Zea Aguilar, Leopoldo (1912–2004)
Zea Aguilar, Leopoldo (1912–2004)
Leopoldo Zea Aguilar (b. 30 June 1912, d. 8 June 2004), Mexican philosopher and scholar. One of the leading intellectual historians and philosophers in Latin America, Zea obtained undergraduate and graduate degrees from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). His distinguished career included important administrative positions, an impressive publication record, and the mentorship of generations of Latin American students. Among his most celebrated books are: El apogeo y decadencia del positivismo en Mexico (1944), Dos etapas del pensamiento hispanoamericano (1949), América en la historia (1957), and Filosofía de la historia de América (1976). He received numerous academic awards from all over the world and was instrumental in the development of Latin American intellectual centers and scholarship throughout Latin America.
See alsoPhilosophy: Overview .
Additional Bibliography
Federación Internacional de Estudios sobre América Latina. Leopoldo Zea y la cultura. Mexico City: UNAM, Centro Coordinador y Difusor de Estudios Latinoamericanos, 2005.
Zea Aguilar, Leopoldo. Impulsemos la integración y la uni-dad de nuestros pueblos. Mexico City: Asociación por la Unidad de Nuestra América-México, 2003.
David Maciel