnings in Jerusalem in 1863, it gradually and confidently expanded, becoming the focal point of the Hebrew press after World War i, with its center in Tel Aviv-Jaffa. Since World War ii, the Hebrew press in Eastern Europe has ceased to exist; outside Israel, several periodicals are still published with varying frequency, mainly in the United States. A real Hebrew press, encompassing daily papers and periodicals covering a range of subjects, now exists only in Israel.

While, in its early years, the Hebrew press constituted only a small percentage of the total Jewish press in all languages, by the outbreak of World War ii it held fourth place in the Jewish press (after English, German, and Yiddish). Today, as a result of the expansion of the Hebrew press in Israel, it holds second place (after English), and, quantitatively, accounts for more than one-quarter of the total Jewish press in all languages.

main stages of development

In Europe through the Early 1880s

One of the earliest consequences of the Haskalah movement in Germany was the creation of Hebrew periodicals, such as those published in Germany and devoted to literature, philosophy, and social problems. This initial stage, which lasted almost a century (approximately 1750–1856), was inaugurated by the periodical *Kohelet Mussar, edited by Moses *Mendelssohn. The differing intervals at which the variety of periodicals at this time were published was a decisive factor in determining the contents of those periodicals: much space was given over to belles lettres, translations, world literature, and various aspects of Judaic studies while very little was devoted to news matters. In this early period Hebrew began to adapt itself to modern expression, gradually discarding its cloak of sanctity and adopting neologisms and new literary forms. During the second stage (1856–86), current affairs were gradually introduced, at first by simply citing belatedly news items from other papers. Gradually, however, the traditions of the modern press developed, ranging from reports by regular correspondents to lead articles and political commentary, simultaneously continuing the traditions of the earlier Hebrew periodicals, by devoting considerable space to all subjects. The periodical press also continued to develop as before, improving its standards and its form. The interrelation between these two areas of the press is reflected in the fact that the same writers contributed to both. The Russian censorship constituted a great hindrance to the development of journalism on public affairs, and editors consequently became adept at disguising statements in phraseology whose hidden meaning was clear to their own readers. Hebrew papers appearing outside Russia were also compelled to restrain their political commentaries, since most of their readers lived in Russia, where the papers might be banned. This accounts for the remarkable panegyrics on the czarist regime, which should not be taken at face value.

ideology of the early press

Up to the early 1880s, the main trend was the dissemination of the Haskalah and its program for attaining equal rights. This ideology resulted in several by-products: the appeal for the creation of a productive Jewish economy by means of agricultural settlement in Russia or by engaging in crafts, and for the improvement of Jewish education by replacing the old-fashioned methods of the ḥeder with the teaching of secular subjects and vocational skills. After the anti-Jewish pogroms in southern Russia in the early 1880s, however, Haskalah ideology changed, and almost all the newspapers and periodicals now supported the *Ḥibbat Zion movement. Only *Ha-Maggid had anticipated this new ideology by 20 years. Attitudes to the movement ranged from hostility (Ivri Anokhi) or hesitant support (*Ha-Ẓefirah) to complete identification (Ha-Maggid and later *Ha-Meliẓ).

Throughout this period, the press gradually progressed technically, nurturing several generations of writers of all types. Indeed, there is hardly a Hebrew writer who did not take his first literary steps in one of the newspapers. Some outstanding writers, such as J.L. *Gordon, also served as editors, acting as patrons to many others.

Two events, however, disturbed the peace of the press. The first, in the late 1860s and early 1870s, was the controversy regarding religious reform, sparked by its two chief advocates, Moses Leib *Lilienblum and J.L. Gordon, mainly in Ha-Meliẓ, and taken up by the extreme and moderate Orthodox elements in *Ha-Levanon. The second event, less significant at the time as regards public reaction and support, but important historically, was the appearance of the socialist organs, Ha-Emet and *Asefat Ḥakhamim, edited by A.S. *Liebermann, Morris *Vinchevsky, and others. These journals attracted a considerable number of writers and contributors and served as a platform for those discontented with the czarist regime on the one hand, and with the traditional Jewish way of life on the other.

In Europe until World War i

The third stage in the Hebrew press was inaugurated by the establishment of the first Hebrew daily *Ha-Yom edited by J.L. *Kantor (St. Petersburg) – a revolutionary event, the novelty of which is now hard to appreciate. For the first time the Hebrew press and the Hebrew language were faced with the challenge of dealing, journalistically and linguistically, with day-to-day events. Ha-Yom introduced many innovations and experiments. Despite the gradual disappearance of florid and involved phraseology (meliẓah) in all types of literature, it was still used in Hebrew journalistic writing. The new paper gradually eradicated its last traces. To meet the competition,Ha-Ẓefirah and Ha-Meliẓ also became dailies in the same year (1886). All at once, a tradition of modern Hebrew journalism developed. Although almost all the Hebrew papers now shared the ideology of Ḥibbat Zion, they varied both in their local color – Ha-Ẓefirah being Polish and Ha-Meliẓ Russian – and in their particular stands within the Ḥibbat Zion movement.

The Hebrew press of Eastern Europe had now reached a peak which it was to sustain until World War i. A modern press in the true sense of the word, it attracted the best Hebrew writers of almost three generations, and Hebrew literature, in turn, flourished, as it spread to the many and varied literary publications of the day. Both *Aḥad Ha-Am and *Bialik, key figures of Hebrew literature, were nurtured by this press. Though the first Russian Revolution (1905) temporarily halted this development, it resumed shortly afterward, ending only with World War i. There was a brief but glorious and unparalleled era in the history of the Hebrew press and periodicals in Russia after the fall of the czarist regime in 1917. However, the Soviet regime soon declared the Hebrew language counterrevolutionary and suppressed all Hebrew publication.

In Europe between the Wars

The former heights were never regained in Poland between the wars. In the 1930s, after a long struggle for survival, the only daily Hebrew paper ceased publication. It was replaced by the weekly Ba-Derekh, and there were years when only the pioneer youth movements maintained Hebrew newspapers in Poland. Some Hebrew journals survived within the framework of the underground movements in Nazi-occupied Poland, but ceased to exist after World War ii. Through the efforts of determined individuals, the Hebrew press in other countries, such as England, survived, and appeared regularly for years (cf. Suwalski's Ha-Yehudi). But most of the papers and journals published outside Central Europe were short-lived, since their sole support came from emigrants from the East. As these readers acquired the language of their new country, circulation dropped, and the periodicals ceased publication. Apart from Ereẓ Israel, only in North America is there an uninterrupted tradition of Hebrew periodicals.

The one characteristic common to most Hebrew papers and periodicals over the years and throughout the world (with the exception of the extreme Orthodox and left-wing) is their strong attachment to Ḥibbat Zion, Zionism, and the State of Israel. There is an organic fusing of language and Israel content, overlapping their Jewish content. In this they are unique.

the duration of the hebrew periodicals

Only a very small percentage of Hebrew newspapers and periodicals enjoyed longevity. The record until 1970 was held by the weekly *Ha-Po'el ha-Ẓa'ir (63 years), the dailies *Haaretz (57) and *Davar (45) – all in Israel – and the weekly Hadoar (49) in the United States. In earlier periods the record was held by Ha-Maggid (47 years), Ha-Ẓefirah (almost 50, with short intervals), and Ha-Meliẓ (43). The latter two began as weeklies and later became dailies. The periodical *Ha-Shilo'aḥ appeared in 46 volumes. Longevity is not always, however, an indication of the importance of the paper. Some short-lived papers, like the daily *Ha-Ẓofeh at the turn of the 20th century, were of vital importance. There were also papers which appeared for decades under different names so as to evade censorship or because of licensing problems as was the case with *Ben-Yehuda's papers in Jerusalem.

the leading periodicals and newspapers in europe

The First Period: Yearbooks and Periodicals

Kohelet Musar, published by Mendelssohn (about 1750), was the first attempt at translating traditional ethical concepts into a modern idiom.

in germany

Although the initial experiment was short-lived, it was revived in 1783 by a group of Mendelssohn's disciples who published Ha-Me'assef, the first modern Hebrew periodical. Appearing sporadically in several German towns between 1783 and 1811, it had considerable influence on the general evolvement of Hebrew Haskalah literature and, in particular, on that of the Hebrew press, both in style (as "purely" biblical as possible) and content (e.g., original and translated belles lettres, and studies of various aspects of Judaism). Ha-Me'assef dealt extensively with current affairs, but its main goal – the attainment of the Haskalah – was achieved at a more rapid rate than the editors and participants had ever anticipated. German Jewry, accultured to its society, no longer needed a Hebrew journal. As a result, from the first third of the 19th century, the focal point of the Hebrew Haskalah began to shift to Austria, relying mainly upon readers in Galicia, Moravia, and Italy.

in austro-hungary

The new periodical press in Austro-Hungary, which both culturally (i.e., Jewish culture) and geographically lay on the border between West and East, was inaugurated by the yearbooks *Bikkurei ha-Ittim, *Kerem Ḥemed, Kokhevei Yiẓḥak, Oẓar Neḥmad, Bikkurim – which appeared for over 40 years (1821–65), mainly in Vienna, but also in Prague and Berlin. Varied in content, they attracted the best of the Haskalah writers. At the same time, periodicals and literary collections began to appear at regular intervals in various parts of Galicia, serving as a nursery for modern Hebrew literature by creating the science of Judaic studies and by adapting the Hebrew language to modern belles lettres. The pioneers of Hebrew periodicals in Germany and Austria were closely attached to the German language, as is evidenced by German sections (printed in Hebrew characters) in the first volumes of Bikkurei ha-Ittim, and by the many translations from that language. In contrast to the above-mentioned periodicals, which allotted little or no space to current events, Zion, edited by I.M. *Jost and M. *Creizenach, prevailed on East European writers to participate in discussions on contemporary affairs.

An examination of the language and style of these periodicals reveals how the Hebrew language developed in liveliness and suppleness from one issue to the next. Recent studies (particularly those by Dov *Sadan) of the florid meliẓah style of the early maskilim have demonstrated that this style did not, as was formerly believed, contain biblical elements exclusively, but rather drew from the linguistic and cultural traditions of centuries of Hebrew language and literature. As a result of the intimate acquaintance which the writers of this period had with the Bible and its study over the generations, their biblical commentaries are full of valuable insights. Since, in general, the periodical press was imbued with the spirit of the moderate Haskalah, elements from all movements could contribute to it, and it managed to remain as neutral as possible, apart from sharp polemics against extreme Reform Judaism as practiced by *Geiger. This tradition of neutrality was maintained in the Hebrew press outside Ereẓ Israel as a rule, although there were periodicals that expressed more extreme views, e.g., the extreme Orthodox Shomer Ẓiyyon ha-Ne'eman, and the radical *He-Ḥalutz.

The Second Period: Early Newspapers

These periodicals constituted a 100-year-long preparation for a regular journal with the form and content of a newspaper. Such a newspaper, Ha-Maggid, which appeared in 1856 in Lyck, eastern Prussia, on the Russian border, thus inaugurating the second period of the Hebrew press, was meant for Russian Jewry. The only periodical which Russian Jewry had hitherto produced, Pirkei Ẓafon, enjoyed only two issues (1841 and 1844) before it ceased publication. With Ha-Maggid A.L. Silbermann, the editor, created not only a new organ for Russian Jewry but also the first Hebrew newspaper that devoted considerable space to reportage and editorial comment on the news. As such, the new paper required different tools from those employed in earlier periodicals. It also introduced other innovations, e.g., a section containing translations of news items from the general press which are to be found in almost every issue; other periodicals followed suit. The Hebrew language gradually evolved into a living language, even though it retained a considerable amount of meliẓah. Ha-Maggid was also the pioneer in two other aspects: in the early 1860s it began to advocate Ḥibbat Zion and the settlement of Ereẓ Israel, while all the other newspapers remained attached to the Haskalah ideology till the early 1880s; for many years it was the only paper of general Jewish character that reflected events in all the Jewish communities, including the United States and Australia. Immediately after its establishment, four other newspapers sprang up (1860–62), which dealt primarily with events in their own geographical area: Ha-Meliẓ (Odessa-St. Petersburg) for Russian Jewry; *Ha-Karmel (Vilna) for Lithuanian Jewry; Ha-Mevasser (lvov) for the Jews of Galicia; and Ha-Ẓefirah (Warsaw and, for a short period, Berlin) for Polish Jews. (Originally devoted to science, Ha-Ẓefirah's later concern, under the editorship of *Sokolow, was primarily news.) All these newspapers covered current events, but likewise continued their traditions by devoting special columns to belles lettres, science, and criticism, so that even today it is difficult to envisage a Hebrew paper without such columns. These papers still constitute a rich source for Jewish scholarship; only the lack of indexes prevents their being utilized properly. The papers also stimulated additional literary forms, for which there had not been room in periodicals, and developed reportage from provincial towns and, later, from overseas. Although this reportage may contain trivia, it also constitutes an extremely rich source of information on Jewish communities throughout the world.

linguistic and ideological development

A superficial comparison of a newspaper of 1856 with one of 1886 is sufficient proof of the radical development of the Hebrew press in this second stage. A new language had been created which differed greatly from that of Ha-Me'assef or even Ha-Maggid in their first years. There was also a change in the ideological content. Reality, and particularly the pogroms in southern Russia in the early 1880s, made Jews aware of the failure of the Haskalah's proposed solutions to the Jewish problem. There was, therefore, a gradual transition from the old ideals of the Haskalah and the Emancipation to the new ones of settlement of Ereẓ Israel, Zionism and, finally, political Zionism.

The distinction between the periodical press and newspapers was still obscure, since current affairs began to play a more important role in the former. Such was the case with *Smolenskin's monthly *Ha-Shaḥar, in which an attempt was made, particularly by the editor himself, to clarify Jewish problems, both past and future, and which first arrived at the ideology of "the people of the spirit." It then took up nationalism and Zionism, strongly criticizing the Haskalah and its methods. The same is true of its rival, Ha-Boker Or, edited by A.B. *Gottlober, which defended Mendelssohn's school of thought. The articles on Judaica in these publications became more popular and readable as a result of the growing flexibility of the language, while their scientific basis was not impaired.

Hebrew Dailies

In the meantime, the editors were obliged to enlarge the format of their papers and to produce them at greater frequency than the original weeklies. In 1886, exactly 30 years after the publication of the first issue of Ha-Maggid, J.L. Kantor published Ha-Yom, the first Hebrew daily. To meet the competition, Ha-Meliẓ and Ha-Ẓefirah also began to be published as dailies. The letters of J.L. Gordon (then editor of Ha-Meliẓ), who frowned upon this new development, show the difficulties that faced Hebrew editors. Conditions, however, forced them to accept the new burden. In the daily press it was essential to eliminate florid Hebrew, since the need for rapid translations of news dispatches left no time for complicated phraseology.

From 1886, the feuilleton which had existed before the development of the daily press became an integral part of the dailies, particularly of Ha-Yom, to which D. Frischmann and J.L. *Katzenelson (known as Buki ben Yogli) contributed. Ha-Meliẓ and Ha-Ẓefirah continued, of necessity, to appear as dailies even after Ha-Yom ceased publication (1888). The oldest of the papers, Ha-Maggid, remained a weekly, until discontinued in 1903.

In the mid-1880s, Sokolow – a man whose grasp of the spirit of the times was almost unique in his generation of Hebrew journalism – radically changed the periodical press. In 1884 he began to publish Ha-Asif, weighty annuals encompassing almost all the literary forms. Enjoying unprecedented circulation, their success spurred others to issue similar annuals (e.g., Keneset Yisrael by S.P. *Rabinowitz, 1886). It was a new development for Hebrew periodicals to reach thousands of readers, all of them subscribers. The publication of Ha-Asif is therefore frequently regarded as the first literary event which created a mass Hebrew readership. Innumerable periodicals, almost all of them short-lived, appeared in the last third of the 19th century in various places in Eastern Europe, and, occasionally in the West (mainly on Judaica or as appendixes to the German Jewish press). An important contribution to the rapid adaptation of Hebrew to everyday life was made by the numerous translations in the press, periodicals, and separate books, some of which were to become classics (particularly in the field of poetry). In the early 1880s even the Orthodox Ha-Levanon ceased its ideological polemics with the other papers and, because of its editor, J. *Brill, joined in preaching the settlement of Ereẓ Israel and Ḥibbat Zion. Simultaneously, an Orthodox anti-Zionist press arose, e.g., Ha-Peles, Ha-Modi'a, Ha-Kol, which copied the modern style of the pro-Zionist press. In the 1870s the first two Hebrew socialist journals appeared, Ha-Emet, and Asefat Ḥakhamim, edited by A.S. Liebermann, M. Vinchevsky, and others. These journals, which were short-lived because of the attitude of the East and West European authorities, created a new Hebrew by introducing terms taken from socialism and communism, and by translations.

