Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada

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Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada

Canada Graduate Scholarships Program (Graduate/Scholarship)
Major Collaborative Research Initiatives Grants (Graduate/Grant)
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Standard Research Grants (Doctorate, Graduate/Grant)
SSHRC Doctoral Fellowships Program (Doctorate/Fellowship, Scholarship)

350 Albert St.
PO Box 1610
Ottawa, ON, Canada K1P 6G4
Ph: (613)995-4273
E-mail: [email protected]

Canada Graduate Scholarships Program (Graduate/Scholarship)

Purpose: To develop research skills and assist in the training of highly-qualified personnel by supporting students in the social sciences and humanities who demonstrate a high standard of achievement in undergraduate and early graduate studies. Focus: Humanities; Social sciences. Qualif.: Applicant must: be a citizen or permanent resident of Canada; be applying for support to pursue his/her first graduate degree and have not completed more than 12 months of full-time graduate study at the proposed start date of the award; have achieved a first-class average, as determined by his or her university, in each of the last two years of full-time study; have not already received an award for master's-level study from SSHRC, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council or Canadian Institute of Health Research; must not be applying for graduate funding from NSERC or CIHR; not be pursuing a degree program that combines undergraduate and graduate studies. At the time of taking up the award applicants must: be registered full-time at a recognized Canadian university; be in the first year of a master's program in the social sciences or humanities that includes advanced research training. Criteria: Selection will be based on the academic excellence, research potential and communication skills.

Funds Avail.: $17,500. To Apply: Applicants must complete the application form and the required attachments. Applicants will find the application instructions inside their application when they begin to create it online. Applicants must determine their current applicant status and submit their complete application to the appropriate institution. Contact: Canada Graduate Scholarships, SSHRC, 613-943-7777, [email protected].

Major Collaborative Research Initiatives Grants (Graduate/Grant)

Purpose: To support leading edge research with true potential breakthrough that addresses broad and critical issues of intellectual, social, economic, and cultural significance through the effective coordination and integration of diverse research activities and research results. Focus: Humanities; Social sciences. Qualif.: Applicants must be Project Directors, Research Teams or Foreign Researchers. Applications must be submitted by the director on behalf of the research team. The project director must satisfy all the regular eligibility requirements for an applicant as set out in the definitions section. The research team must represent a minimum of two Canadian postsec-ondary institutions (including the Canadian host institution) and must include sufficient members to cover the diverse perspective and expertise required by the breadth of the research questions outlined in the proposal. The team may include co-applicants (co-investigators) and collaborators in accordance with SSHRC definitions. In accordance with SSHRC's policy of encouraging international collaboration, provided that their benefit to the project is demonstrated, researchers affiliated with foreign institutions may be invited to join MCRI teams as co-applicants and have access to research funds for work carried out as part of Canadian-led teams. Criteria: Selection will be based on the following criteria: quality, significance, breadth and scope of the proposed research; strength and skills of the Project Director; strength and expertise of the team; student training; dissemination strategies; and budget justification.

Funds Avail.: No specific amount. To Apply: For the letter of intent stage, the applicants must complete a web-page application. This includes an outline of the proposal that clearly identifies the critical issue or issues to be addressed and that takes into account all the program's evaluation criteria. Only those successful applicants at the letter of intent stage are invited to submit a formal application. Deadline: January 31 - Letter of Intent. Contact: Brenda Werrell, MCRI Program Coordinator, 613-947-9659, [email protected].

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Standard Research Grants (Doctorate, Graduate/Grant)

Purpose: To support research and develop excellence in the social sciences and humanities. Focus: Humanities; Social Sciences. Qualif.: For standard research grants, there are two categories of eligible applicants: applicant/principal investigator; co-applicant/co-investigator. There are three other categories of eligible participants: research collaborator, student assistant, and other assistants and support staff. Postdoctoral applicants must establish an affiliation with an eligible postsecondary institution. Students enrolled in a program of study are not eligible to apply. A PhD candidate, however, whether holding a faculty position or not, is eligible to receive a Standard Research Grant if he or she: has met all requirements for the PhD by the year in which the grant is awarded; has established a formal affiliation with a Canadian postsecondary institution and maintains such an affiliation for the duration of the grant period. Criteria: Selection will be based on a competitive process.

Funds Avail.: Maximum of $100,000. To Apply: Successful applicants may submit only one application as a principal investigator within any three-year period. Researchers applying for programs of research of less than three years must explain why a shorter period is appropriate. Under normal circumstances, if an applicant submits a request for one- or two-year funding and is granted an award, he/she is not eligible to apply again as a principal investigator until the next three-year cycle. If, however, the applicant believes there are exceptional and substantive scholarly reasons for re-applying within the three-year cycle, he or she may submit an application accompanied by a one-page letter justifying the exceptional circumstances. If an applicant submits a request for three-year funding, but on the scholarly recommendation of the adjudication committee is granted an award for one or two years only, the applicant is automatically eligible to re-apply within the three-year period. Deadline: October 15. Contact: SSHRC at the above address (see entry 6417).

SSHRC Doctoral Fellowships Program (Doctorate/Fellowship, Scholarship)

Purpose: To develop research skills and assist in the training of highly-qualified academic personnel by supporting students who demonstrate a high standard of scholarly achievement in undergraduate and graduate studies in the social sciences and humanities. Focus: Humanities; Social sciences. Qualif.: Applicant must: be a citizen or permanent resident of Canada; be applying for support to pursue their first PhD; be pursuing doctoral studies (or a combined MA/PhD) in the social sciences and humanities; not have already received a scholarship or fellowship from SSHRC, NSERC or CIHR to undertake or complete a doctoral degree or combined MA/PhD; not be applying in the current academic year to NSERC or CIHR; and not be pursuing a degree program that combines undergraduate and graduate degrees. CGS Doctoral Scholarships are tenable only at recognized universities in Canada; SSHRC Doctoral Fellowships are tenable at any recognized university in Canada or abroad, provided that the award holder has completed at least one previous degree at a Canadian university. On the proposed start date of the award, applicants must: be registered as a full-time student undertaking or continuing a doctoral program in the social sciences or humanities; and not have exceeded the allowable number of months already spent in doctoral study, as set out in the section above. Criteria: Selection will be based on academic merit.

Funds Avail.: $35,000/annum - Doctoral Scholarships; $20,000 - SSHRC Doctoral Fellowships. To Apply: Applicants must ensure that they meet the requirements; complete and submit only one application form with the required attachments. Applicants will find the application instructions inside their application when they begin to create it online. Applicants must determine their current registration status and submit their complete application to the appropriate institution. Candidates eligible for both the CGS Doctoral Scholarship and the SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship will be considered for both awards. All candidates will be assigned a rank order on the basis of the selection committee's recommendations. Contact: Fellowships and Institutional Grants Division, SSHRC, 613-943-7777, [email protected]

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