Vachell, Eleanor (1879–1948)

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Vachell, Eleanor (1879–1948)

Welsh botanist. Born Eleanor Vachell, 1879, in Wales; died Dec 6, 1948; dau. of Dr. C. T. Vachell (botanist, died 1914).

Collected specimens with father; observed all but 13 out of 1,800 species of native British plants; during WWI, cared for National Museum of Wales' herbarium; for a time, was the only female member of National Museum of Wales' court of governors and council; discovered a microspecies (early 1930s), which was named in her honor (Taraxacum vachellii); discovered a new hybrid, mudwort (Limosella); observed Italian lords-and-ladies (Arum italicum neglectum), a rare species, in the Dinas Powis area; left a wildflower collection and funding to National Museum of Wales; wrote a weekly column on wildflowers for Western Mail (1921–40s); was 1st female member of Cardiff Naturalists' Society (1903) and served as its 1st woman president (1932–33); elected fellow of Linnean Society (1917) and Wild Flower Society.

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