At the beginning of the present century, the two veteran papers, Ha-Maggid and Ha-Meliẓ, closed down. As if to symbolize the rise of a new and younger generation in literature and in the press, two new dailies were established in Poland and Russia: Ha-Ẓofeh, in Warsaw, and Ha-Zeman, first in St. Petersburg, later in Vilna. A new generation of writers and journalists was nurtured by these papers. Ha-Ẓofeh was the first paper to hold a literary competition (1903). In that competition Y.D. *Berkowitz was discovered. At the same time, Ha-Ẓefirah reappeared after a lengthy interval. In 1904 the weekly *Ha-Miẓpeh, edited by S.M. Lazar, began to appear in Cracow, in place of Ha-Maggid, and encouraged many new writers (including S.Y. *Agnon, A. *Hameiri, U.Ẓ. *Greenberg, and Z. *Diesendruck). In none of these papers was there a clear distinction between the literary and journalistic realms. The best of the Hebrew writers of the period contributed to them (e.g., *Fichmann, *Bershadsky, *Shneour, Berkowitz).

The End of the Hebrew Press in Eastern Europe and Russia

The most outstanding of these literary periodicals was the monthly, Ha-Shilo'aḥ, edited by Aḥad Ha-Am and, later, by J. Klausner; others included Ha-Dor, edited by Frischmann, Ha-Zeman, the annuals Lu'aḥ Aḥi'asaf and Sokolow's Sefer ha-Shanah. *Ha-Olam, the official Hebrew organ of the Zionist Organization, for decades provided opportunities for Hebrew writers. It would be hard to envisage the development of the young Hebrew literature that flourished at this time – starting with Bialik – without the periodicals of the early 20th century. Although this vital period came to an abrupt end with the outbreak of World War i, its influence could be felt almost until the 1960s. The Hebrew press in Eastern Europe never recovered its former glory after World War i but gradually flickered out. In Russia, after the downfall of czarism, Hebrew literary activity flourished briefly with the appearance of the literary journals *Ha-Tekufah, Massu'ot, He-Avar, Ha-Mishpat ha-Ivri, Ereẓ, and others, and the establishment of literary projects of formerly unknown scope (e.g., Stybel publishing house). The weekly Ha-Am, which later became a daily, also began to appear in this period. Soviet Russia's silencing of the Hebrew language, however, put an end to all this, a circumstance which has persisted, apart from certain isolated periodicals published in Russia, or published abroad by Russian Hebrew writers. The departure from Russia of the great majority of Hebrew writers, beginning with Bialik, marks the end of Hebrew literature and journalism in that country, and the gradual shift of its focal point to Palestine, via Berlin.

The papers and literary journals set up in Western Europe from the turn of the century till the 1930s and 1940s were a natural continuation of the Eastern European tradition. With one notable exception – Ha-Yehudi, edited in London from 1897 to 1913 by I. Suwalski – they were all short-lived. Another London-based journal, whose effect was in inverse ratio to its duration, was J.Ḥ. *Brenner's *Ha-Me'orer (1906–07).

While the extreme Orthodox circles, having adopted methods of the secular press, attacked Zionism, the press of the Orthodox *Mizrachi Zionist Organization, which opposed the secular movement, fought anti-Zionist Orthodox elements. It established the monthly Ha-Mizraḥ (1903) as well as the weeklies Ha-Ivri (first in Berlin and later in New York) and Ha-Mizraḥi in Poland after World War i.

Toward the end of the 19th century the Hebrew press in Eastern Europe began to produce more specialized journals. An educational press which lasted for decades was developed in Russia and Poland; magazines for children and youth began to appear, some of them of extremely high standard, such as Olam Katan, edited by S.L. *Gordon. I.H. Tawiow even put out a daily for children (He-Ḥaver; see *Children's Literature). Poland became the major Hebrew center in Eastern Europe between the wars after that language had been silenced in Soviet Russia. Its one Hebrew daily, however, Ha-Ẓefirah, could not survive in the face of the growing competition from Yiddish, on the one hand, and Polish, on the other. Ha-Ẓefirah closed down, was revived under another name (Ha-Yom), revived again under its old name, and finally discontinued in the early 1930s. For several years, it was replaced by the weekly, Ba-Derekh, the last Hebrew paper in Poland, which later also closed down.

A unique phenomenon, particularly in Poland between the wars, was the press of the *He-Ḥalutz and the pioneering youth movements, especially that of Ha-Shomer *ha-Ẓa'ir. At a time when Hebrew was abandoned in Poland even by the official Zionist Organization (the press of which was mainly in Yiddish and Polish), and Hebrew readers could no longer support the burden of maintaining a Hebrew paper, the youth movements safeguarded Hebrew expression (and speech) with unbounded loyalty and material sacrifice. For these young people, the Hebrew language and pioneer training were stepping stones to Zionist self-realization. Thus He-Halutz issued the paper He-Atid, and Ha-Shomer ha-Ẓair, its organ, bearing that movement's name; other youth movements followed suit. This press was noted for its ties with Ereẓ Israel and its constant contact with the labor press there.

[Getzel Kressel]

the hebrew press in north america

Unlike the Anglo-Jewish, German-Jewish, and Yiddish presses in the United States, all of which have served large bodies of readers who often were literate in their native tongue alone, the Hebrew press was restricted from the outset to a relatively small coterie of subscribers. Nevertheless, a Hebrew periodical press has existed practically uninterrupted in the United States since the last decades of the 19th century.

The first Hebrew periodical in the United States, Zvi Hirsch *Bernstein's newsletter Ha-Ẓofeh ba-Areẓ ha-Ḥadashah ("The Observer in a New Land") appeared in 1871, a year after the first two Yiddish journals in America, one of which was Bernstein's New York Juedische Post. In their early years, in fact, the two presses frequently had intertwined fates: the same publishers, editors, and writers played active roles in both. Ha-Ẓofeh ba-Areẓ ha-Ḥadashah appeared irregularly until 1876. Hebrew was also one of four languages to appear in Bernstein's Hebrew News, an unusual polyglot venture published for several months in 1871.

A number of Hebrew periodicals appeared briefly in New York in the 1880s and 1890s, many of them largely one-man productions. Among them were the Ḥovevei Zion organ Ha-Le'ummi ("The Nationalist," 1888–89), the maskil Ezekiel Enowitz's Ha-Emet ("The Truth," 1894–95) and Eẓ ha-Da'at ("The Tree of Knowledge," 1896), Michael *Rodkinson's Ha-Sanegor ("The Defender," 1890) and Tekhunat Ru'aḥ ha-Yisre'eli ("The Spirit of the Israelite," 1899), and Abraham *Rosenberg's Ner ha-Ma'aravi ("The Western Light," 1895–97). Somewhat longer lived were Zeev Wolf *Schur's Ha-Pisgah ("The Summit"), published irregularly in New York, Baltimore, and Chicago from 1891 to 1899, and Ha-Ivri ("The Hebrew," 1892–98, 1901–02), which was founded by the Yiddish publisher Kasriel *Sarasohn and edited by Gershon Rosenzweig.

The first attempt to publish a Hebrew daily in the U.S. took place in New York in 1909 with the appearance of Ha-Yom ("The Day") under the editorship of Moses Hacohen *Goldman, but the paper failed within a brief time, as did an effort to revive it in 1913. The latter year also witnessed the launching of the literary monthly Ha-Toren ("The Mast," weekly from 1916 to 1921), which in quality of contents and regularity of appearance far surpassed any of its predecessors. Edited originally by a staff composed of such eminent Hebraists as Max *Lipson, Daniel *Persky, Abraham *Goldberg, Y.D. Berkowitz, and Benjamin *Silkiner, Ha-Toren was managed from 1919 until its demise in 1925 by the author Reuben *Brainin. Contemporary with it was the literary and political Mizrachi weekly Ha-Ivri ("The Hebrew," New York, 1916–21), edited by Meir *Berlin, who had previously managed the same journal in Germany.

The most successful and permanent of all Hebrew periodicals in the United States, however, was the weekly Hadoar ("The Post"). Started as a daily in 1921 by a staff directed by Lipson and including Persky, Hirsch Leib *Gordon, Abraham Orlans, and Menachem *Ribalow, Hadoar was briefly discontinued in the summer of 1922 and then resumed publication as a weekly under the auspices of the *Histadruth Ivrith of America. In 1925 Menachem Ribalow became sole editor, a position he held for nearly 30 years. During this period, except for a brief hiatus in 1925, Hadoar appeared every week in spite of continual financial straits, publishing Hebrew authors of note from all over the world and especially numbering among its steady contributors such U.S. Hebrew writers as Hillel *Bavli, Moshe *Feinstein, Reuven *Grossman, Simon *Halkin, Ephraim *Lisitzky, Daniel Persky, Gabriel *Preil, Abraham *Regelson, Zvi *Scharfstein, Eisig *Silberschlag, Yochanan *Twersky, Meyer *Waxman, and Reuven *Wallenrod. From 1934, Hadoar issued a biweekly youth supplement titled Ha-Musaf la-Kore ha-Ẓa'ir. Ribalow was succeeded as editor in 1953 by Moses *Maisels, who was in turn followed in 1959 by Moshe Yinon. Hadoar's circulation in 1970 was about 5,000. It attempted to reconstitute as a quality journal but was unsuccessful. It ceased publication in the early 21st century.

In addition to Hadoar, the literary monthly Bitzaron was published in New York from 1939 until 1992. Though the establishment of the State of Israel led to a broadening of interest in Hebrew among the U.S. Jewish public, the local Hebrew press has not grown as a result; the reasons are many. Air transportation has allowed the quick distribution of Israeli publications in the United States. Additionally, American Hebraists preferred to write for the much larger Israeli audience and also to read the best of Hebrew literature in Israeli publications. The introduction of the Internet made some Hebrew language publications in the United States superfluous. Some Hebrew newspapers are published in the United States, primarily in New York and Los Angeles, for the Israeli community living the United States. Printed locally, they most often contain reprints of articles that have appeared in Israeli newspapers and advertisements aimed at the local American-Israeli community.

For Hebrew newspapers in Ereẓ Israel and the State of Israel, see *Israel, State of: Cultural Life (Press).


F.M. Brody, ajhsp, 33 (1934), 127–70; M.G. Brown, ajhsq, 59 (1969), 139–78; D. Persky, Sefer ha-Yovel shel Hadoar (1952); H.M. Rotblatt, The Chicago Pinkas (1952); E.R. Malachi, Hadoar, 12 (1931–32), 515, 533, 548; 13 (1932–33), 44, 76, 140.

[Hillel Halkin /

Michael Berenbaum (2nd ed.)]

list of hebrew newspapers and periodicals

Since the 1920s the Hebrew press, particularly in Ereẓ Israel, has greatly and rapidly developed. From the point of view of quantity it exceeds, several fold, all the Hebrew press from its beginning until that time. Consequently, the following list is, of necessity, very selective and only the outstanding Hebrew newspapers and periodicals in all the countries and periods have been included. One of the aims of the list has been to provide a representative sampling of the vast professional and light literature press in the State of Israel, a sampling which is likewise very selective.

Jubilee and memorial volumes, periodicals of all types of educational institutions (from primary school to university), newspapers issued by individual settlements in Israel (of which there are hundreds), house organs of institutions, organizations, factories, and social and political movements, etc. have not been included. There is however a small sampling of Israel governmental publications: for the rest see Reshimat Pirsumei ha-Memshalah ("List of Government Publications") which appears quarterly.

The dates of the newspapers listed present a special problem in that it has not always been possible to transalte the Hebrew date accurately because the Hebrew year starts with Rosh Ha-Shanah (which usually falls in September) whereas the secular year starts on January 1. Another problem has been that of the continuity of many of the publications; some newspapers and periodicals did (or do) not actually appear with the regularity claimed and thus many items are described as "irregular." A large number of newspapers are unavailable and have not been litsted; for others of this kind, which have been listed, no exact statistics have been recorded.

Notwithstanding the above factors, however, the list does reflect the scope and nature of the Hebrew press of the last 300 years.

Abbreviations used are:

= Annual
= Bimonthly
= Biweekly
= Daily
= Fortnightly
= Irregular
= Jerusalem
= Literary
= Monthly
= New Series
= New York
= Quarterly
= Semiannual
= Tel Aviv
= Weekly

1901–1940 indicates that the item appeared from 1901 until 1904; 1901, 1904 indicates that the item appeared in each of these two years only.

