
© Oxford Dictionary of Rhymes 2007, originally published by Oxford University Press 2007.

Oxford Dictionary of Rhymes Oxford University Press


ShenzhenAdrienne, again, amen, Ardennes, Behn, Ben, Benn, Bren, cayenne, Cévennes, Dairen, den, en, fen, gen, glen, Glenn, Guyenne, Gwen, hen, julienne, Karen, ken, Len, Loren, men, Nene, Ogaden, paren, pen, Penn, Phnom Penh, Rennes, Shenzhen, Sun Yat-sen, ten, then, Tlemcen, when, wren, yen, zazen, Zen •Chechen • Nurofen • peahen •moorhen • Origen • allergen • admen •bagmen, ragmen, swagmen •packmen • gasmen • taxmen •jazzmen • ramen • yardmen • legmen •chessmen • repairmen • flamen •mailmen • cavemen • he-men •freedmen • milkmen • linkmen •middlemen • wingmen • hitmen •handymen • bogeymen • hymen •icemen • conmen • strongmen •lawmen, strawmen •cognomen, nomen, praenomen, snowmen •patrolmen • oilmen • Shumen •newsmen •frontmen, stuntmen •firemen, wiremen •anchormen • newspapermen •cameramen • motormen •weathermen • mermen • playpen •pigpen • fountain pen • bullpen •samisen • Leuven • Ceinwen •somewhen


Copyright The Columbia University Press

The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th ed. The Columbia University Press


Shenzhen (shĕn´jŭn´), city (1994 est. pop. 695,600), S Guangdong prov., China, on the South China Sea, N of Hong Kong. Designated a special economic zone in 1979 when it was undeveloped farming and fishing area with a small population, the city's spectacular economic and physical growth led China to create over a dozen more similar areas. Benefiting from its strategic position next to Hong Kong, Shenzhen has the largest per capita income of any city in China. Its manufactures include electronics, chemicals, processed foods, textiles, construction materials, and pharmaceuticals. Ports at Yantian, in E Shenzhen, and at Shekou and Chiwan, in W Shenzhen, serve the special economic zone. A major airport is located there and a superhighway connecting Shenzhen with Guangzhou was completed in 1994.


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