TitleFreq.Place of PublicationYear(s) of AppearanceMain Characteristics
A.B.F.Ḥolon1969the first Samaritan newspaper
AdrikhalutQ.1966architecture, city planning, engineering, interior design, and construction arts
Aḥdut – see also: Ha-Aḥdut
Le-Aḥdut ha-Avodah
Aḥdut ha-Avodah1Jaffa1919the first organ of the Aḥdut ha-Avodah party
Aḥdut ha-AvodahM.T.A.1930–1932lit., Mapai
Aḥdut ha-Avodah1–4T.A.1943–1946collections of issues related to Mapai
Aḥi'asaf – see: Lu'ah Aḥi'asaf
AkravW.T.A.1946–1947humor and satire
Al Admat BessarabyahIrr.T.A.1959–1963history of Bessarabian Jewry, 3 vols.
Alef1Lvov, Galicia1937lit.
AlefIrr.T.A.1938organ of the Ha-Ivrim movement (Canaanities)
AlehM.T.A.1959youth organ of the lḥud ha-Kevuẓot ve-ha-Kibbutzim; continuation of Nivim, 1951–59
Alei Hadas1–4Odessa, Russia1865lit.
Alei MishmeretQ.T.A.1958organ of the National Religious Party Youth
Alei Si'aḥ1–3T.A.1966–1967literary circles of the lḥud ha-Kevuẓot ve-ha-Kibbutzim
Al ha-ḤomahM.T.A.1938organ of Ha-Shomer ha-Ẓa'ir; appeared under various other titles
Al ha-MishmarW.Jer.1922–1923nonpartisan
Al ha-MishmarD.T.A.1943–2005originally Mishmar, organ of Ha-Kibbutz ha-Arẓi Ha-Shomer ha-Ẓa'ir; from 1948 Al ha-Mishmar, Ḥotam organ of Mapam; from 1970 also weekly magazine
Al ha-Saf1Jer.1918the last organ of Po'alei Zion in Ereẓ Israel before it merged with Aḥdut ha-Avodah
Al Ḥuk ha-Mikra1–4T.A.1947–1954biblical research
Alim1Kiev, Ukraine1912lit.
AlimIrr.Jer.1939–1956Youth Aliyah; ceased publication in 1956 and renewed in 1970
AlimIrr.T.A.1951–1963theoretical organ of the Ha-No'ar ha-Ẓiyyoni movement.
Alim le Bibliografyah u-le-SafranutB-M.T.A.1947–1948bibliography and librarianship; first volume published under the names Yad la-Safran and Ha-Safran
Alim le Bibliografyah ve-Korot YisraelIrr.Vienna1934–1937bibliography and Jewish history
AliyahIrr.Jer.1934–1937published by the Aliyah Department of the Jewish Agency
Almanakh ha-IshahA.T.A.1961–1965women's almanac
Almanakh Miẓpeh1T.A.1930literary almanac of the Miẓpeh Publishing House
AlonekhM.T.A.1950–1963women's publication
Alon ha-CongressQ.T.A.1967published by the Israel branch of the World Jewish Congress
Alon ha-DayyagimQ.Haifa1951–1962bulletin on fisheries; superseded by Dayig u-Midgeh
Alon ha-Ḥevrah ha-NumismatitQ.T.A.1966numismatics
Alon ha-Note'aM.T.A.1945cultivating fruit trees
Alon ha-PalmaḥIrr.T.A.1942–1950illegal organ of the Palmaḥ; without a masthead and no mention of an address
Alon ha-ShofetimIrr.T.A.1963bulletin of soccer referees
Alon ha-ShomerimIrr.T.A.1935–1957organ of the Association of Guards
Alon ha-Tenu'ah ha-Bein-le'ummitIrr.T.A.1949–1959bulletin of the international movement of conscientious objectors
le-Sarevanei Milḥamah mi-Ta'amei1963–1964
Alonim (Kibbutz Dati) – see: Ammudim
Alon Kibbutzei ha-Shomer ha-Ẓa'irM.T.A.1965economic problems of the settlements organized in Ha-Kibbutz ha-Arẓi ha-Shomer ha-Ẓa'ir
Alon Mishkei ha-lḥudIrr.T.A.1963economic problems of the settlements organized in lḥud ha-Kevuẓot ve-ha-Kibbutzim
Alon Mishkei ha-Kibbutz ha-Me'uḥadIrr.T.A.1961economic problems of the settlements organized in ha-Kibbutz ha-Me'uḥad
Al Penei Kaddur ha-Areẓ1T.A.1943view of the world during World War ii
Al Saf ha-Maḥar1T.A.1945problems of the post-World War ii period
Alummah1Jer.1936research in Judaic studies
Almmanah1Jer.1939research in Judaic studies
AlmmanahA.Jer.1956–1957Torah culture
AmmotB-MT.A.1962–1965lit. and Jewish problems
Ammud ha-YirahIrr.Jer.1879–1880ultra-Orthodox organ devoted to propaganda for the settlement of Ereẓ Israel; previously published in Hungary
AmmudimW.T.A.1944–1947new Aliyah
AmmudimIrr.T.A.1955organ of Kibbutz Dati
Am u-MedinahW.Jer.1950–1951general affairs
Am va-SeferIrr.Jer.-T.A.1936Hebrew culture in Ereẓ Israel and the Diaspora; published by Brit Ivrit Olamit; continuation of Berit Am
Am ve-AdmatoQ.Jer.1963problems of land settlement; organ of the Jewish National Fund; continuation of Karnenu
AppiryonM.N.Y.1923–1927rabbinics; printed in Hungary
ArakhimIrr.T.A.1968–1969collections for holidays and festivals published by the Religious Department of the Histadrut
ArakhimIrr.T.A.1969ideological organ of the New Communist Party (Rakah)
Areshet1Jer.1944lit. organ of religious writers
AreshethA.Jer.1958bibliography and Hebrew booklore
Ari'elW.Jer.1874–1877newspaper published by former members of the editorial board of Ḥavaẓẓelet
Arkhitekturah – see: Adrikhalut
Asefat ẒakhamimM.Koenigsberg, E. Prussia1877–1878the second socialist periodical in Hebrew (after Ha-Emet); officially a supplement to Ha-Kol
AspaklaryahW.Jer.1922–1923lit. and general affairs
AspaklaryahM.T.A.1938–1947digest of Hebrew and non-Hebrew newspapers in Ereẓ Israel and abroad
Aspaklaryah shel ha-SportW.T.A.1946–1948sports
AsuppotIrr.T.A.1945history of Ereẓ Israel and Jewish labor movement
AtM.T.A.1967women's magazine
AtidenuM.Berlin1924culture and education
AtidenuM.Buenos Aires1926–1927lit. and current affairs
AtidotIrr.T.A.1944–1959lit. for youth; frequency of publication changed several times
Avaryanut ve-ḤevrahA.Jer.1966delinquency; first year semiannually
Avodah u-Vittu'aḥ Le'ummmiM.Jer.1949labor and national insurance
Ayin be-AyinW.Jer.1958–1959religious illustrated magazine; superseded by Panim el Panim
Ba-Avodah1Jaffa1918first publication edited by Berl Katznelson general affairs
Ba-DerekhF.Vienna1920–1921general affairs
Ba-DerekhW.Warsaw1935–1937the last Hebrew newspaper in Poland
Ba-DerekhA.Givat Ḥavivah-Merḥavyah1967Jewish labor movement in Israel and abroad
Ba-Derekh (communist) – see: Zo ha-Derekh
Ba-HistadrutM.T.A.1943–1970weekly review of all Histadrut activities; called Pinkas li-Fe'ilei ha-Histadrut during first year of publication; ceased publication in 1960 and renewed in 1962; ceased publication in 1970
Ba-KefarM.T.A.1947–1952organ of agricultural workers
Ba-KibbutzW.T.A.1950information weekly of Ha-Kibbutz ha-Me'uḥad
Ba-Kibbutz ha-Arẓi – see:
Ha-Shavu'a ba-Kibbutz ha-Arẓi
Ba-KurF.T.A.1931organ of Ha-No'ar ha-Oved; seven issues published 1927–30
Ba-Ma'arakhahW.Jer.1931–1934extreme anti-Mandatory publication
Ba-Ma'arakhahIrr.Jer.1948, 1961–problems of Sephardi Jews (see also: Shevet va-Am)
Ba-Ma'avar1–4Warsaw1925published by Hitaḥadut in Poland
BamahB-M.Jer.1933–1948theatrical review
Ba-MaḥanehW.T.A.1948published by Israel Defense Forces; formerly published underground in mimeographed form
Bamat ha-IshahQ.T.A.1960published by WIZO
Ba-MesillahM.T.A.1946–1947published by Mizrachi
Ba-MidgehM.Nir David1948fisheries; continuation of Alon li-Megaddelei Dagim
Ba-MifalM.Haifa1942–1950industrial Histadrut
Ba-MifnehF.T.A.1935–1940published by Left Po'alei Zion; formerly collections published for special occasions under this title
Ba-MishorW.Jer.1940–1946lit., religious
Ba-MivḥanM.T.A.1943published by Maḥanot ha-Olim, Deror, Tenu'at ha-No'ar ha-Ḥalutzi; appeared irregularly from the 1930s to the 1940s
Ba-NativM.Jer.1951–1955aviation club publication
Ba-Nekhar1Alexandria, Egypt1918published by Palestinian refugees in Egypt during World War i
Bar-IlanA.Ramat Gan1963Judaica and humanities
BarkaiW.Odessa, Russia1919lit.
BarkaiF.Johannesburg1933lit.; a few first numbers called Ba-Sad
Ba-Sa'ar1T.A.1943lit.; Hebrew writers for Jewish soldiers
Ba-Sha'arF.T.A.1947–1952Youth Movement of Mapam
Ba-Sha'arM. & B-M.T.A.1958ideological organ of Mapam
Ba-TelemIrr.T.A.1954–1960published for moshavim of new immigrants
Bat KolD., W.Cracow-Lvov, Galicia1911–1914lit., religious
Be'ad ve-NegedB-M.Jer.1963social and political problems
Be'ayotM.Jer.1944–1949Jewish-Arab cooperation; continuation of Be'ayot ha-Yom
Be'ayot Beinle'ummiyyotQ.T.A.1963international affairs, underdeveloped countries
Be'ayot ha-Ḥinnukh ha-MeshuttafQ.T.A.1937pedagogical organ of Ha-Kibbutz ha-Arẓi Ha-Shomer ha-Ẓa'ir
Be'ayot ha-YomJewish-Arab cooperation, superseded by Be'ayot
Be-Ḥakla'ut u-va-MeshekM.T.A.1960–1995labor and output
Beḥinot1–11Jer.1952–1955literary criticism
BeḥinotIrr.T.A.1970studies of Russian and East European Jews
Bein ha-Meẓarim1–2Jer.1915organ of Po'alei Zion during World War i
Bein ha-Zemannim1Safed1916organ of Po'alei Zion during World War i
Bein ha-Zemannim1–2Kharkov,1918–1919lit.
Bein Milḥamah ve-Shalom1T.A.1945post World War ii political problems
BeitarM.Jer.1933–1934lit.; Revisionist
Beit Eked1Berdichev,1892lit.
Beit ha-Keneset1Jer.1955studies of synagogues
Beit ha-MidrashM.Vienna1865Judaic studies
Beit ha-Midrash1Cracow, Poland1888rabbinics and Judaic studies
Beit ha-Midrash he-ẒadashM.Grajewo, Poland1928–1931Judaic studies
Beit MikraQ.Jer.1956Bible studies
Beit Oẓar ha-Sifrut – see: Oẓar
Beit Talmud1–5Vienna1881–1889studies of rabbinic literature
Beit Va'ad la-ḤakhamimM.Grosswardein (Oradea), Transylvania1875Judaic studies
Beit Va'ad la-ḤakhamimM.London-Leeds1902–1904rabbinics and Judaic studies
Beit Va'ad la-ḤakhamimM.N.Y.1903rabbinics
Beit Va'ad la-ḤakhamimSatu Mare (Szatmar), Transylvania1922–1939rabbinics
Beit Ya'akovM.Jer.1959education and lit., religious
Beit YiẓhakA.N.Y.1952–1961
Be-Maḥaneh GadnaM.T.A.1949organ of the *Gadna
Be-Maḥaneh NaḥalM.T.A.1949organ of the *Naḥal
Be-Misholei ha-ḤinnukhIrr.Kaunas1936–1940pedagogy (Kovno), Lithuania
Ben AmmiM.St. Petersburg1887lit.
Bereshit1Moscow-Leningrad1926lit.; printed in Berlin
Beri'ut ha-AmQ.Jer.1926–1927health
Beri'ut ha-OvedIrr.T.A.1924–1929workers' health
Beri'ut ha-ẒibburQ.Jer.1958health
Be-Sha'ah Zu1–3Jaffa1916organ of Ha-Po'el ha-Ẓa'ir during World War i
Be-Sherut ha-EzaḥQ.T.A.1957Magen David Adom in Israel
Be-Sherut ha-Ta'asukahB-M.Ramat Gan1959problems of employment
Be-TeremM., F.,T.A.1942–1960semilegal organ of the Haganah; originally called Milḥamtenu
Q.and also known by other titles until the establishment of the State of Israel
BetiḥutM.T.A.1957safety and hygiene at work
Be-Ẓok ha-Ittim1Safed1919lit.
Bikkoret ha-IttimIrr.Leipzig, Germany1864–1865the first humor and satire periodical in Hebrew
Bikkoret u-FarshanutIrr.Ramat Gan1970literary criticism
Bikkurei ha-IttimA.Vienna1821–1831lit. and Judaic studies: first few volumes partly in German
Bikkurei ha-Ittim1Vienna1844lit. and Judaic studies
Bikkurei ha-Ittim ha-Ḥadashim1Vienna1845lit. and Judaic studies
Bikkurei ha-ShanahA.Amsterdam1843Hebrew and Dutch almanac
Bikkurei To'eletA.Amsterdam1820almanac
Billui Na'imF.Jer.1969humor, crossword puzzles, etc.
Bimat ha-ḤovevimIrr.T.A.1959amateur theater organ
Binyan va-ḤaroshetM.T.A.1927–1928organ of the Engineers' Union; continuation of Yedi'ot
Bi-Sedeh ḤemedT.A.1957Pedagogical organ of religious teachers
Bi-Sedeh ha-BeniyyahM.Haifa1953engineering
Bi-Sedeh ha-TekhnikahIrr.1941–1946Technology; name changed from Bi-Shevilei ha-Tekhnikah to Be-arkhei ha-Tekhnikah to Bi-Netivei ha-Tekhnikah
Bi-Tefuẓot ha-GolahA.Jer.1958World Jewry, published by the Zionist Organization
Bittaḥon ve-Higyenah ba-AvodahQ.Jer.1949–1956safety and hygiene at work
Bitta'onM.Chicago1934–1938pedagogy, originally mimeographed
Bitte'on ḤabadIrr.T.A.1953published by Ḥabad Ḥasidim
Bitte'on Ḥeil ha-Avir – see:
Ḥeil ha-Avir
BitzaronM.N.Y.1939–1992lit. and Judaic studies
BulW.T.A.1965gossip and sex
Bulim – see also: Ha-BulaiM.T.A.1957–1963stamps; superseded by Ha-Yarḥon ha-Yisre'eli le-Vula'ut
Bulletin shel ha-Makhon leT.A.1937–1948economics
Ḥeker ha-Kalkalah
Bustanai – see also: Mi-YamimW.Reḥovot1929–1939organ of the Hitaḥadut ha-Ikkarim (Farmers' Association): youth supplement Bustanai la-No'ar, 1934–37
DafIrr.T.A.1950information bulletin of the Hebrew Writers Association
Daf ha-Tenu'ahW.T.A.1960organ of Ha-No'ar ha-Ẓiyyoni
DageshF., M.T.A.1950–1954digest of the Hebrew press abroad
Dappei AliyahIrr.Jer1949aliyah problems
DappimQ.Jer.1948Youth Aliyah
DappimIrr.Jerusalem1950–1955pedagogical and special problems
Dappim le-Fiyyut u-le Vikkoret1Jer.1916poetry and criticism
Dappim le-Ḥeker ha-Sho'ahT.A.1951Holocaust research by Isaac Katznelson House, N.S. 1970
Dappim le-Limmud Ta'amei ha-MikraIrr.T.A.1959biblical accents
Dappim li-TezunahM.Jer.1950nutrition; formerly Yarḥon ha-Tezunah
Dappim li-Ydi'ot ha-Sefer ve-ha-SafranutIrr.Jer.1942–1943booklore and librarianship
Dappim Refu'iyyimB-M.T.A.1935medical organ of Kuppat Ḥolim
Darkenu1Odessa, Russia1917Hebrew culture and education
Darkhei ha-KalkalahB-M.T.A.1939–1940economics
Darkhei ha-No'ar1Jer.1938problems of youth in the Zionist framework
DaromM.Buenos Aires1938lit.; see also Zohar
Dat u-Medinah1T.A.1949published by religious members of the Histradut
DavarD.T.A.1925–1994Histradrut daily; the first daily newspaper of Jewish workers in Ereẓ Israel
Davar la-GolahW.T.A.1939–1940Davar aimed at a readership abroad
Dayig u-MidgehQ.Haifa1963fisheries
Degel ha-rabbanimIrr.Lodz, Poland1926–1929rabbinics
Degel ha-TorahM.Warsaw1921–1922rabbinics
De'otIrr.Jer.1957published for religious students
Derekh – see also: Ha-Derekh
Derekh ha-Po'elM.T.A.1934–1946Left Po'alei Zion
Devar ha-MorehIrr.Warsaw1930–1939pedagogy
Devar ha-MorehIrr.N.Y.1945pedagogy
Devar ha-Po'eletM.T.A.1934women's magazine of the Histadrut
Devar ha-Shavu'aW.T.A.1946illustrated magazine; became the weekly supplement of Davar
Devar ha-Shilton ha-Mekomi–see: Ha-Shilton ha-Mekomi
DevirQ.Berlin1923Judaic studies
DiglenuM.Warsaw1920–1930Ẓe'irei Agudat Israel
DiglenuM.T.A.1939Ẓe'irei Agudat Israel in Ereẓ Israel; irregular
Dinei YisraelA.Jer.1970Jewish law and family law in Israel; partly in English
Divrei ha-Akademyah le-Madda'imA.Jer.1966transactions of the Academy
Divrei ha-KenesetJer.1949deliberations of the Knesset; preceded by deliberations of the Provisional State Council, 1948–49
Divrei Ḥakhamim1Metz, Lorraine1849collection of edited Hebrew manuscripts from the Middle Ages
Divrei ha-Yamim1–4Jer.1950–1955ancient and medieval history of the Jews in the form of a modern newspaper
Divrei Soferim1T.A.1944lit.
DiyyunimIrr.Ẓofit (Bet Berl)1970discussions of current problems
Do'ar – see also: Ha-Do'arQ.Jer.1952published by the Ministry of Posts
Do'ar ha-YomD.Jer.1919–1936newspaper published by native-born Palestinian Jews and supported by farming circles and older settlers; for some time edited by V. Jabotinsky and supported by the Revisionist movement
DukhanA.Jer.1960–1966music and religion
EdotQ.Jer.1945–1948folklore and ethnology
Edut le-YisraelQ.N.Y.-Lvov1888–1898missionary newspaper
Egel ha-ZahavW.T.A.1939humor and satire
Ein ha-KoreQ.Berlin1923lit. and bibliography
Ein ha-MorehIrr.Sedeh Boker1969pedagogy
Ein ha-SeferIrr.T.A.1945–1947bibliography
Eitanim – see also: Ha-EitanimM.T.A.1948health and hygiene; for a number of years included a youth supplement, Eitanim li-Yladeinu
Emunim1Jer.1955collections of poems by religious poets
Ereẓ1Odessa, Russia1919lit.
Ereẓ YisraelJer.1923the first morning daily in Ereẓ Israel
Eretz YisraelA.Jer.1951–1969archaeology and history of the yishuv; each volume is dedicated to a scholar
EshkolotIrr.Kishinev, Moldavia1927–1929lit.
EshkolotA.Jer.1954the classical world
EshnavIrr.T.A.1941–1947illegal organ of the Haganah; 157 issues printed
EtgarIrr.T.A.1960–1967organ of the "Semitic movement"
Foto-RomanM.T.A.1970picture stories
Gan ha-YerekM.Jaffa1917–1918vegetable growing; published Berl Katzenelson's articles on vegetables
Gan Perahim1–3Vilna1882–1893lit.
Gan va-NofM.T.A.1945gardening and planting
GazitM.T.A.1932lit. and art; first published in Jerusalem
Genazim – see also: Yedi'ot GenazimA.T.A.1961collection of documents of modern Hebrew literature
Ge'on ha-AreẓA.Warsaw1893–1894lit.
GerizimF.Ḥolon1970the second Samaritan newspaper
GesherQ.Jer.1954problems of Jews and Judaism
GevillinQ.T.A.1957published by the National Religious Party
GilyonenuIrr.N.Y.1946–1954religious education of American Mizrachi
Ginzei KedemIrr.Jer.1922–1944collections of research on the geonic period
Ginzei NistarotIrr.Bamberg,1868–1878Judaic studies
Ginzei SchechterIrr.N.Y.1928–1929genizah studies
GordonyahIrr.Warsaw1926–1933published by World Center of the Gordonia movement
Goren KiddonM.T.A.1948–1951sports: published by Hapoel
Ha-AdamahM.T.A.1920, 1923lit.; final issues appeared after its editor, J.H. Brenner, was killed
Ha-Aḥdut – see also: AḥdutW.Jer.1910–1915first Hebrew organ of Po'alei Zion in Ereẓ Israel; a monthly in 1910
Ha-Aḥot be-YisraelQ.T.A.1948nursing; copies of Ha-Ahot came out in Jerusalem during the 1930s and 1940s
Ha-AmD.Moscow1917–1918the last Hebrew daily in Russia; closed by the Bolsheviks
Ha-AmJer.1931Revisionist; superseded by Ḥazit ha-Am
HaaretzJer.-T.A.1919until Dec. 2, 1919 called Ḥadshot ha-Areẓ; in Jerusalem until 1923 and from then in Tel Aviv; many supplements for youth and others; weekly magazine supplement issued since the beginning of 1963
Ha-Areẓ ve-ha-AvodahQ.Jaffa1918–1919organ of Ha-Po'el ha-Ẓa'ir
Ha-Ari'el – see: Ari'el
Ha-AsifA.London-Leipzig1847, 1849Judaic studies
Ha-Be'erQ.Zamosc, Poland1923–1938rabbinics
Ha-Bimah ha-IvritM.Buenos Aires1921–1928lit.
Ha-BinyanIrr.T.A.1934–1938architecture; known under other names
Ha-BokerD.T.A.1935–1965General Zionists (B), Liberals; many supplements
Ha-Boker OrM.Lvov-Warsaw1876–1886lit.
Ha-Boneh ha-ḤofshiB-M.T.A.1933freemasonry; began as a quarterly for a number of years
Ha-Bulai ha-IvriIrr.T.A.1950–1957stamps; during the last year of publication known as Ha-Bulai
ḤadashotW. &D.T.A.1937–1940general affairs
Ḥadashot AḥaronotD.Jer.1936–1937general affairs
Ḥadashot ArkheologiyyotQ.Jer.1962archaeology
Ḥadashot me-ha-Areẓ ha-KedoshahW.Jer.-Cairo1918–1919newspaper of the British occupation authorities; the first newspaper to appear in Palestine after the British conquest; its continuation was Ḥadashot ha-Areẓ the first incarnation of Haaretz
Ha-Dayig ha-Yisre'eliM.T.A.1950–1961fisheries
Ha-Degel – see: Ha-Yehudi
Ha-DerekhM.Frankfurt1913–1914central organ of Agudat Israel
Ha-DerekhIrr.Warsaw1928World Union of Jewish Youth
Ha-DerekhW.T.A.1942–1947Agudat Israel
Ha-DerekhIrr.T.A.1951–1965theoretical organ of the Israel Communist Party; superseded by Zu ha-Derekh of the New Communist List (Rakaḥ)
Ha-DevirM.Jer.1919–1923Judaic studies and rabbinics
Ha-DevorahM.N.Y1911–1912lit. and satire
HadoarD.N.Y.1921–1923255 issues
Ha-DorW.Cracow Poland1901, 1904lit.
Ha-DorD.T.A.1948–1955Mapai afternoon paper
HadoromS-A.N.Y.1957rabbinics and Judaic studies
Ḥadshot ha-ErevD.T.A.1946–1947afternoon paper of Mapai
Ḥadshot ha-Kalkalah ha-Ereẓ Yisre'elitM.Jer.1945–1948economics
Ḥadshot ha-NeftM.T.A.1965published by the Israel Oil Institute
Ḥadshot ha-SportD.T.A.1954sports
Ḥadshot ha-TahburahF.Ramat Gan1970air, land, and sea transportation
Ḥadshot ha-YomD.Jer.1943a government newspaper in Hebrew that was published when all Hebrew newspapers were confiscated on the eve of the siege and search of Ramat ha-Kovesh by the British; eight issues published in November 1943
Ḥadshot N.C.R.Q.T.A.1964N.C.R. news
Ḥadshot Pensyah u-Vittu'ah SozyaliM.T.A.1968pension and social security
Ḥadshot Sport ve-TotoW.T.A.1970sports and Toto (football pools)
Ha-EdahQ.Jer.1966ultra-Orthodox community in Jerusalem
Ha-EitanimM.Drohobycz, Galicia1897–1898the first pedagogical periodical in Hebrew; only three issues published
Ha-EmetM.Vienna1877the first Socialist periodical in Hebrew; only three issues published; two reprints
Ha-Em ve-ha-YeledA.T.A.1934–1936child care; also under the names Sefer ha-Shanah ha-Em ve-ha-Yeled or Lu'aḥ ha-Em-ve-ha-Yeled
Ha-EshM.T.A.1955–1962published by the Fire Department; isolated pamphlets under this title came out in 1930 and 1940
Ha-EshkolA.Cracow, Poland1898–1913Judaic studies (1–7)
Ha-GalgalF. &W.Jer.1943–1948lit. and radio; continuation of Radio Yerushalayim; official paper of the Mandatory government
Ha-Gan1St. Petersburg1899lit.
Ha-Gat1St. Petersburg1897lit.
Ha-GedudIrr.T.A.1923–1929published by the "Defenders of the Hebrew language"
Ha-GinnahIrr.Odessa-Jer.1917–1925nursery school problems
Ha-GorenA.Berdichev-Berlin1897–1928Judaic studies
Ha-Goren1St. Petersburg1898lit.
Ha-Ḥarsa – see: Ha-Shemesh
Ha-Ḥayyal ha-IvriF. &D.1941–1946originally mimeographed in the North African desert and later in various places in Europe; a daily under the name La-Ḥayyal, 1944–1946
Ha-Ḥayyal ha-MeshuḥrarIrr.T.A.1946began to appear as Ha-Ḥayyal ha-Ivri, the newspaper of the demobilized soldiers, and later under other names until it became the organ of disabled veterans of Israel wars; currently Ha-Loḥem
Ha-ḤayyimW.Jer.1922illus. lit.; one of the first illustrated weeklies
Ha-Ḥayyim HallaluW.T.A.1935illus.
Ha-ḤazitIrr.T.A.1943–1948organ of Lehi; mostly mimeographed organ
Ha-ḤazitM.T.A.1966organ of the extreme nationalists (formerly Leḥi) and after the Six-Day War supporting the territorial integrity of Ereẓ Israel
Ha-HedM.Jer.1926–1952lit., religious; unofficial organ of the Department of Religion of the JNF
Ha-Ḥerut – see also: HerutF. &D.Jer.1909–1917a daily from 1912; the only newspaper to appear in Jerusalem during World War 1
Ha-ḤerutD.Jer.1932Sephardi organ
Ha-ḤevrahIrr.T.A.1959–1964pro-Mapai academicians; now under the name Adademot
Ha-ḤinnukhM., B-M.Q.Jer. T.A.1910the oldest pedagogical periodical still appearing
Ha-Ḥinnukh ha-GufaniB-M.T.A. Netanyah1944originally published by the Va'ad Le'ummi and now published by the Wingate Institute; publication periodically interrupted
Ha-Ḥinnukh ha-IvriQ.N.Y.1938–1939pedagogy
Ha-Ḥinnukh ha-Meshuttaf – see:
Be'ayot ha-Hinnukh
Ha-Ḥinnukh ha-MusikaliIrr.Jer.1950music education
Ha-ḤokerIrr.Cracow-Vienna1891–1893Judaic studies
Ha-ḤomahIrr.Jer.1944published by the Neturei Karta under various names, including Ḥomatenu, Mishmeret Ha-Ḥomah, etc.
Ha-IkkarIrr.Jer.1893–1895first agricultural periodical in Hebrew – first two issues are partly in Yiddish
Ha-IshahM.Jer.1926–1929women's magazine
Ha-Ishah ba-MedinahM.T.A.1949–1953women's magazine
Ha-Ishah be-YisraelIrr.T.A.1948–1949WIZO organ; first issued entitled WIZO bi-Medinat Yisrael
Ha-Itton ha-DemokratiIrr.T.A.1945the "Third [Trotskyite] Force Movement"
Ha-Itton ha-RasmiF.Jer.1921–1948official gazette of the British in Palestine; also in Arabic and English
Ha-Itton ha-YehudiIrr.Jer.-T.A.1963organ of the World Union of Jewish Journalists; partly in Yiddish, three in English; first 17 issues entitled Korot
Haivri – see also: IvriW.N.Y.1892–1898lit.; with short interruptions
Ha-IvriW.Berlin-N.Y.1910–1921Mizrachi; from 1916 in New York
Ha-IvriIrr.T.A.1935–1936vocalized, for new immigrants
Ha-Ivri he-Ḥadash1Warsaw1912lit.
Ha-Kabbai ha-MitnaddevB-M.T.A.1938–1945volunteer firemen
Ha-Kabbelan ve-ha-BonehM.T.A.1952Building Contractors' Association
Ha-KalbanM.Jer.1944–1947dog owners and trainers
Ha-Kalkalah ha-Ereẓ Yisre'elitM.T.A.1935–1938economy of Palestine
Ha-KarmelW. &M.Vilna1860–1879the first Hebrew weekly of Lithuanian Jews; a weekly until the beginning of 1871
Ha-KarmelD.Haifa1938afternoon daily
Ha-KaspanM.Jer.1932–1934financial and economic affairs
Ha-KedemQ.St. Petersburg1907–1909Judaic studies
Ha-Kenes ha-Madda'i ha-MeyuḥadIrr.Jer.1956published by the Association for the Advancement of Science in Israel
Ha-Kerem1Warsaw1887Judaic studies, lit.
Ha-Kerem1Berdichev, Ukraine1897lit.
Ha-KeremB-M.Boston, Mass.1915pedagogy
Ha-Keshet – see also: KeshetM.Berlin1903lit. and art; the first art periodical in Hebrew
Ha-Khimai be-YisraelIrr.Haifa1968organ of the Israel Chemistry Society
Ha-Kinnus ha-Arẓi le-Torah she-be-Al PehA.Jer.1959halakhic transactions
Ha-Kinnus ha-Olami le-Madda'ei ha-Irr.Jer.1952,papers of the First and Fourth World Congress of Jewish studies;
Yahadut1967–1968partly in other languages
Ḥakla'ut be-YisraelT.A.1956agriculture
Ha-Kokhavim be-ḤodshamM.Jer.1954astronomy
Ha-Kol – see also: KolF. &W.Koenigsberg, E. Prussia1876–1880the second Hebrew Socialist newspaper, Asefat Ḥakhamim, was published under the auspices of this paper
Ha-KolW. & F.N.Y.1889a continuation of the previous entry
Ha-KolD.Jer.1949–1967Po'alei Agudat Israel
Ha-Le'omM. &W.N.Y.1901–1908during the first years partly in Yiddish
Ha-LevanonM., F. & W.Jer., Paris-Mainz-London1863–1886the first newspaper published in Jerusalem (1863–64); afterward in Europe with interruptions
Halikhot – see also: Shanah be-ShanahQ.T.A.1958religious publication
HallelM.Jer.1930music and song
Ha-Loḥem – see: Ha-Ḥayyal ha-Meshuḥar
Ha-Ma'aravF. & W.T.A.1950–1952
Ha-Ma'asIrr.T.A.1944–1950organ of Leḥi during the British Mandate
Ha-MabbitW.Vienna1878lit.; some issues under the title Ha-Mabbit le-Yisrael
Ha-Madda ve-ha-Tekhnikah – Ha-Tekhnai ha-Ẓa'ir – see: Ha-Tekhnai ha-Ẓa'ir
Ha-MaggidW.Lyck-Berlin-Cracow1856–1903the first modern newspaper in Hebrew; from the 1890s the name varies: Ha-Maggid he-Ḥadash, Ha-Maggid le-Yisrael, Ha-Shavu'a
Ha-MaḥarIrr.T.A.1927–1931a nonconformist publication by A. Hameiri
Ha-MakkabbiQ.Odessa, Russia1918Maccabi Russia
Ha-MakkabbiIrr.Jer.-Jaffa-T.A.1913–1938various pamphlets and organs by this name were published irregularly by the Maccabi Organization
Ḥammamot u-FeraḥimIrr.T.A.1968flower growing
Ḥamishah ha-Kunteresim1Vienna1864collection of edited ancient manuscripts
Ha-MashkifD.T.A.1938–1948Revisionist organ; superseded by Herut
Ha-MattarahW.T.A.1933published by the Grossman faction, which split from the Revisionist movement in the same year
Ha-Ma'yanM. &Q.Jer.1952halakhic and Judaic studies
Ha-MazkirIrr.Lvov, Galicia1881–1886Hebrew supplement to the Polish-Jewish Assimilations paper Ojczyzna
Ha-Me'ammerIrr.Jer.1905–1920collections of Palestinography
Ha-Me'assef – see also: Me'assefIrr.Koenigsberg-Berlin-Breslau-Altona-Dessau1783–1811inaugurated the Haskalah period of modern Jewish literature
Ha-Me'assef1Breslau, Germany1829lit.; partly in German
Ha-Me'assef1Vienna1862new edition of the first volume of Ha-Me'assef with many additions
Ha-Me'assef1Koenigsberg, Prussia1879lit. supplement to Ha-Kol
Ha-Me'assef ba-Areẓ ha-Ḥadashah1N.Y.1881organ of the first Society of Lovers of Hebrew in the United States
Ha-Me'assef li-Shenat ha-Sheloshim1Warsaw1903in honor of the 30th anniversary of Ha-Ẓefirah
shel ha-Ẓefirah
Ha-MedinahD.T.A.1948a political newspaper
Ha-MelakhahIrr.Jer.1943–1950published for craftsmen
Ha-MeliẓW. &B-W.Odessa-St. Petersburg1860–1903St. Petersburg from 1871; a daily from 1886
Ha-MelonaiQ.T.A.1967published by the Hotel Association in Israel
Ha-Melona'utIrr.T.A.1949published by the Union of Hotel Employees in Israel
Ha-Me'orerIrr.T.A.1953–1958organ for Sephardim and members of Oriental communities
Ha-Meshek ha-Ḥakla'iM.T.A.1940continuation of Ha-Ḥakla'i ha-Ẓa'ir; early volumes entitled Ha-Meshek ha-Ẓa'ir, first volume in German
Ha-Meshek ha-ShittufiF.T.A.1932cooperative economics; ceased publication in 1948 and reissued in 1953
Ha-Meshek ha-Ẓa'ir – see: Ha-Meshek ha-Ḥakla'i
Ha-MessilahM.N.Y.1936–1943rabbinics; partly in Yiddish
Ha-MessilahIrr.Jer.1956–1964organ of yeshivah students and immigrants from Yemen
Ha-Mevakker ha-PenimiQ.T.A.-Jer.1963published by the Association of Internal Auditors
Ha-MevasserW.Lvov, Galicia1861–1866the first Hebrew newspaper in Galicia; its literary supplement was called Ha-Nesher
Ha-MevasserW.Constantinople1910–1911a Zionist paper published after the revolution of the Young Turks
Ha-MevasserD. &W.Jer.1948–1952Agudat Israel; originally an afternoon daily, later a weekly
Ha-Mevatte'aḥ ha-Yisre'eliIrr.T.A.1941–1960insurance; two issues appeared in 1932 under the title Ha-Mevatte'aḥ
Ha-MifalM.T.A.1953output and export
HamisderonahM.Jer.1886–1887rabbinics and Judaic studies; the first issues were printed in Frankfurt
F. & M.1945–1956
Ha-Misḥar ba-Ammim u-ve-Yisrael1T.A.1941trade
Ha-Mishpat – see also: MishpatM.Jer.-T.A.1927–1934law
Ha-Mishpat ha-Ivri1Odessa, Russia1918Jewish law
Ha-Mishpat ha-IvriA.T.A.1926–1939Jewish law
Ha-MiẓpehM.St. Petersburg1886lit.
Ha-MiẓpehW.Cracow, Poland1904–1914S.Y. Agnon published his first literary endeavors in this paper
Ha-MiẓpehM.N.Y.1910–1911rabbinics and Judaic studies
Ha-MiẓpehIrr.Warsaw1926–1936publication of Ha-Shomer ha-Ẓa'ir in Poland
Ha-MiẓpehIrr.T.A.1945–1949publication of Ha-Shomer ha-Ẓa'ir in Israel
Ha-MiẓpehS-A.Jer.1961–1968organ of the National Religious Party
Ha-MizraḥM.Cracow, Poland1903first organ of Mizrachi
Ha-MizraḥW.T.A.1938affairs of the Yemenite community
Ha-Mizraḥ he-ḤadashQ.Jer.1949published by the Israel Oriental Society
Ha-MizraḥiW.Warsaw1919–1922organ of Mizrachi in Poland
Ha-Modi'aW.Poltava, Ukraine1910–1914ultra-Orthodox
Ha-Modi'aD.Jer.1950Agudat Israel; supplement for children, 1952–59
Ha-Modi'a le-ḤodahsimM.N.Y.1900–1901lit.
Ha-Moriyyah – see also: MoriyyahF.Jer.1892Informative material from Ereẓ Israel
Ha-MusakhM.T.A.1954automobile repairs
Handasah ve-AdrikhalutB-M.T.A.1931engineering; in the first year appeared irregularly under various names
Ha-Ne'emanIrr.T.A.1945organ of yeshivah students
Ha-NesherM.Pressburg (Bratislava), Czechoslova-kia1933–1940rabbinics; for Ha-Nesher of Lvov, see Ha-Mevasser
Ha-Nir1Jer.1909lit. religious
Ha-No'ar ha-MusikaliM.T.A.1957–1961music education
Ha-No'ar ve-ha-AreẓB-M.T.A.1926–1927for older youth
Ha-NokedIrr.Merḥ avyah Haifa1940published by the Association of Shepherds
Ha-OfM.T.A.1939poultry raising; superseded by Ha-Meshek ha-Ẓa'ir and Ha-Meshek ha-Ḥakla'i
Ha-OfekIrr.Jer.1952–1959published by the "Le-Ma'an ha-Tenu'ah el ha-Makor" faction of Ha-Po'el ha-Mizraḥi
Ha-OhelahIrr.Jer.1925–1926Ha-Po'el ha-Mizraḥi
Haolam – see also: OlamW.Cologne-1907–1914organ of the World Zionist Organization
Ha-Olam ha-ZehW.Jer.-T.A1937organ of Ha-Olam ha-Zeh–Ko'aḥ Ḥadash; founded as Tesha ba-Erev; name changed to Ha-Olam ha-Zeh in 1947; came under new direction in 1950; first Hebrew magazine to introduce sex
Ha-OmerIrr.1907–1908lit.; S.Y. Agnon's works first appeared here under the name Agnon
Ha-OrM.Lvov, Galicia1882–1883lit.
Ha-Or – see: Ha-Ẓevi
Ha-OrW. & F.T.A.1925Communist (Trotskyite)
Ha-OrM.Jer.1956–1958organ of the Karaite community; mimeographed
Ha-OvedIrr.Warsaw1921–1922organ of the Ẓ.S. in Poland
Ha-Oved ha-DatiIrr.T.A.1947–1967Ha-Oved ha-Dati of the Histadrut
Ha-Oved ha-Le'ummiM.T.A.1943–1959central organ of the Histadrut ha-Ovedim ha-Le'ummit
Ha-Oved ha-ẒiyyoniM.T.A.1936–1955organ of Ha-Oved ha-Ẓiyyoni
Ha-PardesM.Several places in Poland & in the U.S.1913rabbinics
Ha-Pardes – see also: PardesW. & B-W.Jer.1909general affairs
Ha-PedogogM.Cracow, Poland1903–1904the first modern educational periodical
Ha-PelesM.Poltava-Berlin1900–1904ultra-Orthodox, anti-Zionist
Ha-PeraḥW.Calcutta, India1878–1889in Hebrew and Arabic
Ha-PeraklitQ.T.A.1943published by Israel Bar Association
Ha-PisgahW.N.Y.-Baltimore-Boston-St. Louis-Chicago1888–1900with interruptions; from the sixth volume known as Ha-Teḥiyyah;Saul Tchernichowsky's first poem was published therein in 1892
Ha-PisgahA.Vilna1895–1902rabbinics; 9 vols.: in the second volume were printed articles by Rabbi Y.L. Fishman-Maimon
Ha-Po'el ha-MizrachiM.Jer.1923–1926organ of Ha-Po'el ha-Mizraḥi
Ha-Po'el ha-VatikIrr.T.A.1938organ of the older workers organized in the Histadrut; changes in title; from 1959 Shelabbim
Ha-Po'el ha-Ẓa'irF. & W.Jaffa-T.A.1907–1970organ of Ha-Po'el ha-Ẓa'ir, Mapai, and Ha-Avodah; mimeographed two issues in 1907; from 1912 W.; publication interrupted from 1916 to 1918
Ha-ProblemaiM.Kabri-Givat Brenner1954–1969chess; originally Problemai
Ha-Rashut ha-MekomitM.T.A.1954–1969municipality problems
Harefuah – see also: RefuahIrr.-F.Jer.-T.A.1920newsletter of the Medical Association, 1921–22; known as Harefuah from 1924
Ha-Ro'ehIrr.Lvov-Ofen (Budapest)1837, 1839pungent criticism
Ha-Rofe ba-HistadrutIrr.T.A.1953–1956problems of the physician in the Histadrut
Ha-Rofe ba-MosadIrr.T.A.1946–1968organ of the Kuppat Ḥolim physician
Harofe HaivriIrr., S-A.N.Y.1928–1965medicine and the history of Jewish medicine, special editions for Ereẓ Israel; irregularly from 1928 to 1933; twice annually from 1937; published partly in English
Ha-Roke'aḥ ha-IvriIrr., B-M.T.A.1940published by the Pharmaceutical Association; called Ha-Roke'aḥ, 1940–1946
Ḥaroshet u-MelakhahM.T.A.1965innovations in production in Israel industry and crafts
Ha-SedehM.T.A.1920agriculture; the only publication of its kind to reach its 50th anniversary (1970)
Ha-Sedeh la-No'arB-M.T.A.1948–1958agriculture publication for youth; superseded by Teva va-Areẓ
Ha-Sedeh le Gan va-Nof – see: Gan va-Nof
Ha-SafahIrr.St. Petersburg1912Hebrew language studies
Ha-Safran – see: Alim le-Bibliografyah
Ha-SeferIrr.Jer.1954–1961bibliography; superseded by Kunteres ha-sefer ha-Torani
Ha-Sefer b-YisraelM.T.A.1959organ of publishers in Israel; continuation of Olam ha-Sefer
Ha-Sefer ha-Ivri – see: Jewish Book Annual
Ha-SegullahIrr.Jer.1934–1940editions of manuscripts
Ha-Sha'arD.T.A.1964management and the stock market
Ha-ShaḥarM.Vienna1868–1884lit; the leading periodical of this period
Ha-Shaḥmat – see: Shaḥmat
Ha-Sharon1Cracow, Poland1893lit.
Ha-SharonF.Lvov, Galicia1895lit.
Ha-Shavu'a – see: Ha-Maggid
Ha-Shavu'a ba-Kibbutz ha-ArẓiW.Merḥ avyah-T.A.1950appeared from 1930 as under various titles organ of the kibbutzim of Ha-Shomer ha-Ẓa'ir
Ha-Shavu'a la-MishpaḥahW.T.A.1932entertainment
Sighet, Transylvania–Kolomea, Galicia
Ha-Shilo'aḥM.Cracow-Warsaw-Odessa-Jer.1896–1926lit.; the leading literary journal in Russia until World War i
Ha-Shilton ha-Mekomi be-YisraelM. & B-M.T.A.1950municipal problems
Hashkafah – see: Ha-Ẓevi
Ha-ShofarIrr.Haifa1914, 1923Jewish-Arab problems; originally as supplement to an Arab newspaper
Ha-Shomer ha-Ẓa'irF.Warsaw1927–1931organ of Ha-Shomer ha-Ẓa'ir
Ha-Shomer ha-Ẓa'irF.T.A.1931–1943organ of Ha-Shomer ha-Ẓa'ir Ha-Kibbutz ha-Arẓi from 1934; superseded by Mishmar
Ha-SifrutQ.T.A.1968science of literature
Ha-SokerBudapestJudaic studies
Ha-SolelM.Lvov, Galicia1933–1934lit.
Ha-Sport – see also: SportIrr.T.A.1932, 1940–1941sport
Ha-Sport ha-Le'ummiW.T.A.1949–1950sport; Betar
Ha-Ta'asiyyah – see also: Ta'asiyyahM.T.A.1937–1938,published by the Manufacturers' Association
Ha-Tarbut ha-Yisre'elit1Jaffa1913lit.
Ha-Tashbeẓ – see: Tashbeẓ
Ha-Teḥiyyah – see: Ha-Pisgah
Ha-TeḥiyyahIrr.Berlin1850, 1857Judaic studies
Ha-Tekhnai be-YisraelQ.T.A.1963–1967published by the Technicians' Organization
Ha-Tekhnai ha-Ẓa'irM.Kiryat Shemonah1945technical problems for youth; later changed name to Ha-Madda ve-ha-Tekhnikah
Ha-TekhnionA.Haifa1966organ of the Technion, Haifa
Ha-TekufahQ. & A.Moscow-Warsaw-Berlin1918–1950lit.
Ha-Tenu'ah le-Aḥdut ha-Avodah – see:
Le-Aḥdut ha-Avodah
Ha-Tenu'ah le-Yahadut shel TorahA.Jer.1966, 1968published by the Yahadut and Torah movement
Ha-Te'ufahIrr., M.T.A.1947–1956aeronautics
Ha-Teva ve-ha-AreẓM.T.A.1932–1940natural sciences, nature and geography of Israel
Ha-TikvahW.N.Y.1901lit.; the first publication in the United States to introduce a vocalized supplement for children
Transylvania-Kolomea, Galicia-Cracow, Poland1880–1882
Ha-TorW.Jer.1920–1935organ of Mizrachi in Ereẓ Israel
Ha-Torah ve-ha-MedinahA.T.A.1949–1960religion in Israel
Ha-TorenM.W.N.Y.1913–1926lit.; weekly, 1916–19
Ha-UmmahW.N.Y.1915lit.; merged in 1916 with Ha-Toren ha-Shevu'I
ḤavaẓẓeletW.Jer.1863–1864the second newspaper in Ereẓ Israel
Ha-Ya'arIrr.Jer.-Netanyah1947–1955problems of afforestation
Ha-YahadutF.Lvov, Galicia1885lit.
Ha-YahalomIrr.T.A.1943–1944professional and managerial problems in the diamond industry
Ha-YahalomIrr.T.A.1967problems in the diamond industry
Ha-YamIrr. M.T.A.1938–1963seamanship
Ha-Yamai ha-Yisre'eliM.Haifa1951published by the National Union of Seamen
Ha-YardenIrr.Stanislavaov, Galicia1906lit.
Ha-YardenD. &W.Jer.-T.A.1934–1941Revisionist publication
Ha-Yare'aḥIrr.Koenigsberg, Prussia1871–1872lit.
Ha-Yarhon – see also: Yarḥon ha-Yisre'eli le Vula'utM.T.A.1966stamps; continuation of Bulim
Ha-YehudiW.Pressburg (Bratislava), Czechoslovakia1875–1878lit.; the first Hebrew newspaper in Hungary
Ha-YehudiW.London1897–1913lit.; the only Hebrew newspaper in England that enjoyed a long career
Ha-YehudiM.N.Y.1936–1938lit.; religious
Ha-Yehudi ha-NiẓḥiIrr.Lvov, Galicia1866Judaic studies
Ha-Yekev1St. Petersburg1894lit.
Ha-YesodW.T.A.1932–1948religious apolitical
Ha-YishuvW.T.A.1924–1927lit. and general affairs
Ha-YomD.St. Petersburg1886–1888the first Hebrew daily (Feb. 12 1886–March 12, 1888)
Ha-YomD.N.Y.1909the first Hebrew daily in the United States (90 days); exact data on the second attempt before World War i unavailable
Ha-YomD.Jer.1948–1949originally called Itton ha-Yom; began to appear in Jerusalem during the siege of the War of Independence
Ha-YomD.T.A.1966–1969published by Gaḥal; result of merger of two papers, Ha-Boker and Ḥerut
Ha-Yonah1Berlin1851Judaic studies
Ha-Yonah1Odessa, Russia1907rabbinics and Judaica; the first editorial endeavors of Y.L. Maimon (Fishman)
Ḥayyei Olam1Paris1878collection of edited ancient manuscripts
Ḥayyei Sha'ahW.T.A.1953–1958entertainment
Ha-ẒafonW.Haifa1926–1927lit. and general affairs
Ha-Ẓa'irIrr.Zloczow (Zolochev), Ukraine1910lit.
Ha-Ẓefirah1Zolkiew (Zholkva), Galicia1823lit.
Ha-ẒefirahW. &Warsaw1862the first Hebrew newspaper in Warsaw; during the first years
D.(Berlin)1874–1906devoted mainly to science; 1874–75 in Berlin; from 1886 a daily
1910–1921and 1917–19 a weekly
Ha-ZemanF.Cracow, Poland1890–1891lit.
Ha-ZemanQ.St. Petersburg1903lit.; published Bialik's famous poem "Be-Ir-ha-Haregah"
Ha-ZemanB-W.,St. Petersburg-1903–1915first 92 issues biweekly; from 1905 in Vilna; know as Hed ha-
D.VilnaZeman, 1907–11
Ha-ZemanD.T.A.1941–1944a nonconformist paper edited by B. Katz, editor of Ha-Zeman in Vilna
Ha-ẒeviW. &D.Jer.1884–1915a daily from 1908; sometimes called Ha-Or, Hashkafah; the pioneer of modern journalism in Ereẓ Israel; several interruptions in publication
Ha-ZibbulQ.Jaffa-T.A.1924problems of agricultural fertilization
Ha-ẒillumM.T.A.1965originally appeared in 1947 under the title Ẓillum; from 1971 published by the Association of Amateur Photographers
Ḥazit ha-AmB-W., W.Jer.1932–1934Revisionist publication
Ḥazit ha-OvedM.T.A.1958organ of Ha-Oved ha-Le'ummi in the Histadrut
Ha-Ẓiyyoni ha-KelaliW.Jer.1932–1935General Zionists (B)
Ha-Ẓiyyoni ha-VatikIrr.T.A.1940–1941organ of the old-time Zionists; appeared under various titles
Ha-ẒiyyonutA.T.A.1970studies in the history of the Zionist movement and of the Jews in Ereẓ Israel
Ha-ẒofehIrr.Lvov, Galicia1878lit.
Ha-ẒofehD.Warsaw1903–1905general; the first to introduce literary contests; the first prize was won by Y.D. Berkowitz
Ha-ẒofehD.Jer.-T.A.1937organ of Mizrachi – National Religious Party; the first issues were published in Jerusalem
Ha-Ẓofeh ba-Areẓ ha-ḤadashahW.N.Y.1871–1876the first Hebrew newspaper in the United States
Ha-Ẓofeh le-Ḥokhmat YisraelM.Budapest1911–1915,Judaic studies; originally called Ha-Ẓofeh me-Ereẓ Hagar
Ha-Ẓofeh le-Veit YisraelIrr.London1887lit.
Ha-Ẓofeh le-Veit YisraelM.Cracow, Poland1890lit.
ḤazonIrr.T.A.1943–1955Mizrachi youth
ḤazutA.Jer.1953–1960discussions on questions of Zionism, the Jewish People, and the State of Israel
He-AtidIrr.Berlin1908–1926six collections on matters concerning Jews and Judaism
He-AtidF.Warsaw1925–1934organ of the He-Ḥalutz World Center
He-AtidIrr.T.A.1939–1941organ of Po'alei Agudat Israel
He-AtidQ.T.A.1966published by the West German embassy, Tel Aviv
He-AvarQ.Petrograd1918history of the Jews
He-Avar (Heawar)Q. & A.T.A.1952history of the Jews in Russia
Hed ha-Am – see also: Ha-HedW.Jer.1924–1926religious publication
Hed ha-DefusIrr.T.A.1937–1961published by the Organization of Printing Workers; the name differs on various editions
Hed ha-GanB-M.T.A.1934published by the Association of Nursery School Teachers
M. &Q.
Hed ha-ḤinnukhF. &W.Jer.-T.A.1926published by the Teachers' Association; a weekly from 1949
Hed ha-KarmelD.Haifa1940general affairs; one of the attempts to establish a daily newspaper in Haifa
Hed ha-KevuẓahIrr.Detroit, Mich.1941–1961lit.
Hed ha-MizraḥF. &W.Jer.1942–1951Oriental communities in the past; first issues called Ha-Mizraḥ
Hed ha-MorehM.N.Y.1915the first Hebrew pedagogical periodical in the U.S.
Hed ha-SportW.T.A.1965–1966sports
Hed ha-Zeman – see: Ha-Zeman
Hed ha-Ẓiyyoni ha-Vatik – see: Ha-Ẓiyyoni ha-Vatik
HedimB-M.T.A.1922–1928the leading literary journal in the 1920s
Hedim li-She'elot ha-Ḥevrah ha-KibbutzitIrr. &Q.Merḥ avyah1934organ of Ha-Kibbutz ha-Arẓi Ha-Shomer ha-Ẓa'ir
Hed LitaF.Kaunas (Kovno), Lithuania1924–1925lit.
Hed YerushalayimW.Jer.1939–1946general affairs; during the final year of publication called Ha-Shavu'on ha-Ereẓ Yisre'eli ve-Hed Yerushalayim
HegehD.T.A.1940–1947vocalized daily
HegehW.T.A.1939–1940afternoon paper of Davar
HegehW.T.A.1947–1949Saturday evening paper
He-ḤalutzIrr.Lvov-Breslau-Prague-Frankfurt-Vienna1852–1889Judaic studies
He-Ḥalutz ha-Ẓa'irIrr.Warsaw1926–1939published by He-Ḥalutz ha-Ẓa'ir; partly in Yiddish
He-ḤaverIrr.Berne-Berlin1912, 1914organ of the student Zionist organization He-Ḥaver
Heikhal ha-IvriW.Chicago1877–1879the first Hebrew paper in Chicago
Ḥeil ha-AvirS-A.T.A.1948air force organ
Ḥeil ha-Yam – see: Ma'arekhot Yam
Ḥemdah GenuzahA.Koenigsberg, E. Prussia1856collection of edited ancient manuscripts
ḤermonA.Lvov, Galicia1902–1903lit.
ḤerutD.T.A.1948–1966organ of the Ḥerut Party; a number of editions were published earlier in Jerusalem as a weekly
Ḥeshbona'ut u-MissimIrr.T.A.-Ramat Gan1962–1967published by the Union of Accountants and Tax Consultants
Heyeh NakhonQ.Jer.-T.A.1946scouting
Higyenah RuḥanitM.Jer.1944–1951hygiene in the schools
Higyenah u-Veri'utQ.Jer.1940–1948health and hygiene
Ḥikrei AvodahQ.T.A.1947–1954labor studies and social security
Ḥok u-MishpatF.Jer.-T.A.1954law
Ḥol va-Ru'aḥ1Holon1964lit., Hebrew and Yiddish
HorebS-A.N.Y.1934–1960Judaica studies
ḤotamF.T.A.1964Mapam; from 1970 weekly magazine of Al ha-Mishmar
Iddan ḤadashM.T.A.1968organ of Ha-Merkaz ha-Hofshi
Iggeret la-ḤaverimW.T.A.1951organ of Iḥud ha-Kevuẓot ve-ha-Kibbutzim; continuation of Iggeret; organ of Ḥever ha-Kevuẓot
Iggeret le-ḤinnukhQ.T.A.-Tel Yosef1952educational organ of Iḥud ha-Kevuẓot ve-ha-Kibbutzim
Iggeret li-MeḥannekhimB-M.T.A.1964educational organ of Ha-Kibbutz ha-Me'uḥad
Ikkarei YisraelA.T.A.1954–1962annual of the Farmers' Association
Ikkarei YisraelM.T.A.1962organ of the Farmers' Association
Itton ha-BonimM.T.A.1937–1939organ of the Association of Landlords and Property Owners
Itton le-MisḥarIrr.T.A.1936–1939trade
Itton MeyuḥadW.T.A.-Jer.1933–1951pioneer of sensational reportage
Ivri AnokhiW.Brody-Galicia1865–1890indirect continuation of Ha-Mevasser, sometimes: Ha-Ivri
Iyyunim Beinle'ummiyyimIrr.Ramat Gan1951–1964international affairs – superseded by International Outlook
Iyyunim bi-Ve'ayot ḤevrahA.T.A.1969social, educational and cultural problems
Iyyunim le-Vikkoret ha-MedinahQ.Jer.1960Bulletin of the State Comptroller's Office
Jewish Book AnnualQ.N.Y.1942Hebrew-English-Yiddish, bibliography
Kadimah1Kiev, Ukraine1920philosophy and science of religion
KalkelanW., M.Jer1952finance and economy
KammahA.Jer.1948–1952Keren Kayemeth
KarmiM.Pressburg (Bratislava), Czechoslovakia1881–1882general, Hebrew and Ladino
Karmi ShelliIrr.Vienna1891general, Hebrew and Ladino
KarnenuQ.Jer.1924–1963Keren Kayemeth, superseded by Am ve-Admato
KatifA.Petaḥ Tikvah1954
Kavveret1Odessa, Russia1890lit.; Ḥibbat Zion
KaẓirM.T.A.1945–1946digest of books
Kaẓir1.T.A.1964history of Zionism in Russia
KedemIrr.Jer.1942, 1945archaeology of Palestine
KedmahM.T.A.1963–1964organ of Betar
Kehilliyyatenu1T.A.-Haifa1922the first organ of Ha-Shomer ha-Ẓa'ir in Ereẓ Israel, new reprint
Keneset1Odessa, Russia1917lit.
KenesetA.T.A.1936–1946lit.; Bialik and Judaic studies
Keneset ha-GedolahIrr.Warsaw1890–1891lit.
Keneset YisraelA.Warsaw1886–1889lit.
Keneset YisraelM.Vilna1930–1934rabbinics
Kerem ḤemedA.Vienna-Berlin1833–1856lit. and Judaic studies, 9 vols.
Keren OrM.Chicago1889lit.; only 2 issues
Kesafim u-MisḥarD.T.A.1966–1967finance and economy
Kesher ve-ElektronikahM.T.A.1967electronics, Israel Defense Forces
KetavimQ.Reḥovot-Bet Dagon1951Agricultural Research Station
KetuvimW.T.A.1926–1933lit.; organ of the young Avantgardists
Kevuẓat Ḥakhamim1Vienna1861Judaic studies
Kikyon Yonah1Paris1860Judaic studies
Kirjath SepherQ.Jer.1924bibliography of the Jewish National and University Library Jer.; the first regular scientific publication of the Hebrew University
Kitvei ha-Universitah1Jer.1924Judaic studies, mathematics and physics; printed in Leipzig
Ko'aḥ ḤadashIrr.T.A.1966–1967organ of Ha-Olam ha-Zeh – Ko'aḥ Ḥadash
Kohelet1St. Petersburg1881lit.
Kohelet MusarIrr.Berlin1750the first literary-moralistic periodical in Hebrew; 2 issues, 2 reprints
Kokhevei YiẓḥhakA.Vienna1845–1869lit.; central organ of the Hebrew Haskalah movement; 37 vols.
Kol – see: Ha-Kol
Kol ha-AmD., W.T.A.1947Communist; from the 1920s in various forms; underground newspaper; 1970 – weekly
Kol ha-No'arIrr.T.A.1940–1966Communist youth
Kol ha-ShabbatM.Jer.1957Sabbath observance
Kol Nekhei MilḥamahM.T.A1949war invalids
Kolno'aF.T.A.1931–1935cinema; the first of its kind
Kol SinaiM.Jer.1962religious
Kol TorahM.Jer.1929, 1932rabbinics
Kol Ya'akovW.Jer.1922–1928religious
Kol YisraelW.Jer.1921–1929Agudat Israel
KomemiyyutA.T.A.1951–1954lit.; appeared each year on Independence Day
Ko'operazyahF.T.A.1930–1939cooperative affairs
Korot – see also: Ha-Ittonai ha-IvriQ.T.A.1952history of medicine and science
KorotM.T.A1970history of the yishuv and Zionism
Koveẓ al Yad (Kobez al jad)Irr.Berlin-Jer.1885editions of ancient manuscripts; vols. 1–10 Berlin, N.S. Jer. 1937–
Koveẓ ha-Ḥevrah la-Ḥakirat Ereẓ YisraelIrr.Jer.1921–1945archaeology of Palestine and history of the yishuv; 4 vols; in several parts
Koveẓ Harẓa'ot ha-Ḥevrah ha-HistoritIrr.Jer.1964–1966lectures on history from the annual seminar of the society
Koveẓ Harẓa'ot shel ha-lggud ha-Yisre'eli le lbbud informaẓyahA.Jer.1965information processing – partly in English
Koveẓ ha-TammimIrr.Warsaw1935–1937Ḥasidei Ḥabad, Ḥasidei Lubavitch
Koveẓ li-Ve'ayot ha-Ḥinnukh ha-GufaniB-M.T.A.1962–1965Wingate Institute, physical education
Koveẓ Ma'amarim le-Divrei Yemei ha-Ittonut ha-Ivrit be-Ereẓ YisraelA.T.A.1935–1936history of the Hebrew press in Ereẓ Israel
Koveẓ Schocken le-Divrei Sifrut1T.A.1941lit.; superseded by Lu'ah ha-Areẓ
Koveẓ SifrutiA.Jer.1914lit.; ed. by Po'alei Zion
KunteresW.T.A.1919–1929organ of Aḥdut ha-Avodah; in the 1940s of Mapai
KunteresIrr.Riga-Warsaw1929–1937Ḥasidei Lubavitch
Kunteres BibliografiM.T.A.1950–1970bibliography
Kunteres ha-Sefer ha-Torani – see:
KunteresimIrr.Jer.1937–1942Hebrew language studies; new ed. 1964
Lada'atM.Jer.1970popular science
La-Ḥayyal – see: Ha-Ḥayyal
La-IshahW.T.A.1947women's magazine
La-Kore ha-Ẓa'irM.T.A.1950–1954bibliography
La-MatḥilW.Jer.1955easy Hebrew; for some years did not appear in order
La-MerḥavD.T.A.1954–1971organ of Aḥdut ha-Avodah, the first months as F. and W.; merged with Davar
La-Mo'edIrr.Jer.1945–1947collections for festivals; 7 appeared
La-YehudimA.Jer.1909–1912humor, the first humorist periodical in Ereẓ Israel
La-YogevA.T.A.1945–1949cultivation problems
Le-Aḥdut ha-AvodahW.T.A.1944–1948organ of Le-Aḥdut ha-Avodah party, from its split with Mapai until its amalgamation with Mapam
Lefi Sha'ahIrr.Jer.1915–19178 issues during World War i
Leket Amarim1St. Petersburg1889lit.
Le-Ma'an ha-Yeled ve-ha-No'arF.Jer.1942–1949Szold Institute for children and youth
LeshonenuQ.Jer.1928Hebrew language studies
Leshonenu la-amM.Jer.1945Hebrew language studies in popular form
Lev ḤadashIrr.T.A.-Jer.1922–1928critical-radical
Le Yad ha-HegehIrr.T.A.1952–1959taxi drivers' bulletin
Li-KeratIrr.T.A.1952–1953Hebrew young writers
Livyat Ḥen1Warsaw1887lit.
Lu'aḥ Aḥi'asafA.Warsaw1893–1904,lit.; 13 vols.
Lu'aḥ Aḥi'everA.N.Y.1918, 1921lit.; 2 vols.
Lu'aḥ Ereẓ YisraelA.Jer.1895–1915Palestinography and lit.; 21 vols.
Lu'aḥ ha-AreẓA.T.A.1941–1954lit.; almanac of Haaretz
Lu'aḥ ha-Em-ve-ha-Yeled–see: Ha-Em-ve-ha-Yeled
Lu'aḥ ha-Me'orer1T.A.1935Ereẓ Israel labor movement
Lu'aḥ Keren Kayemet – see: Moladti
Lu'aḥ Ko'operativiA.T.A.1931cooperative types; now; Lu'aḥ ha-Ko'operaẓyah
Lu'aḥ Sha'ashu'im1Cracow, Poland1902lit.
Lu'aḥ YerushalayimA.Jer.1940–1951history of Jerusalem and the yishuv; 12 vols.
Ma'anitA.Jer.1926lit.; Hebrew writers for Keren Kayemeth
Ma'anitB-M.T.A.1939–1954youth of Tenu'at ha-Moshavim
Ma'anitIrr.T.A.1946–1958moshavim of Ha-Po'el ha-Mizrachi
Ma'arakhotM., Q.T.A.1939military journal of the Haganah and the Israel Defense Forces
Ma'arekhot ḤimmushQ.T.A.1961ammunition problems, ordinance corps
Ma'arekhot YamQ.T.A.1948naval organ
Ma'arivD.T.A.1948independent; the first issues – Yedi'ot Ma'ariv
Ma'avakIrr.T.A.1947organ of the Kena'anim
Ma'avakW.T.A.1952–1954party organ which separated from Mapam until its amalgamation with Mapai
Ma'abarotM.T.A.-Jaffa1919–1921literary organ of Ha-Po'el ha-Ẓa'ir
Mabbat ḤadashW.T.A.1965–1968organ of Rafi
Mabbu'aA.Jer.1963religious literature
MaddaB-M.Jer1956popular science
Madda'ei ha-YahadutA.Jer.1926–1927Judaic studies of the Hebrew University, Jer.; continuation of Yedi'ot ha-Makhon le-Madda'ei ha-Yahadut
Madrikh li-Mekomot Avodah Me'urganimA.T.A.1956–1965list of work places where work is organized by the Histadrut
Maggid MishnehW.Lyck, E. Prussia1879–1881lit.
MaḥanayimIrr.T.A.1948collections for the festivals and specific subjects by the army chaplaincy; the first 18 booklets called Yalkut ha-Rabbanut ha-Ẓeva'it
MaḥanotM.T.A.1942–1947organ of the camp workers
Maḥazikei ha-DatW.Lvov, Galicia1879–1913extreme Orthodox, sometimes Kol Maḥazikei ha-Dat
Maḥazikei ha-DatW., B-M.Jer.1919–1924extreme Orthodox, partly in Yiddish
Maḥbarot le-MarxizmIrr.Givat Havivah1950–1951studies on Marxism
Maḥbarot le-SifrutB-M.T.A.1940–1954lit.
Maḥbarot le-SoẓyologyahB-M.T.A.1943–1945sociology
MaḥberetQ.Jer.1952–1967lit. organ of Alliance Israélite Universelle, partly in French
Makkabbi – see: Ha-Makkabbi
Marot ha-Kalkalah be-YisraelM.Jer.1955–1966economics
MasakhIrr.T.A.1954–1955lit., theater and art
MaslulW.T.A.1951–1952for Yemenite and Eastern immigrants
MassaF.T.A.1951–1954lit., from 1954 literary supplement of La-Merḥav and from 1971 of Davar
MassadA.N.Y.1933, 1936lit.
MassadIrr.T.A.1951, 1967No'ar Dati Oved
Massu'ot1Odessa, Russia1919lit.
MattekhetQ.Haifa1958–1967Israel metal industry in the Technion
Ma'yan ha-Ḥasidut – see also: Ha-Ma'yanA.Jer.1964ḥasidic affairs
Me'assef – see also: Ha-Me'assef1St. Petersburg1902lit.
Me'assefA.Jer.-T.A.1960–1968lit.; 8 vols.
Me'assefim Madda'iyyim shel ha-TekhniyyonIrr.Haifa1944–1955science; 6 vols.
Me'assef Soferei Ereẓ Yisrael1T.A.1940lit.
Me'assef Soferei Ereẓ Yisrael1T.A.1942lit.; 2 vols
Me'at me-Harbeh1T.A.1947lit.
Me-Et le-Et1N.Y.1900lit.
Me-Et le-EtM.Vilna1918lit.
MegammotQ.Jer.1949child problems by Szold Institute
Meged Geresh YeraḥimM.Vienna1848lit.; supplement to the weekly Centralorgan fuer juedische interessen
Meged YeraḥimM.Lvov, Galicia1855–1856lit.; 4 issues
MegillotM.Jer.1950–1953Hebrew culture and education
Me-Ḥag le-ḤagIrr.N.Y.-Baltimore1915, 1918lit.; 2 issues
MehallekhimIrr.Jer.1969organ of the Torah Judaism movement
Me-Havvayot ha-ZemanM.,T.A.1944–1946contemporary affairs
Meḥkarim be-Geografyah shel Ereẓ YisraelA.Jer.1960Palestinography
Me'ir EinayimA.Bene-Berak1968–1969bibliography
Mekhes ve-Ta'avurahIrr.T.A.1949–1956organ of the Association of Customs Agents
Mekhon ha-TekanimQ.T.A.1968Israel Standards Institute
MelilahA.Manchester, England1944–1955Judaic studies; 5 vols. (double 3/4)
Meliẓ Eḥad Minni Elef1St. Petersburg1884lit.; in honor of the 100th copy of Ha-Meliẓ
MenorahF.Lodz, Poland1930Judaic studies
Meshek ha-Bakar ve-ha-ḤalavQ.T.A.1952dairy farming
Meshek ha-OfotM.T.A.-Tel Yosef1949poultry farming
Mesibbah1T.A.1926lit.; the first editing work in Ereẓ Israel by E. Steinman
MesillotM.Warsaw1935–1937education and Hebrew culture
Meteorologyah be-YisraelQ.Bet Dagon1963meteorology
Mevasseret ẒiyyonM.Jer.1884the first periodical edited by E. Ben-Yehuda; 4 issues
MeẓudahIrr.London1943–1954lit. and Judaic studies; 5 vols. (2 doubles)
Mi-Bayit1T.A.1946lit.; from Ereẓ Israel authors for the remnants of the Holocaust
Mi-BifenimIrr., Q.En-Harod-T.A.1923organ of Ha-Kibbutz ha-Me'uḥad; new reprint of the first 28 issues
MifgashIrr.T.A.1964lit.; first of its kind in Hebrew; Hebrew and Arabic literature; Hebrew and Arabic on parallel pages
Mi-Keren Zavit1Detroit, Mich.-Baltimore, Md.1921lit.
Mikhtav Ḥozer – see: Ha-Refu'ah
Mikkun Ḥakla'iQ.T.A.1956farm mechanization
Milḥamtenu – see also: Be-Terem
Mi-Mizraḥ u-mi-Ma'aravM., Irr.Vienna-Berlin1894–1899lit. and Judaic studies
Min ha-YesodF.T.A.1962–1965organ of Min ha-Yesod faction; two collections were issued with the name in 1962–63
Misḥar ha-MakkoletM.T.A.1940–1951grocery business; previously issued under Soḥer ha-Makkolet
Misḥar ve-Ta'asiyyahF.T.A.1923–1933trade, factories, and agriculture
Mishmar – see: Al ha-Mishmar
Mishpat ha-Shalom ha-Ivri1T.A.1925magistrates' court problems during the Mandate
Mishpat ve-KhalkalahM.T.A.1955–1959law and economics
Mi-Teiman1T.A.1938history of the Yemenite Jews' immigration to Israel
Mi-Tekufat ha-EvenA.Jer.1960prehistoric studies in Israel
MivrakD.T.A.1947–1948afternoon paper; organ of Leḥi
Mi-Yamim RishonimM.T.A.1934–1935history of Zionism and the yishuv
Mi-YerushalayimIrr.Warsaw1892lit.; Ereẓ Israel topics; 2 issues
Miẓpeh – see also: Ha-Miẓpeh1T.A.1953lit.; Ha-Ẓofeh annual
Mizraḥ u-Ma'aravM.Jer.1919–1932Judaic studies, in particular on Spanish and Sephardi Jewry
Mo'adon Mekhoniyyot ve-Sayyarut be-YisraelM.T.A.1966automobile and touring club
MoladM., B-M.T.A.-Jer.1948lit.; N.S. 1967-the last years B-M.
MoladtiA.Jer.1936–1938most years on behalf of Keren ha-Kayemeth
MoriyyahW. &D.Jer.1910–1915Orthodox; from 1913, daily
MoznayimW.T.A.1929–1933lit.; organ of the Hebrew Writers' Association
MoznayimM.T.A.1933–1947lit.; organ of the Hebrew Writers' Association
MoznayimF.T.A.1948lit.; organ of the Hebrew Writers' Association
Muze'on ha-AreẓA.T.A.1959on all museums in the Tel Aviv vicinity
NativIrr.T.A.1934–1935a nonconformist periodical by A.L. Yaffe, "the father of the moshavim"
NerF., Irr.Jer.1950Jewish-Arab relations
Ner ha-Ma'araviM.N.Y.1895, 1897lit.
Ner Ma'araviA.N.Y.1922, 1925rabbinics and Judaica
Nerot ShabbatIrr.Jer.1943–1952Sabbath observance
NetivahF., Irr.Jer.1926–1938,Ha-Po'el ha-Mizraḥi
Netivei IrgunM., B-M.Jer.1954organization and administration; from 1969 B-M.
NetivotA.Jer.1953–1968religious education for Diaspora Jews
Nimim1N.Y.1923lit.; printed in Berlin
Nir – see also: Ha-NirA.N.Y.1952education and lit.; continuation of Ha-Nir 1930–38
NirM.T.A.1948–1959education through J.N.F.
NivIrr.N.Y.1936–1966lit.; organ of the Young Hebrew Writers in U.S.
Niv ha-KevuẓahIrr., Q.T.A.1930organ of Ḥever ha-Kevuẓot and from 1952 of Iḥud ha-Kevuzot ve-ha-Kibbutzim; some interruptions
Niv ha-MidrashiyyahA.T.A.1963lit. rabbinics, religious education
Niv ha-MorehM.T.A.1958teachers of Agudat Israel
Niv ha-RofeQ.&S-A.T.A.1951organ of the Histadrut doctors
NiẓoẓIrr.Kaunas (Kovno)-Dachau-Munich1940–1948at the beginning in Kovno ghetto and Dachau camp, then in Munich, the only permanent Hebrew newspaper of the remnants from the Holocaust
No'amA.Jer.1958clarification of contemporary halakhic problems
Nogah ha-Yare'aḥM.Lvov-Tarnopol,1872–1873Judaic studies, lit.
OfakimIrr.T.A.1943–1961education by Ha-Shomer ha-Ẓa'ir
Ohel – see also: Ha-Ohel1T.A.1921lit.
Ohel Mo'edIrr.Cracow, Poland1898–1900rabbinics
Ohel Mo'edIrr.Warsaw1926–1935rabbinics
Ohel TorahM.Jer.1926–1927rabbinics
Oholei GadnaM.T.A.1952–1960vocalized, for Gadna
Olamenu1Odessa Petrograd, Moscow1917lit.
Olam ha-DefusM, Q.T.A.1956typography
Olam ha-ElektronikahM.Jer.1962–1965electronics, continuation of Radio ve-Elektronikah
Olam ha-IshahF.T.A.1940–1963women's magazine
Olam ha-Kolno'aW.T.A.1951cinema
Olam ha-MistorinQ.T.A.1968parapsychology
Olam ha-SeferIrr.T.A.1954–1958organ of publishers; superseded by Ha-Sefer be-Yisrael
Olam ha-ẒillumM.T.A.1966–1967photography
Olamot AḥerimIrr.T.A.1970parapsychology
Omer – see also: Ha-Omer1T.A.1927lit.
OmerW., Irr.T.A.1936–1942weekly 1936–39; from then on monthly sometimes in place of the banned Davar
OmerD.T.A.1951–1979daily; vocalized (with Davar)
Ommanut ha-Kolno'aIrr.T.A.1957–1963cinema
Or ha-MizraḥQ.N.Y.1954rabbinics, Judaic studies
OrloginIrr.T.A.1950–1957lit.; 13 issues
OrotIrr.T.A.1950–1955cultural work of the Histadrut; 3 vols.
OrotB-M.Jer.1950–1966lit. and Hebrew culture; N.S. from 1968 Q.; partly in English
Or TorahIrr.Lvov, Galicia-Frankfurt, Germany1874lit.; 4 issues
Or TorahQ.Jer.1897–1901rabbinics
OshyotIrr.T.A.1947–1957educational problems before school
OtIrr., W.T.A.1966–1968organ of the Israel Labor Party
OvnayimA.Bet Berl1961–1966collection – Bet Berl affairs
Oẓar Genazim1Jer.1960printed manuscript letters on history of Ereẓ Israel
Oẓar ha-ḤayyimIrr.De a-Seini, Romania1924–1938Judaic studies
Oẓar ha-Ḥokhmah ve-ha-MaddaIrr.N.Y.1894lit.; 2 issues
Oẓar ha-SifrutA.1887–1896lit.; 5 vols.+1
Oẓar ḤokhmahIrr.Lvov, Galicia1859–1865lit.; 3 issues
Oẓar NeḥmadIrr.Vienna-Pressburg (Bratislava), Czechoslovakia1858–1863Judaic studies; 4 vols.
Oẓar TovIrr.Berlin1878–1886mainly editions of Hebrew manuscripts
Oẓar Yehudei SefaradA.Jer.1959research on Spanish Jewry past and present
Palmaḥ – see: Alon ha-Palmaḥ
Pamalyah1T.A.1953lit. collection dedicated to young authors
Panim el PanimW.T.A.-Jer.1954–1956religious illustrated magazine, during the interruption appeared as
1959Ayin be-Ayin – see there.
Pardes – see also: Ha-PardesIrr.Odessa, Russia1892–1896lit. 3 vols; in the first volume Bialik's first poem was published
PargodIrr.Jer.1963, 1966theater, 2 issues
Perakim (Peraqim)Irr.N.Y.1955–1966Judaic studies 4 vols.; organ of Hebrew Academy in N.Y.
PerakimF.Haifa1958–1965lit. continuation of the journal of the same name in Buenos Aires
Peri Eẓ ḤayyimIrr.Amsterdam1691–1807the first rabbinical periodical
Peri To'elet1Amsterdam1825lit.
PerozedorIrr.T.A.1962–1965problems of religion
Pesi'otIrr.Jer.1926–1935educational problems in the low grades
PetaḥA.Bet-Berl1959–1968studies on various problems
PetaḥimB-M.Jer.1967modern approach to religion
Pinkas Histadrut ha-OvedimIrr.T.A.1922–1925the first periodical of the Histadrut; superseded by Davar
Pinkas Histadrut ha-OvedimM.T.A.1936–1938new series in another form
Pinkas le-Inyenei ha-Pekidim – see:
Pirḥei ẒafonA.Vilna1841, 1844lit.; the first Hebrew periodical in Russia
Pirkei BessarabyahIrr.T.A.1952, 1958history of the Bessarabian Jewry; 2 vols.
Pirsumei ha-Iggud ha-Yisre'eli le-Ibbud InformaẓyahA.T.A.1968information processing
Problemai – see: Ha-Problemai
ProblemotM., Irr.T.A.1962nonconformist-anarchist; party in Yiddish
QadmoniotQ.Jer.1968archaeology of Palestine and biblical lands
RadioW.Jer.1960–1962Kol Israel newspaper
Radio ve-ElektronikahM.Jer.1957–1961radio and electronics
Radio YerushalayimW.Jer.1938–1942radio newspaper of the Mandate; superseded by Ha-Galgal; in the times of Ha-Galgal, supplement for few years; partly in English
RamzorM.Jer.-T.A.1961–1962in the beginning, organ of the Mapai student cell in Jerusalem;
1965from 1965, Mapai youth in Tel Aviv
Refu'ah VeterinaritIrr., M.T.A.-Bet Dagon1939in the beginning irregular; organ of veterinary surgeons
Refu'ah ha-ShinnayimB-M.T.A.1944organ of dentists
ReshafimW.Warsaw1909lit.; 50 issues
Reshimat Ma'amarim be-Madda'ei ha-YahadutA.Jer.1967index of articles on Jewish studies
Reshimat Pirsumei ha-MemshalahQ.Jer.1956list of government publications
ReshummotIrr.Odessa-Berlin-T.A.1918–1930folklore, first issued in Odessa; 6 vols.
ReshumotA.T.A.1945–1953folklore; 5 vols.
RevivimIrr.Lvov-Jer.-Jaffa1908–1919lit.; 6 vols.
Rihut ve-DekoraẓyahQ.T.A.1961furnishing and decoration
RimmonIrr.Berlin1922–1924lit. and art
RimmonW.T.A.1956–1957ill. weekly
RimmonIrr.Buenos Aires1966–1968lit.
Rivon ha-Aguddah ha-Zo'otekhnitQ.Reḥovot1969Association of Zootechnics
Rivon Handasat BetiḥutQ.T.A.1968security engineering
Rivon KatanQ.N.Y.1944lit.; 2 issues
Rivon le-Banka'utQ.T.A.1961banking
Rivon le-Inyenei MissimQ.Jer.1965taxes
Rivon le-KhalkalahQ.T.A.1953economics
Rivon le-MatematikahQ.Jer.1946mathematics
Rivon Merkaz ha-Beniyyah ha-Yisre'eliQ,T.A.1970building
Rivon Mishteret YisraelQ.T.A.1956–1965police
Ro'eh ha-ḤeshbonIrr.,T.A.1939–1946accounting
Rotary YisraelQ.Ramat Gan1960Rotary
Sa'adB-M.Jer.1957social welfare
SaddanIrr.T.A.-Jer.1924–1926lit.; organ of U.Ẓ. Greenberg
SadotIrr.T.A.1938–1945under various names – Ha-No'ar ha-Lomed
Sarid u-Falit1T.A.1945Judaic studies (mainly editions of manuscripts)
Sedarim1T.A.1942lit.; 4 vols.
SedemotIrr.T.A.1949–1954Ha-No'ar ha-Lomed
SedemotQ.T.A.1960previously Iḥud ha-Kevuẓot ve-ha-Kibbutzim, later youths from all various collective settlements
SefatenuIrr.Odessa-Berlin1917, 1923Hebrew language studies
Sefatenu1T.A.1927league of defenders of the Hebrew language
Sefer ha-MisḥarQ.T.A.1964–1967commerce
Sefer ha-Shanah – see also: ShenatonA.Warsaw1900–1906lit.; 5 vols
Sefer ha-ShanahA.Chicago1935–1959lit.; College of Jewish Studies
Sefer ha-ShanahA.N.Y.-T.A.1964history of Polish Jewry; first English, Hebrew, and Yiddish, 2–3 Yiddish and Hebrew
Sefer ha-Shanah be-Amerikah shelA.N.Y.1931–1947lit.; superseded by Yisrael
Histadrut Benei Ereẓ Yisrael
Sefer ha-Shanah le BibliografyahA.Warsaw1934Jewish bibliography in Poland; 1 vol.
Yehudit be-Polanyah
Sefer ha-Shanah ha-Em ve-ha-Yeled
–see: Ha-Em ve-ha-Yeled
Sefer ha-Shanah le-Anaf ha-BeniyyahA.T.A.1966, 1969building trade; in 1935 building annual issued
Sefer ha-Shanah li-Kehillot ve-IrgunimA.Jer.1970world Jewish communities and organizations annual
Sefer ha-Shanah li-Melekhet ha-DefusA.T.A.1938typography and printing; 1 vol.
Sefer ha-Shanah li-Yhudei AmerikahA.N.Y.1931–1949lit.; 11 vols. (2 doubles)
Sefer ha-Shanah li-Yhudei PolanyahA.Cracow, Poland1938Polish Jewry; 1 vol.
Sefer ha-Shanah shel Ereẓ YisraelA.T.A.1923–1926lit.
Sefer ha-Shanah shel ha-Ittona'imA.T.A.1942journalists and journalism
SefunotA.Jer.1956–1966research on the Jewish communities in the East
Sekirah ḤodshitM.T.A.1954monthly review and for the Israel Defense Forces
SemolIrr.T.A.1953–1954Moshe Sneh's organ, between his leaving Mapam and joining Maki
SenuitM.Lvov, Galicia1910–1912lit.
Sha'arei Beri'utM.T.A.1931–1932health and hygiene
Sha'arei HalakhotA.Jer.1966rabbinics
Sha'arei TorahM.Warsaw1907–1927rabbinics
Sha'arei ẒiyyonW.Jer.1876–1884in the first year partly in Yiddish; the first Yiddish newspaper in Ereẓ Israel
Sha'ar la-Kore he-ḤadashW.Jer.1961easy Hebrew, vocalized
Sha'ar ẒiyyonB-M.London1946religious, Judaic studies; partly in English
ShaḥmatIrr.T.A.-Haifa-Jer.1923, 1932chess – various newspapers under this name or Ha-Shaḥmat
1946, 1960
Shai1Jer.1925lit.; Hebrew writers for J.N.F.
Shallekhet1Lvov, Galicia1910lit.
ShalomIrr.T.A.1953–1956organ of the Peace Movement
Shanah be-ShanahA.Jer.1960religious, lit.; annual of Hechal Shlomo in Jer.; the first volume called: Halikhot
She'arimW., D.T.A.1945–1981Po'alei Agudat Israel from 1939; W. from 1949, daily from 1951
SheḥakimIrr.Kefar Ḥabad1969organ of Aircraft Industries
She'ifoteinuIrr., M.Jer.1927–1933organ of Bet Shalom (Jewish-Arab cooperation)
Shelabbim – see: Ha-Po'el ha-Vatik
SheluḥotM.Jer.1945–1962religious youth department of the Jewish Agency, continuation of Iggeret la-Golah
SheluḥotF.T.A.1950–1955department of Yemenites belonging to Mapai
Shelumei Emunei YisraelA.Odessa, Russia1898–1902lit.; 4 vols.
Shema'atinQ.Bene Berak1963organ of teachers of religious subjects in religious secondary schools
Shemoneh ba-ErevW.T.A.1968radio and T.V.
Shenaton – see also: Sefer ha-ShabatA.T.A.1951, 1953Agudat Israel-America
Agudat Yisrael-Amerikah
Shenaton ha-Aguddah ha-Yisre'lit le-ShikkumA.T.A.1964rehabilitation of invalids and soldiers
Shenaton ha-HistadrutA.T.A.1963sketches of Histadrut activities
Shenaton ha-Hitaḥadut le-A.T.A.1959football
Shenaton ha-MemshalahA.Jer.1949activities of the government; appears also in English as Government Yearbook
Shenation ha-Po'elA.T.A.1968sport
Shenation ha-Sefer – see: Jewish
Book Annual
Shenaton ha-StudentA.Jer.1965–1966students in Israel
Shenaton ha-TelevizyahA.Haifa1969T.V.
Shenaton ḤerutA.T.A.1953–1954activities of Ḥerut movement
Shenaton HidrologiA.Jer.1950hydrology
Shenaton le-Mishpat IvriA.Jer.1970Jewish law
Shenaton MassadahA.Ramat Gan19681967 events
Shenaton Statisti le-YisraelA.Jer.1950statistical summary
Shenaton Yedi'ot AḥaronotA.T.A.1966newspaper annual; also called Yedi'on
Shenaton Yisrael le-Ommanut ha-ẒillumA.T.A.1963photography
Shenayim PlusM.T.A.1970ill. entertainment magazine
Shevet va-AmA.Jer.1954–1960Sephardi Jews past and present
Shevilei ha-ḤinnukhF., Q.N.Y.1925–1930education
ShevilimIrr.T.A.1955–1958organ of Ha-No'ar ha-Ẓiyyoni
ShevilinS-A., A.T.A.1962organ of rabbis in Mizrachi and Ha-Po'el ha-Mizrachi movement
Shevut Teiman1T.A.1945history of Yemenite Jews; various booklets with this name concerning Yemenites issued in years 1940–44
ShibbolimF.N.Y.1909lit.; the first modern lit. journal in U.S.; 7 issues
ShittufM., B-M.T.A.1948organ of the central cooperative of the Histadrut
Shivat ẒiyyonA.Jer.1950–1956history of Zionism and the yishuv; 3 vols. (one double)
Shomer Ẓiyyon ha-Ne'emanIrr.Altona1846–1856rabbinics, Orthodox; 222 issues, new reprint
ShorashimIrr.Jer.1936–1953teachers' platform for Keren ha-Kayemeth
ShovalQ.T.A.1962–196720 issues; public council for culture and art
ShulamitF.Jer.1935women's magazine
ShurotIrr.Beltsy, Bessarabia1935–1937lit.
ShurotIrr.T.A.1938organ of clerks-office workers
Si'aḥIrr.T.A.1969New Left in Israel
Sifrei Sha'ashu'imIrr.Cracow-Buczacz, Galicia1896–1899lit.
Sifrut – see also: Ha-SifrutIrr.Warsaw1908–1909lit.; 4 issues
Sifrut Ẓe'irahW.Jer.1939lit.; organ of young writers
SignonB-M.T.A.1970architecture and interior design
SinaiA.Bucharest1928–1933Judaic studies; 5 vols
SinaiM.Jer.1937Judaic studies, rabbinics
Sport ba-Olam – see also: Ha-SportM.T.A.1964–1965sport
Sport ha-AmB-M.T.A.1947–1959sport; from 1951 W., from 1959 included in Davar
Sport ha-BokerW.T.A.1936sport; separate sport edition of Ha-Boker, afterward included in Ha-Boker
Sport ha-Shavu'aW.T.A.1947–1948sport
Sport KadduregelW.T.A.1965–1966soccer
Sport ve-TotoW.T.A.1968–1969sport and Toto (lottery)
Sport YisraelW.T.A.1949–1954sport
Sugyot1Givat Ḥavivah1956collection of studies from the Ha-Shomer ha-Za'ir on Jewish and general problems
SullamM.Jer.1949–1964theoretical organ of Leḥi members and their adherents in Ereẓ Israel
SuraA.Jer.1954–1964Judaic studies; 4 vols.
Ta'asiyyah u-MisḥarM.Jer.1959industry and trade
Ta'asiyyah ve-KhalkalahM.Jer.1937–1941industry and economics
TafritM.T.A.1949–1953entertainment – army
Taḥburah ve-TayyarutM.T.A.1962transport and tourism
TaḥkemoniIrr.Berne-Berlin-Jer.1910–1911Judaic studies; 2 issues
TalpiothQ.N.Y.1943–1963rabbinics and Judaic studies
Talpiyyot1Berdichev, Ukraine1895lit.; largest collection of its kind issued in those days
TalpiyyotW.Jassy (Iasi), Romania1898lit.; Zionist
TambirQ.T.A.1960costing and business economics
tarav(Tav Resh-Ayin-Vav)1Jer.1916Ereẓ Israel and Jerusalem in World War i
TarbizQ.Jer.1930Judaic studies; in the first years also humanities
TarbutM.Warsaw1922–1924Hebrew culture and education
TarbutB-M.London1944–1968lit.; from 1940 under various names
TashbeẓF., Irr.T.A.-Nahariyyah-Ramat Gan1954crossword
Tav-ShinA.T.A.1943–1956lit.; almanacs of Davar, some under different names
TaẓlilA.Haifa1960music research and bibliography
Te'atron ve-OmmanutM.T.A.-Jer.1925–1928theater and art
Tefuẓot YisraelB-M.Jer.1962Jewish life in the Diaspora
Teḥiyyah – see also: Ha-TeḥiyyahM.N.Y.1913lit.
Tekhnikah u-MaddaM.T.A.1937–1954popular science
Tekhunat ha-Ru'aḥ ha-Yisre'eli1N.Y.1889lit.
TekumahIrr.N.Y.1938–1939education and J.N.F.
TelamimIrr., Q.T.A.1933organ of the moshav movement
Telegramot AḥaronotD.T.A.1941independent afternoon paper
Tel-TalpiyyotF., Irr.Vac, Hungary1892–1938rabbinics; interruption during years 1921–22
TemurotM.T.A.1938General Zionist Labor movement, afterward Liberal
TeraklinM.T.A.1949–1965lit. and entertainment
Terapyah ShimmushitM.Petaḥ Tikvah1965physiotherapy
Terumah1T.A.1925lit.; Hebrew writers for J.N.F.
Tesha ba-Erev – see: Ha-Olam ha-Zeh
Tesha Tesha TeshaIrr.T.A.1953–1957police (named after the tel. no 999)
TevaiQ.T.A.1965architecture, town planning, plastic art
Teva u-Veri'utQ.Petaḥ Tikvah1956organ of vegetarians and naturalists
Teva va-Areẓ – see: Ha-teva ve-ha-Areẓ
TevunahIrr.Memel-Koenigsberg, E. Prussia1861rabbinics; organ of the Musar movement
TevunahIrr.Kovno, Lithuania1922–1924rabbinics
TevunahW., F.Jer.1932–1933religious
Torah mi-ẒiyyonIrr.Jer.1886–1906rabbinics
Torat Ereẓ YisraelM.Jer.1930–1955rabbinics; some interruptions
Torat ha-AreẓIrr.Petaḥ Tikvah1935–1938rabbinics
UdimIrr.Beltsy, Bessarabia1939lit.
UrimIrr.T.A.1935–1966education organ of Ha-Merkaz le-Ḥinnukh of the Histadrut; M.
M.from 1953
Urim le-HorimIrr. & M.T.A.1946education problems for parents; M. from 1954
Uvdot u-MisparimM.Jer.1947–1969facts and figures of the Keren Hayesod and the U.J.A.
UzzenuA.T.A.1949–1948sport annual of Hapoel
UzzenuF. &M.T.A.1933–1935sport organ of Hapoel
Va'ad ḤakhamimM.Jer.1923–1924rabbinics
Va-Yelakket YosefF.Bonyhad-Munkacs, Hungary1899–1918rabbinics
WIZO… – see Ha-Ishah be-Yisrael
Ya'adIrr.T.A.1962organ of Ha-No'ar ha-Oved ha-Le'ummi
Yadan Ma'arivA.T.A.1956Ma'ariv annual
Yad la-KoréB-M.T.A.1943–1944bibliography and librarianship
Yad la-KoréQ.T.A.-Jer.1946bibliography and librarianship
Yad la-Safran – see: Alim le-Bibliografyah u-le-Safranut
Yad Vashem – see also: Yedi'ot YadA.Jer.1957research on the Holocaust and Resistance
Yagdil TorahIrr.Odessa, Russia1879–1885rabbinics
Yagdil TorahIrr.Berlin1890–1893rabbinics
Yagdil TorahW. &M.Slutsk, Belorussia1908–1928rabbinics; with interruptions; the last rabbinical periodical in Russia
B-M. & Irr.
Yagdil TorahIrr.London1949–1959rabbinics
Yagdil TorahIrr.T.A.1962–1965history of Polish Jewry; Hebrew and Yiddish; 2 issues
YaḥdavM. &Irr.T.A.1953Ha-Kibbutz ha-Me'uḥad brigade
Yalkut ha-MikhvarotIrr.T.A.1949–1966bee breeding
Yalkut ha-Mizraḥ ha-TikhonM.Jer.1935–1951Middle East affairs
Yalkut ha-Re'imIrr.T.A.1942–1946lit.; organ of young writers; 4 issues
Yalkut Ma'araviA.N.Y.1904lit.
Yalkut MagenIrr.T.A.1956organ of the Association to Help Soviet Russian Jewry
Yalkut MoreshetS-A.T.A.1963research on the Holocaust; organ of the M. Anielewicz Institute for
& A.Research on the Holocaust at Yad Mordekha
Yalkut TekhniB-M.T.A.1955–1960institute for work productivity and production
Yalkut VohlinIrr.T.A.1945history of Volhynian Jews
Yarhon ha-Avodah – see also: Ha-M.T.A.1949–1958labor and social security (National Insurance)
Yarḥon ha-ḤazzanimM.Czestochowa, Poland1896song, music, ḥazzanut; the first of its kind in Hebrew; 4 issues
Yarḥon ha-No'ar ha-Musikali be-YisraelM.T.A.1957–1961music for youth
Yarḥon ha-SportM.T.A.1960–1961sport
Yarḥon Statisti la-Shetaḥim ha-M.T.A.1971statistics figures on the occupied territories
Yarḥon Statisti le-YisraelM. &Q.T.A.-Jer.1949statistical figures on all walks of life in Israel; some appendices
YavnehM.Lvov, Galicia1929–1931Judaic studies and lit.
YavnehA.Jer.1939–1942Judaic studies; 3 vols.
YavnehIrr.Jer.1946–1949organ of religious academicians
Yeda AmIrr.T.A.1948folklore
Yedi'on – see: Shenaton Yedi'ot
Yedi'on ha-Aguddah le-GerontologyahIrr.T.A.1945gerontology
Yedi'otA.Jer.1959–1966religious music; 8 vols.
Yedi'ot AḥaronotD.T.A.1939independent
Yedi'ot Arkhiyyon u-Muze'on ha-AvodahIrr.T.A.1933–1951history of the labor movement in Ereẓ Israel
Yedi'ot Beit Loḥamei ha-Getta'otIrr.Haifa1951–1960Holocaust research; organ of the Isaac Katznelson Institute for research on the Holocaust at kibbutz Loḥamei ha-getta'ot
Yedi'ot Ereẓ ve-EmunahIrr.T.A.1954religious J.N.F.
Yedi'ot GenazimIrr.T.A.1962documentation material on the history of Hebrew literature by the Genazim Institute
Yedi'ot ha-Ḥevrah le-Ḥakirat Ereẓ Yisrael va-AttikotehaQ.Jer.1933–1967archaeology of Palestine and Bible lands; superseded by Kadmoniyyot
Yedi'ot ha-Makhon le-Ḥeker ha-Shirah ha-IvritIrr.Berlin-Jer.1933–1958research on Hebrew poetry during the Middle Ages; from 4 vols.; in Jer. 7 vols.
Yedi'ot ha-Makhon le-Madda'ei ha-YahadutQ.Jer.1925the first publication of the Judaic Institute of the Hebrew University; 2 issues; superseded by Madda'ei ha-Yahadut
Yedi'ot ha-MazkirutIrr.T.A.1947Ha-Kibbutz ha-Me'uḥad secretariat; appeared under various names
Yedi'ot ha-Tenu'ah le-Aḥdut ha-Avodah – see: Aḥdut ha-Avodah
Yedi'ot Taḥanat ha-NissayonQ.Reḥovot-T.A.1926–1931agricultural research station of the Zionist movement; 4 vols.
Yedi'ot Yad VashemQ. & Irr.Jer.1954Holocaust research; Yad Vashem, Jer.
Yehudah vi-YerushalayimIrr.Jer.1877–1878newspaper interrupted by the editors on occasion of the founding of Petaḥ Tikvah; motif of settling Ereẓ Israel; new ed. 1955
YerushalayimA. & Irr.Vienna-Jer.1882–1919Palestinography and history of Ereẓ Israel; 13 vols.; the first of its kind in Hebrew
YerushalayimB-M.Cracow, Poland1900–1901bibliography
Yerushalayim1Jer.1913lit.; dedicated to Jerusalem
YerushalayimQ.Jer.1947–1955history of Ereẓ Israel and Jerusalem
YerushalayimA.Jer.1965lit.; the collection which was issued in 1968 was called Ve-li-Yrushalayim; a gift to those who fought in the Six-Day War
Yeshurun (Jeschurun)A.Lvov-Breslau-Bamberg1856–1878Judaic studies; 9 vols.; partly in German
YeshurunM.Bucharest1920–1923lit. and Judaic studies
YokhaniIrr.T.A.1961–1967lit.; 7 issues
Yosef Da'atF.Andianople, Turkey1888–1889Judaic studies; partly in Ladino
Yuval1Jer.1968studies in Jewish music
Ẓarekhanut ShittufitM.T.A.1959–1969economics and cooperatives; afterward incorporated into Davar
ẒelilimM.Jer.1940–1941music and art; 6 issues
Ẓelil va-OmerQ.Haifa1957–1962music for youth; 21 issues
ZemannimD.Jer.1953–1955Progressives newspaper
Zera'imM.Jer.-T.A.1936organ of Bnei Akiva, Mizrachi youth, the first two years irregular
Ẓeror MikhtavimIrr.T.A.1933–1951organ of Ha-Kibbutz ha-Me'uḥad; continuation of Iggerot mi-Bifenim 1929–1934
Ẓeror Mikhtavim li-She'elot ha-Ḥinnukh ha-MeshuttafIrr.T.A.1938pedagogical organ of Ha-Kibbutz ha-Me'uḥad; change of names
Zikhoronot Devrim shel ha-Aguddah ha-Mediẓinit ha-IvritIrr.Jaffa1912–1914the first medical journal in Hebrew; 5 issues (one double)
Zikhronot ha-Akademyah la-Lashon ha-IvritA.Jer.1949Hebrew language studies; until 1954; memoirs of Va'ad ha-Lashon
ẒiklonM.T.A.1953–1963included later in Ma'arekhet; world newspaper translations for soldiers
Ẓillum – see: Ha-Ẓillum
Ẓilẓelei Shama1Kharkov, Ukraine1923lit.; the only literary publication in Hebrew printed and edited in U.S.S.R.
Zimrat ha-AreẓQ.Jassy (Iasi), Romania1872lit.
ZionQ.Jer.1936history of Jews
Zion, Me'assefA.Jer.1926–1934history and ethnography of Jews; 6 vols.
Zion, Yedi'otM.Jer.1929–1931folklore and ethnography of Jews; 11 issues
Ẓippor ha-NefeshW.T.A.1964–1965humor and satire
ẒiyyonIrr. &Drohobycz,1885, 1888lit.
ẒiyyonA.Frankfurt1841–1842lit.; 2 vols.
Ẓiyyon he-Ḥadash1Leipzig1845lit.
Zo ha-DerekhW.T.A.–1965organ of Rakaḥ
ZoharM.Buenos Aires1961–1964lit.; joined later with Darom
Zot ha-AreẓT.A.1968organ of the Greater Israel Movement

[Getzel Kressel]

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